Friday, September 30, 2011

Free Real-time Website Tracking with Google Analytics

Google Analytics has been the leader of web analyticssoftware and services for a while already, but there was one area where theysuffered from the competition: real time statistics. It is an exceptionallyuseful tool for those who participate in the Google AdSense context advertisingprogram, and need to measure the instant effect of the new posts, interfacechanges, new program launches on their sites.

Until recently, you were not able to see how many visitors arevisiting your site at that particular moment, what pages they were visiting,where they were coming from and so on. Yesterday, September 29, Googleannounced adding new features to Analytics, including real time tracking.

Through their own words:
The web is gettingfaster, and not just the speed of the pages, but also the speed of change.Before, it was fine to build a website and modify it only when new productswere launched. All of us avid Analytics users know that's just not good enough.We need to be constantly on the lookout for problems and opportunities.

Currently, GoogleAnalytics does a great job analyzing past performance. Today we're very excitedto bring real time data to Google Analytics with the launch of Google AnalyticsReal-Time: a set of new reports that show what's happening on your site as ithappens.

You'll find the Real-Time reports only in the new version ofGoogle Analytics. If you're not already using the new version, you can start byclicking the "New Version" link in the top right of Google Analytics. Real-Timereports are in the Dashboards tab (though they will move to the Home tab in theupdated interface next week). You will have access to Real-Time reports if youare an Administrator on your Analytics account, or if you have access to aprofile without profile filters. Real-Time does not support profile filters.

Note that while the features were enabled for multiple users already, everybodywill have eventually the access to Real-Time in coming weeks. If you can'twait, you can sign up for early access through the following link:

Real-Time Analytics allows you to instantly track theefficacy of social media campaigns. By tagging links that you share on Facebookand Twitter with tags related to your marketing campaign, you can track theexact impact of those links. If you need to know how to do that, here'sthe link.

While the free real-time stats for Google Analytics remainfree for its users, this week it also introduced Google AnalyticsPremium, its first paid offering for larger websites. While Google's freeoffering tops out its data collection at 10 million website visitors per month,its new paid plan offers more data collection, additional modeling tools andservice support. When Google called this service "Premium", it wasn'tkidding. The service costs $150,000 per year--far out of the reach of mostsmall and midsize businesses (SMB), according to Forrester analyst JosephStanhope. But for the large businesses it should be an extremely robust tool.One feature alone--downloadable unsampled reports--sounds temptingly like itwould let you download your own data about your Web properties from Google.The 24-hour live technical support is attractive--especially to the lesstech-savvy at larger corporations who may miss out on key data with the currentGoogle Analytics.

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Longevity insurance: Lifetime income if you live long enough

Odds are growing that you'll live past 85. But will your money last that long? What if you make it to 100? Indeed, as life expectancies rise, a growing number of Americans are spending more years in retirement than they counted on -- a positive trend overall, but one that also puts them at risk of outliving their assets. In financial jargon, it's called longevity risk.

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"Running out of money in retirement is going to be an increasing problem since a lot of people who used to have pension plans with lifetime income now only have defined contribution plans, like a 401(k). So they've got this lump of savings that they have to try and figure out how to make last," says Joseph Tomlinson, a Certified Financial Planner in Greenville, Maine.

With life spans lengthening, those nearing retirement may want to consider financial protection against the possibility of outliving their cash. It is now increasingly available in the form of longevity insurance, which usually involves giving a sum of money to an insurer when you are in your 60s in exchange for monthly payments that start at 80 or 85 and continue for the rest of your life.

New York Life Insurance Co. began offering a policy in July, joining MetLife, Symetra Financial, and the Hartford, among others.

But it is not just about insurance companies looking to make money off aging baby boomers. Retirement experts and some financial advisers say it can make a lot of sense for those who have enough savings to be able to spare a small portion in exchange for a future monthly income they cannot outlive.

"This is something that people ought to be thinking about as they approach retirement," said Anthony Webb, research economist for the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.

Longevity insurance is the relatively new term for an annuity designed to cover the latter years of retirement. An annuity is an investment product in which you typically pay an insurance company a lump sum and get back a stream of payments for life.

