Monday, September 5, 2011

Symmetrical Face: Funny Online Images Generator

You want to investigate on how symmetrical is your face? Or you just want to have some image fun with no substantial time and thoughts investment? Come to PicHacks and give a try.

The idea is quite simple and straightforward. Simply upload any digital image and PicHacks splits the photo in two pieces and joins the halves for a "Chimera" creation, duplicating the right part, making symmetrical image, and then left part, making one more symmetrical image. So, from scientific point of view, you can see exactly how symmetrical your face is. From pure fun perspectives, you can get quite unusually funny creations. Operations do not require registrations and login, and take less than a minute of your time.

If you want to see how symmetrical your face is, use a forward facing picture with your head held perfectly straight. When placing the midline try to position it directly in the middle of the nose. If you want funny results, experiment with different angles, tilted heads, and placing the midline in different places. Play around with it and have fun.

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For purpose of illustrating the service performance, I have located face picture of Angelina Jolie. An original image and two aftermath images are provided below.

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1 comment:

white cloud ecigs said...

this face editors are now being applied on some software programs and cellphone applications were in you can edit your face.