Sunday, November 20, 2011

4 Free Services to Unfollow Inactive Followers: Twitter Tips and Tricks

  1. ManageFlitter

Formerly known asManageTwitter, ManageFlitter is considered by many as one of the bestapplication for unfollowing Twitter users. It is a very simple, bur features-richand powerful, tool to unfollow on Twitter. This app may take a couple ofminutes to load if you have multiple followers, but it allows you to quicklyunfollow lots of people in few steps.  It loads all the people who you arefollowing, and points out on the people who are not following you back, givingyou an easy opportunity to select uses you would like to stop following. Clickthe "Unfollow" button, and the request will be instantly filled. Thisis also the only application that gives you the option to unfollow people whoare inactive, haven't tweeted in a while, or have not posted aprofile picture.

At the top of eachpage is a nifty ordering tool. This tool allows you to rearrange the people inthe list below. It's a fast way to find out which accounts you follow have themost followers. Maybe you'd like to find the people who haven't tweeted for thelongest time. You can do this by ordering based on their last tweet time.

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  1. JustUnfollow

JustUnfollow makes it easy to unfollow those who are not following youback on Twitter. It displays 50 of your non-followers at a time and lets youdecide whom you would like to un-follow and whom you would prefer keepfollowing. It uses Twitter oath for authentication so your password won't getleaked in the process; signing in process requires using your Twitter account.

Note that free accounts can unfollow up to 50 users in a day. If youare searching for a bulk unfollow twitter app then you should know bulkunfollows aren't allowed by twitter. You get to check and unfollow only thoseusers that you want to.

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  1. The Unfollow App

As the service name suggests, The Unfollow App offers you to clean upyour Twitter directory by un-following those who are inactive and do not followyou back. The application recommends you these profiles and even gives you thedetailed information of all the connected users in your social network. Therefore,the Unfollow App makes it easy for you to make informative decision on whom tofollow and unfollow on Twitter.

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  1. Twit Cleaner

Twit Cleaner is helpful because it analyzes the Twitter users youfollow and presents you with a (free) report highlighting those who you maywant to unfollow for one reason or another. The application isespecially useful if you like to keep the Tweeter account as clean as possible,removing not just inactive uses, but may be active as well, whose activity doesnot meet your desired requirements to your Twitter profile page.

This application allows you to analyse the people you follow indetails, locating time wasters, spammers, the boring posters, bots etc.,providing you with smart recommendations on how to improve your own Twitterpresence.

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