Certain annuities have sullied the category name for being complex and loaded with fees - mostly variable annuities, in which the value can sink with stock market declines. But more financial advisers are touting annuities as a way to receive the guaranteed lifetime income pensions once provided.

With a longevity annuity, income is fixed and starts at a specified age, frequently 85.

Under MetLife's "maximum income" version, for example, a woman who buys longevity insurance with a $100,000 lump sum at age 65 could receive annual income of $59,010 starting at 85. That would not be enough to cover a year of nursing-home care, but as supplementary income it would go a long way toward covering living expenses. Payouts are higher for men because of shorter average life spans. A 65-year-old man purchasing $100,000 of insurance would get $73,580 annually from MetLife at age 85.

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If you die before payments start, the money you gave the insurance company is gone.

Insurers do offer alternative versions that guarantee death benefits to heirs, allow clients to start collecting income whenever they need it, or even let them out of the contract. But those conditions can double the price paid.

Buying this protection serves dual purposes. It ensures a predictable stream of income for your later years. And defining the exact time period that savings have to cover - say, from age 65 to 85 - allows retirees to spend more confidently and invest more aggressively without fear of running out later.

"If you have one of these that kicks in at 85, it becomes a much simpler problem of how to spend down one's wealth," Webb said.

Demand for this insurance is low so far. But rising life expectancy should help it grow. After all, for a reasonably healthy 65-year-old couple, chances are 63 percent that one of them will live until 90, 36 percent that one will make it to 95, and 14 percent that one will reach 100, the Society of Actuaries said.

Jason Scott, managing director of the Financial Engines Retiree Research Center, calls longevity insurance an efficient way of handling the risk. "It's really expensive for an individual to plan for a life that might last to 100," he said.

Longevity insurance doesn't make sense for the very rich or the poor, who have no wealth to spare. But it should interest those of somewhat above-average income, said Webb, who also suggests buying some form of inflation protection.

But even those who find it a good fit for their finances are not advised to spend any more than 20 percent of their assets. And though the price is lower if you buy it younger, most experts do not recommend getting coverage until you're in your 60s. However, before you decide that this type of investment is right for you, consider carefully all the advantages and disadvantages.

What are the Advantages of Longevity Insurance Annuities?

Some of the advantages include:
  • Longevity insurance may give a guaranteed income later in life when retirement funds may get stretched or start to run out.
  • This retirement planning solution can give a useful income boost at an age when expenses (i.e. medical and care costs) may be getting more expensive.
  • These options can be set up later in life which may suit those whose planning has started late or that may not have built up enough income for a long retirement.
  • These annuities are often cheaper to buy and give better returns than standard products.
  • Some can be set up to pay death benefits if the individual dies before their annuity matures.
  • Some products can give earlier payout dates if the individual wishes.

What are the Disadvantages of Longevity Insurance?

Some of the downsides to longevity insurance include:
  • Standard longevity annuities will only pay out if the individual reaches the age of maturity and may give no payment at all if they die before that date.
  • Arranging for the annuity to mature at an earlier age may increase the cost of buying the product and decrease the guaranteed income that is paid out.
  • Setting up a death benefit option can make these annuities more expensive to buy.
  • Many options will pay a fixed amount that will not rise with inflation so payouts may be worth less in the future.

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Thursday, September 29, 2011

How TheStreet helps you to become better investor?

We would like topresent one of the best known on the Web resource for stock traders � The Street. We will let specialists togive their overviews and ratings of the site, so you can decide how it can helpto in successful investment strategy development.

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TheStreet Self-Presentation

TheStreet is aleading digital financial media company whose network of digital servicesprovides users, subscribers and advertisers with a variety of content and toolsthrough a range of online, social media, tablet and mobile channels. Ourmission is to provide the most actionable ideas from the world of investing,finance and business in order to break down information barriers, level theplaying field and help all individuals and organizations grow their wealth.With an unmatched suite of digital services, TheStreet offers all of the toolsand insight needed to make the best decisions about earning, investing, savingand spending money.

Since its inceptionin 1996, TheStreet has distinguished itself from other financial mediacompanies with its journalistic excellence, unbiased approach and interactivemultimedia coverage of the financial markets, economy, industry trends,investment and financial planning.

