Thursday, September 29, 2011

How TheStreet helps you to become better investor?

We would like topresent one of the best known on the Web resource for stock traders � The Street. We will let specialists togive their overviews and ratings of the site, so you can decide how it can helpto in successful investment strategy development.

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TheStreet Self-Presentation

TheStreet is aleading digital financial media company whose network of digital servicesprovides users, subscribers and advertisers with a variety of content and toolsthrough a range of online, social media, tablet and mobile channels. Ourmission is to provide the most actionable ideas from the world of investing,finance and business in order to break down information barriers, level theplaying field and help all individuals and organizations grow their wealth.With an unmatched suite of digital services, TheStreet offers all of the toolsand insight needed to make the best decisions about earning, investing, savingand spending money.

Since its inceptionin 1996, TheStreet has distinguished itself from other financial mediacompanies with its journalistic excellence, unbiased approach and interactivemultimedia coverage of the financial markets, economy, industry trends,investment and financial planning.

Marketheist Review (,co-Founded by Jim Cramer, has a plethora of resources that range from free news,commentary, analysis and charting and quotes to paid subscription products suchas Real Money, Action Alert Plus and Daily Swing Trade. has a lot of credible products and commentary on their website,it's extremely difficult for any beginner investor to discern what products arebest for their investment time horizon and their risk appetite. This website ismostly targeted at investors who want some quick trading ideas, whether stocks,ETFs, or options, and who don't want to deal with all of the countless hours ofanalysis themselves. While a lot of these products are extremely usefulespecially for the beginner trader, a lot of the advice and recommendationsgiven within the subscription services and in market analysis are too broad.This makes it difficult for investors to understand the exact investmentquality of the recommendation and whether or not it's suitable for them touse.  However, the quality of the traders on this site is extremelyprofessional, and the knowledge and experience that they have to offer isreally valuable.  As professionals trading a lot of money, you can learn alot about the markets and how money managers think, but what works for themdoesn't always work for the small individual investor because we don't havethat much money to work with.

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Portfoliobuzz Review (

TheStreet.Com is amini-conglomerate of free and subscriber services. It could also be called the Empirethat Jim Cramer Built. With the advent of Jim Cramer's Mad Money and with his constant referencesto the charitable trust, TheStreet.Com and RealMoney.Com Portfolio Buzz decideda visit to the empire was required!

TheStreet.Com is amulti-authored blog where articles and commentaries are cross-referenced todifferent topics and/or web locations and authors. Much of the information isfree and accessible by any site visitor. If a visitor strays into subscriberterritory, then Cramer pops up to help you get a free trial or to subscribe.

Most of the high-powered subscriber services are located at Real Money.Com,which appears to be just a secure section within TheStreet.Com itself. Accessto RealMoney.Com is through the high-level navigation at the top of theStreet.Com page. However, just to confuse the visitor a bit, there are alsofree services listed on RealMoney.Com, much of which duplicates what isavailable on TheStreet.Com's home page.

Subscriber services are focused on consumers and professionals. There are 13consumer-oriented services plus a bundled subscription that covers a populargroup of individual subscriptions. These services include such topics as "Stocks under $10, "Value Investor" and Cramer's "Action Alerts Plus" which addresses stock actions within hisCharitable Trust Portfolio. There are 2 subscriber services for Professionalsincluding "The Street View" which is a real-time discussion for hedgefund managers and other buy-side professionals.

Other features include the video-based " TV" which highlights Cramer's discussions of stocks and the market,comments by other TheStreet.Com contributors and staff, and interviews withWall Street professionals and Industry executives.

TheStreet.Com also provides a nifty calendar of economic data coming during theweek and a calendar of earnings release dates, each of which can highlight keycatalysts for stock and market movement.

All in all, a comprehensive website with the kind of current, expert articlesand opinions necessary to get homework done before making investing decisions. 

While TheStreet.Comcontent is excellent, the website is not easy to use.

Primary navigation is focused on three major sub-divisions: TheStreet.Com,RealMoney.Com and Street Insight. Some free services are duplicated betweenTheStreet and RealMoney, such as all accessible Cramer items and Video andAudio features. Yet, it looks like RealMoney is supposed to be fullysubscription based. Street Insight is the only place where professionalservices are available, yet, most visitors will try going there (professionalor not) because the website design directs a visitor in that direction. For thefirst time visitor, this high level confusion can dampen enthusiasm for thesite.

There are lots and lots of ads and sponsoring partner banners; lots of blinkinglights. And, offers for subscription services and free trials show up everywhere.While the primary purpose of the website is to make money for the owners, manyvisitors will retreat and never consider the content because of the emphasis onmarketing.

TheStreet Ratings

While you got somethoughts for consideration from specialists, it is nice to know, what simpleinvestors, like you and me say about, isn't it?

  • The site rating at famous rating site Epinions is 4 out of 5, based on 9 reviews.
  • The site rating at Investimonials is 3 out of 5, based on 15 reviews.

So, may be, it istime to check for yourself? You can start from exploring free service offeredby this site, and you may decide later to purchase certain premium services.

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