Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bacopa Preventing Alzheimer's and Dementia

What is Bacopa?

An extract of a little-known herb called Bacopa can dramaticallyincrease your brain function and memory � and may even help prevent dementiaand Alzheimer's disease. Its therapeutic use has its origins from traditionalAyurvedic medicine in India, where it has been used for its adaptogenic,tranquilizing and antioxidant properties.

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Bacopa is a creeping perennial herb that can be found in Nepal, China,India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Vietnam and some parts of the United States,including Hawaii, Florida and other Southern states. Bacopa (also called Bacopamonnieri or brahmi) thrives in wetlands, on muddy shores and around pondsor bog gardens. Be careful not to confuse brahmi (Bacopamonnieri) with gotu kola and other natural medicines that are also sometimescalled brahmi.

Used in India for thousands of years for both traditional and medicinalpurposes, Bacopa had a central role in religious consecration ceremonies forinfants: The botanical was believed to open a gateway to intelligence forchildren.

Bacopa herb contains many compounds including bacopasaponins such asbacoside A, bacopaside II, bacopaside I, bacopaside X, bacopasaponin,bacopaside N2 and minor components bacopasaponin F, bacopasaponin E, bacopasideN1 bacopaside III, bacopaside IV and bacopaside V. The total saponin content insamples, plant materials and extracts vary from 5 to 22%. Dammarane-typetriterpenoid saponins classified as pseudojujubogenin and jujubogeninglycosides are reported as some of active components in this plant.

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Shamanic Memory

Researchers may first have been intrigued by Bacopa monnieribecause of the effect they believed it had on ancient shamans, who reportedlyused the herb to help them memorize epic poems. Researchers theorized thatperhaps the Bacopa plant enhanced the shamans' brain function and improvedtheir memory, concentration and recall. It's no wonder researchers suspected alink, since some of these epic poems � when they were finally written down �exceeded 900 pages, and the shamans could recite them word for word!

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Mind Booster

Today, modern science is confirming traditional wisdom about Bacopa. Inresearch conducted in Australia and the United States, Bacopa improved studysubjects' ability to retain new information � and it also helped them increasetheir visual processing speed in as little as three weeks.

Research into the benefits of Bacopa includes:
  • A study by the psychology department at the University of Wollongong in Australia that demonstrated Bacopa could increase memory and recall ability.
  • Research in 1996 presented at the International Brain Research Conference that showed that Bacopa reduced the time needed to learn new tasks by almost half. Participants taking Bacopa mastered mental exercises in as little as six days compared to 10 days for the control group.
  • An extensive 2001 rigorous, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled experiment in Victoria, Australia confirmed the herb's benefits for learning. After 12 weeks, those taking Bacopa scored significantly better on all higher order cognitive processing tests.

Bacopa monnieri has beenextensively tested and proven as a memory and concentration enhancer, but thebenefits of Bacopa extend to other mental and emotional functions, as well.
In many areas of the world, Bacopa is also used to treat:
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Epilepsy
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Mental deficiency

Bacopa MayCombat Cognitive Decline

In addition to its short-term cognitive benefits, Bacopa may also preventlong-term cognitive decline. A study in the Journal of Alternative andComplementary Medicine showed that elderly participants who used 300 mg perday of Bacopa demonstrated improved mental functions in comparison to a placebogroup. Improvement was most profound in the areas of attention andverbal-information processing � and researchers concluded that Bacopa could beeffective in preventing cognitive decay.

Since research has shown a link between mild cognitive decline andeventual dementia and Alzheimer's disease, preventing even mild memorydifficulties may play an important role in warding off those memory-relateddiseases that are so prevalent among baby boomers and elderly people.

News of the many health benefits of Bacopa recently seeped intomainstream news. In his TV show on May 30, 2011, Dr. Mehmet Oz (also known as"America's Doctor") recommended Bacopa for brain health. Dr. Oz said, "BacopaMonnieri will make you smarter, enhance your memory and help you focus better."

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Mechanism ofaction

Bacopa contains bacosides A and B, which enhance neuron repair and speed upinformation transfer between brain cells. This herb also has powerful antioxidantproperties which protect the brain cells from damage.

The mode of action of brain cell protective effects is due to theantioxidants that suppress neuronal oxidative stress and theacetylcholinesterase inhibitory activities. Treating patients with bacopaextract may be a way to treat neurodegenerative disorders associated withoxidative stress as well as perhaps Alzheimer's disease.

There is some evidence to suggest that itmight relax muscles in the blood vessels, airways, and the small intestine. Itmight also act as a tranquilizer to promote relaxation as well as a painreliever.

How to UseBacopa

Adults can use a dosage of Bacopa herb between 200 mg to 500 mg a fewtimes a week. Many preparations are in the form of extracts with variouspotencies. If you buy a bacopa extract product, your dosage would be less thanthat of the regular bacopa powder. How much less depends on how potent andconcentrated the extract.

A 225 mg tablet of Bacopa taken up to three times daily is recommendedby many health practitioners, although consultation with a qualified herbalistis advised to determine your ideal dosage.

To be most effective, Bacopa extract is usually taken in the recommendeddosage daily for 12 weeks. In low doses, Bacopa is mild and non-addictive.Although overdose is uncommon, Bacopa has been known to be toxic in very highdoses, so caution is advised. However, it is reported that any symptoms oftoxicity will immediately subside once Bacopa supplementation is discontinued.

Bacopa is relatively inexpensive and can be found at health food storesand through a variety of online retailers.

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Precautions and SideEffects

Women who are pregnant or nursing should first talk to their doctorbefore taking. Bacopa also may cause sleepiness if taken in high doses.

Sources andAdditional Information:

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