Marketheist Review (,co-Founded by Jim Cramer, has a plethora of resources that range from free news,commentary, analysis and charting and quotes to paid subscription products suchas Real Money, Action Alert Plus and Daily Swing Trade. has a lot of credible products and commentary on their website,it's extremely difficult for any beginner investor to discern what products arebest for their investment time horizon and their risk appetite. This website ismostly targeted at investors who want some quick trading ideas, whether stocks,ETFs, or options, and who don't want to deal with all of the countless hours ofanalysis themselves. While a lot of these products are extremely usefulespecially for the beginner trader, a lot of the advice and recommendationsgiven within the subscription services and in market analysis are too broad.This makes it difficult for investors to understand the exact investmentquality of the recommendation and whether or not it's suitable for them touse.  However, the quality of the traders on this site is extremelyprofessional, and the knowledge and experience that they have to offer isreally valuable.  As professionals trading a lot of money, you can learn alot about the markets and how money managers think, but what works for themdoesn't always work for the small individual investor because we don't havethat much money to work with.

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Portfoliobuzz Review (

TheStreet.Com is amini-conglomerate of free and subscriber services. It could also be called the Empirethat Jim Cramer Built. With the advent of Jim Cramer's Mad Money and with his constant referencesto the charitable trust, TheStreet.Com and RealMoney.Com Portfolio Buzz decideda visit to the empire was required!

TheStreet.Com is amulti-authored blog where articles and commentaries are cross-referenced todifferent topics and/or web locations and authors. Much of the information isfree and accessible by any site visitor. If a visitor strays into subscriberterritory, then Cramer pops up to help you get a free trial or to subscribe.

Most of the high-powered subscriber services are located at Real Money.Com,which appears to be just a secure section within TheStreet.Com itself. Accessto RealMoney.Com is through the high-level navigation at the top of theStreet.Com page. However, just to confuse the visitor a bit, there are alsofree services listed on RealMoney.Com, much of which duplicates what isavailable on TheStreet.Com's home page.

Subscriber services are focused on consumers and professionals. There are 13consumer-oriented services plus a bundled subscription that covers a populargroup of individual subscriptions. These services include such topics as "Stocks under $10, "Value Investor" and Cramer's "Action Alerts Plus" which addresses stock actions within hisCharitable Trust Portfolio. There are 2 subscriber services for Professionalsincluding "The Street View" which is a real-time discussion for hedgefund managers and other buy-side professionals.

Other features include the video-based " TV" which highlights Cramer's discussions of stocks and the market,comments by other TheStreet.Com contributors and staff, and interviews withWall Street professionals and Industry executives.

TheStreet.Com also provides a nifty calendar of economic data coming during theweek and a calendar of earnings release dates, each of which can highlight keycatalysts for stock and market movement.

All in all, a comprehensive website with the kind of current, expert articlesand opinions necessary to get homework done before making investing decisions. 

While TheStreet.Comcontent is excellent, the website is not easy to use.

Primary navigation is focused on three major sub-divisions: TheStreet.Com,RealMoney.Com and Street Insight. Some free services are duplicated betweenTheStreet and RealMoney, such as all accessible Cramer items and Video andAudio features. Yet, it looks like RealMoney is supposed to be fullysubscription based. Street Insight is the only place where professionalservices are available, yet, most visitors will try going there (professionalor not) because the website design directs a visitor in that direction. For thefirst time visitor, this high level confusion can dampen enthusiasm for thesite.

There are lots and lots of ads and sponsoring partner banners; lots of blinkinglights. And, offers for subscription services and free trials show up everywhere.While the primary purpose of the website is to make money for the owners, manyvisitors will retreat and never consider the content because of the emphasis onmarketing.

TheStreet Ratings

While you got somethoughts for consideration from specialists, it is nice to know, what simpleinvestors, like you and me say about, isn't it?

  • The site rating at famous rating site Epinions is 4 out of 5, based on 9 reviews.
  • The site rating at Investimonials is 3 out of 5, based on 15 reviews.

So, may be, it istime to check for yourself? You can start from exploring free service offeredby this site, and you may decide later to purchase certain premium services.

20 Strategies on how to Deal with Depression at Work

An important aspect of recovering from depression is continuing to participate in as many of your regular daily activities as possible during treatment.  For many people, work is high on that list.  Employment is about much more than making a living. The satisfaction and security of work contribute to positive self-esteem, and being part of a work team can help foster a sense of belonging. Keeping the established routine helps in certain distraction from the self-absorbing negative thoughts and feelings.

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But there is no surprise that it can be challenging to function at your best in the work world while dealing with depression.  That is true when you currently have a job, but that is even tougher when you are just entering or returning to the job market. In this situation, you need to "sell yourself" to the new or prospective employer and project the self-confidence and professional integrity, and concentrate maximally on new responsibilities and tasks, if employed.  

We will offer selected practical strategies on how to make the most of your job situation. Note that many of these strategies can be put into action before you ever set foot in your workplace or schedule your first job interview.  When you are playing an active role in your own treatment plan and maintaining the proper perspective on your situation, you will find it easier to bring out your very best in the work world.

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On-the-Job Strategies

Consider adopting the following strategies to improve your outlook and performance on the job:

  1. Do not let work take precedence over recovery.  Work is important, but it is only one aspect of your life.  Even on the busiest of days, remember that recovery is your top priority. Your treatment plan and the self-care strategies you employ each day should not take a back seat to the immediate concerns and demands of the workday. Sometimes, trying to reach your daily employment demands, you may jeopardize your strategic recovery plan.
  2. Stay in touch with your family and friends. If your job environment permits, make regular phone calls during the day to friends and family. Staying in contact with someone you trust can give you perspective on what really matters and keep you focused on getting better.
  3. Remember what's important about work. It is rare to find a job that does not involve challenging people, deadlines, difficult assignments and other stress factors.  At times when work feels overwhelming, try to focus on the positive reasons why you work, including financial independence and security, personal satisfaction and the sense of community or belonging that comes from contributing to a team effort.
  4. Do not take it personally. In many cases, the problems are unrelated to your personal performance or attitudes, but rather to the personality issues in your coworkers, managers, or customers, or with the objective complications. While you can do your best to work towards the problem resolution, that might not result in the desired outcomes. Do not try to blame yourself for every work-related issues, popping up in the area of your responsibilities. Remember, that people you work with, may also have their own psychological issues or personal stressful life events.
  5. Keep in mind that politics and personalities are part of working.  When you work with other people, differing agendas, conflicting priorities and interpersonal conflict can't be avoided. They do not need to derail your efforts to recover from depression. 
  6. Don't set yourself up by expecting perfection.  But even if you are responsible for the work-related difficulties, it is not the end of the world. Everyone does mistakes. If you do your job, that is unavoidable once awhile. Adjust your attitude and expectations about yourself and your work, knowing that oversights and professional errors are inevitable in any job.
  7. Communicate with your coworkers. Interact with coworkers in small ways. Do not give in to the temptation to isolate yourself. The less visible you are, the more you jeopardize your job. However, if do not feel like, do not volunteer to initiate non-essential conversations; ask questions instead. If necessary, write them out before meetings and get prepared to important conversations and discussions ahead of time.

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  1. Put special attention on your appearance. While you are coping with your depression, proactively and carefully monitor your professional appearance. Make extra efforts to look good.
  2. Try to hold yourself together in difficult moments. A crying jag may make you feel better, but it can disconcert your coworkers. If you burst into tears, go to a private place to compose yourself.
  3. Don't let the past define today or tomorrow.  Realize that problems caused by your symptoms in the past will not necessarily repeat themselves, especially if you have a working treatment plan in place. Just because a lack of energy once caused you to miss a crucial deadline doesn't mean you are unreliable.  Give yourself credit for the progress you are making, and permission to start over.
  4. Develop symptom-specific strategies.  To help you keep focused on the future instead of the past, make sure to learn all you can about your illness and your specific symptoms. Take a close look at the symptoms that have tripped you up in the past, and develop specific strategies for countering each of them.  For example, if your depression can make it hard to concentrate or if you feel overwhelmed when beginning a project, it might be helpful to break work assignments into smaller, more manageable steps that can be completed in shorter timeframes.
  5. Take regular breaks. Stepping back from work and doing something that relaxes you, like meditating or listening to music, can help you cope with stress. Do not tell yourself, you cannot afford even a minor distraction. Getting back to work after, you may be able to perform the task quicker and with better quality and efficiency.
  6. Expose yourself to a little sunlight during the day. Lack of sunlight can make depression worse. Make sure you're getting enough. Working long hours might not give you a chance to be outside before or after your working schedule. If you can afford, take a short walk outdoors during your breaks, have your coffee or lunch outside, take a brief walk on the parking lot.  
  7. Be physically active at workplace. If you have fitness center at job, aim for 30 minutes of exercise per day during your lunch break or in small installments during the day. Even short 10-minute bursts of activity can have a positive effect on your mood. If you do not have such opportunity, you can at least simulate it by, for example, taking the stairs rather than the elevator or parking your car in the farthest spot on the parking lot.
  8. Take baby steps. When you are working on a project that seems overwhelming, break it into multiple steps, and complete them one at a time.
  9. Don't skip meals during the day. Going too long between meals can make you feel irritable and tired, so aim to eat something at least every 3-4 hours. Slow down and pay attention to the full experience of eating. Enjoy the taste of your food. But, avoid heavy lunches with lots of fat. Saturated fat in particular is really bad for your mind and makes you feel weighed down and sad.
  10. Drink water. Water needs to be an integral part of your day, especially if you are feeling depressed. It cleans out toxins and impurities and helps your organs process all the junk. No, I do not you call you to drink 8 glasses of water, as per some outdated recommendations, you may still find on the Internet. Drink, when do you feel like, when you are thirsty, but do not let it go due to the work overload.
  11. Smile, at random. Smiling has been scientifically shown to trigger a chemical response in the human body. What this means is that the physical action of smiling will cause you to feel happier even if you have nothing to smile about! Try smiling more often and see how it changes your mind.
  12. Don't go it alone.  It is difficult to juggle a full work schedule while also meeting everyone's expectations at home.  When you also need to find time and energy to devote to managing your depression, it can be overwhelming.  Examine your daily or weekly schedule and look for activities, both at home and at work, that could be delegated to others.  Involving coworkers in shared responsibilities, asking family members to help with chores, or reaching out to a friend to provide a "sounding board" for your ideas and concerns are all good strategies for accomplishing your goals without sacrificing your emotional health and recovery.
  13. Discuss your coping skills with therapist. Take your medications and attend your counseling sessions to ease the depression symptoms that are making it difficult for you to function. Address the job survival tips and techniques, while discussing your progress during your therapy sessions, and apply obtained recommendations at your workplace.

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Dead Sea Scrolls are Available Online

Today is the greatday for all the history lovers and those who are interesting in Judaism, Christianity,Islam, and multiple congregations and sects, basing their religious beliefs onthe concepts of Monotheism. In a joint effort by Israel's national museum andGoogle, the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea scrolls, previously only available to asmall group of scholars, have been made available online.

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Five of the mostimportant Dead Sea Scrolls will now be available to the digital public: thebiblical Book of Isaiah, the manuscript known as the Temple Scroll, and threeothers. Visitors are also able to search the ancient texts at the Digital Dead SeaScrolls website.

The scrolls offercritical insight into customs and religion of ancient Israelis, includinginformation on the birth of Christianity. The sacred texts include the oldest writtenrecord of the Old Testament ever found.

The Scrolls are forthe most part, written in Hebrew, but there are many written in Aramaic.Aramaic was the common language of the Jews of Palestine for the last twocenturies B.C. and of the first two centuries A.D. The discovery of the Scrollshas greatly enhanced our knowledge of these two languages. In addition, thereare a few texts written in Greek. The scrolls are most commonly made of animalskins, but also papyrus and one of copper. They are written with a carbon-basedink, from right to left, using no punctuation except for an occasionalparagraph indentation. In fact, in some cases, there are not even spacesbetween the words.

Written between thethird and first centuries BCE, the Dead Sea Scrolls include the oldest knownbiblical manuscripts in existence, according to Google's press release. Theywere hidden in 11 caves in the Judean desert on the shores of the Dead Sea,around 68 BCE. The owners of the texts apparently wanted to protect the scrollsfrom approaching Roman armies.

"Thispartnership with The Israel Museum, Jerusalem is part of our larger effort tobring important cultural and historical collections online," Google'sspokesperson wrote in the press release. "We are thrilled to have beenable to help this project through hosting on Google Storage and App Engine,helping design the web experience and making it searchable and accessible tothe world."

How they were found?

In the spring of1947 Bedouin goat-herds, searching the cliffs along the Dead Sea for a lostgoat (or for treasure, depending on who is telling the story), came upon a cavecontaining jars filled with manuscripts. That find caused a sensation when itwas released to the world, and continues to fascinate the scholarly communityand the public to this day. 

The firstdiscoveries came to the attention of scholars in 1948, when seven of thescrolls were sold by the Bedouin to a cobbler and antiquities dealer calledKando. He in turn sold three of the scrolls to Eleazar L. Sukenik of HebrewUniversity, and four to Metropolitan Mar Athanasius Yeshue Samuel of the SyrianOrthodox monastery of St. Mark. Mar Athanasius in turn brought his four to theAmerican School of Oriental Research, where they came to the attention of Americanand European scholars.

It was not until1949 that the site of the find was identified as the cave now known as QumranCave 1. It was that identification that led to further explorations andexcavations of the area of Khirbet Qumran. Further search of Cave 1 revealedarchaeological finds of pottery, cloth and wood, as well as a number ofadditional manuscript fragments. It was these discoveries that proveddecisively that the scrolls were indeed ancient and authentic.

Between 1949 and1956, in what became a race between the Bedouin and the archaeologists, tenadditional caves were found in the hills around Qumran, caves that yieldedseveral more scrolls, as well as thousands of fragments of scrolls: theremnants of more than 15,000 Dead Sea Scrolls, written in Hebrew, Aramaic, andGreek between 150 BC and 70 AD. They are between 800-1,000 years older thanpreviously known manuscripts.

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The scrolls includethe oldest known biblical manuscripts in existence, religious manuscripts notincluded in the Bible and documents that describe daily Jewish life in the landof Israel during the time of the Second Temple Period, and the birth ofChristianity and Rabbinic Judaism.

The manuscripts spana time when the Holy Land was under Greek rule and then the Roman,whose soldiers destroyed the Jews' Second Temple in Jerusalem in 70 A.D. toquash a rebellion. All that remains of the temple today is the WesternWall.

Major Discoveries

We will just mention12 amazing facts that make this amazing discovery a breakthrough point forhistorians and religious scholars:
  1. The Scrolls can be divided into two categories�biblical and non-biblical. Fragments of every book of the Hebrew canon (Old Testament) have been discovered except for the book of Esther.
  2. There are now identified among the scrolls, 19 copies of the Book of Isaiah, 25 copies of Deuteronomy and 30 copies of the Psalms.
  3. Prophecies by Ezekiel, Jeremiah and Daniel not found in the Bible are written in the Scrolls.
  4. The Isaiah Scroll, found relatively intact, is 1000 years older than any previously known copy of Isaiah. In fact, the scrolls are the oldest group of Old Testament manuscripts ever found.
  5. In the Scrolls are found never before seen psalms attributed to King David and Joshua.
  6. There are non-biblical writings along the order of commentaries on the OT, paraphrases that expand on the Law, rule books of the community, war conduct, thanksgiving psalms, hymnic compositions, benedictions, liturgical texts, and sapiential (wisdom) writings.
  7. The Scrolls appear to be the library of a Jewish sect - Essenes. The library was hidden away in caves around the outbreak of the First Jewish Revolt (A.D. 66-70) as the Roman army advanced against the rebel Jews. The Essenes are mentioned by Josephus and in a few other sources, but not in the New Testament. The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect. They were led by a priest they called the "Teacher of Righteousness," who was opposed and possibly killed by the establishment priesthood in Jerusalem. The enemies of the Qumran community were called the "Sons of Darkness"; they called themselves the "Sons of Light," "the poor," and members of "the Way." They thought of themselves as "the holy ones," who lived in "the house of holiness," because "the Holy Spirit" dwelt with them.
  8. The last words of Joseph, Judah, Levi, Naphtali, and Amram (the father of Moses) are written down in the Scrolls. 
  9. One of the most curious scrolls is the Copper Scroll. Discovered in Cave 3, this scroll records a list of 64 underground hiding places throughout the land of Israel. The deposits are to contain certain amounts of gold, silver, aromatics, and manuscripts. These are believed to be treasures from the Temple at Jerusalem, that were hidden away for safekeeping.
  10. The scrolls contain previously unknown stories about biblical figures such as Enoch, Abraham, and Noah. The story of Abraham includes an explanation why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac.
  11. The Scrolls have revolutionized textual criticism of the Old Testament. Interestingly, now with manuscripts predating the medieval period, we find these texts in substantial agreement with the Masoretic text as well as widely variant forms. 
  12.  The Dead Sea Scrolls enhance our knowledge of both Judaism and Christianity. They represent a non-rabbinic form of Judaism and provide a wealth of comparative material for New Testament scholars, including many important parallels to the Jesus movement. They show Christianity to be rooted in Judaism and have been called the evolutionary link between the two. 

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How to deal with Aggressive Behavior in Alzheimer's Patients?

Understanding Alzheimer's aggression

In order to understand the phenomenon known as "Alzheimer's aggression"or "Elder Rage", as author of the book with the same title Jacquelin Marcellcalls it, takes a bit of background information. For one thing, it is notnecessarily caused by a single factor. Yes, a patient may have been officiallydiagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, but this does not mean that the damagesdone by the disease itself are what lead to aggression.

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Consider that of the 4.5 million people diagnosed with Alzheimer's eachyear; at least half of these folks will manifest some sort of Alzheimer'saggression. This can be something as simple as hostile or strange vocalizationsto full-blown hitting, biting, and punching. Clearly, there will usually be areason for this sort of behavior, but each person will be different.

Most medical professionals now understand that Alzheimer's aggression canbe indicative of physical discomfort that results from common medications (forexample, many of the anti-anxiety medications often given to patients can causeheadaches and nausea), it might be caused by delusions and/or neuropsychiatricsymptoms, or it could be triggered by the return of memories or emotions thatwere from long before. In fact, Alzheimer's aggression can be something assimple as frustration with an inability to communicate or remember something,and this leads to irritation and a "lashing out" at those around them. Often,this is particularly the case when an Alzheimer's patient has lost the abilityto communicate easily or clearly.

So, the first real step in understanding Alzheimer's aggression is toidentify the "trigger". Interestingly enough, this often helps the caregiversto find a bit of peace and comfort because it helps to prove that the Alzheimer'saggression is not directed at them "personally".

So often, an adult child or primary caregiver experiences enormousemotional pain when they feel that a person is physically attacking them ordirecting anger and rage at them. Simply, working at identifying the triggerfor Alzheimer's aggression usually allows them to actually eliminate themselvesfrom the proverbial equation. Unfortunately, the process by which triggers areidentified can often take a substantial amount of time.

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Dealing withAlzheimer's aggression

Dealing withaggressive behavior is not easy, and there are no simple solutions to it.However, it is possible to make it less of a problem through a gradual processof identifying what triggers the aggression, and finding some effective ways todeal with it. It is important to remember that all behavior is a form ofcommunication. If we can establish quickly what the person is trying tocommunicate, it may prevent them from feeling frustrated and actingaggressively towards us.

The most importantadvice to caregiver is: Don't take it personally. This is a hard thing to do,but you have to remember that you are dealing with a person who is manifestingthe symptoms of a disease. It isn't personal to them either.

Any form ofaggression can be upsetting, but the most important thing to remember is thatthe person is not being aggressive deliberately. The behavior may appear to betargeted at you, but that is probably just because you are the one that isthere at that particular moment. The fact that the person is aggressive towardsyou doesn't mean that their feelings towards you have changed - just that theirreactions have become different as the structure of their brain has changed.

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So, what can someone do to help a loved one suffering from the conditionand also lashing out with Alzheimer's aggression? There are currently someprescription medications given to patients with "dementia" but most are stillin the testing phases or considered questionable. They come in a range ofintensities and can reduce some incidents of Alzheimer's aggression, but mostphysicians recommend that the "first line" of defense begins with individualpatient-oriented strategies.

For example, if Alzheimer's aggression is triggered by anything fromhunger, fear or confusion, to actual anger or physical discomfort, it isnecessary to find ways to address and/or eliminate all of the possible issues.This might be through actual, physical methods or it can be through thought andpatience.

As you observe yourloved one, you may need to look for signs of a pattern or of side effects fromprescribed drugs. These observations will help the doctor to make a finaldiagnosis and plan a treatment routine. Your doctor may have questions orcomments pertaining to your case. As you care for your loved one, try toobserve him or her closely in order to answer the following questions:

  • Do you notice any pattern to the behavior?
    • Does the behavior occur at any set time of day?
    • Does it occur after your loved one takes a certain drug?
    • Does it occur when he or she is hungry or frustrated?
    • Does the behavior come out only when a certain person is present?
  • When you first noticed the problem, did you notice any other changes in the way your loved one was acting?
  • Were any big changes occurring in the home at that time?
    • Did you move?
    • Did anyone move in or out?
    • Did anyone in the family die or become ill?
    • Did you make any changes in care arrangements?
  • Has your loved one started any new drugs or changed drug dosage?
  • Has your loved one suffered a recent injury?

Be sure your doctorknows all the drugs that your loved one takes, even over-the-counter drugs.

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General advices for those dealing with family or friends showing bouts ofAlzheimer's aggression are to:
  • Learn diversionary tactics � if you suspect a "trigger", such as a behavior (on your part) that seems to make them react, it is up to you as a caregiver to stop and step away from them in the most appropriate way possible. Never try to argue the point, just try to distract the patient from the issue and then get them into another or a new line of thought. For example, if the person seems to become upset when their clothing is removed, you cannot avoid bathing them, but you can speak the words such as "Here, let me get you ready for a warm bath," and then move directly into the bathing process. Don't quit at the first signs of trouble, but definitely bring the issue to a close if there is an escalation of aggression from them. Keep a written list of things he or she likes (such as going for a walk, listening to music, having a snack) and offer these as diversions.
  • Don't forget signals � when your diversionary tactic is failing, it is a time to use the gentlest tones and the most reassuring touches you can. If you can put a sincere smile on your face, and try to convey that "all is well" through touches and expressions, it often calms a patient down at a remarkably hasty pace.
  • Consider communication � many Alzheimer's patients lash out violently because they cannot remember something, they have forgotten where they are, or what a common item is for, or because they cannot communicate an idea clearly. If you make a point of putting labels and signs on everything with which they interact, you are going to greatly reduce the times when their lack of memory triggers a reaction. This can go so far as leaving lists of things "to do" in obvious places. For example, it is often a good idea to put a few words on a piece of paper tacked to the outside of the kitchen cabinets. These might be as simple as "Food and Snacks" that helps them to easily remember where they are and what they were doing.
  • Focus on the past � communicating with the patient, remember that Alzheimer's strongly affects short-term memory. It's often easier - and less stressful - for someone with Alzheimer's disease to recall and talk about distant memories than it is for them to remember what they watched on TV the night before.
  • Stress factors - limit the amount of the generally recognized stress factors for the Alzheimer's patients as loud noises, frenetic movement, and clutter. Remember that they may be easily frightened by a sudden noise, sharp voices, abrupt movements or a person approaching them from behind without warning.
  • Get into a routine � along with signs and notes, a solid routine is another fantastic way to help overcome moments of aggression. Not only does this reduce the opportunity for unexpected events, but it also ensures that hunger or bathroom related aggression is kept to a minimal level too.
  • Validation � when an Alzheimer's patient is upset, angry, or severely frustrated, don't argue with them about this. The last thing anyone wants to hear is "there's no need to be so angry/sad/confused" when they don't have any control over the issue or the environment. Instead, you MUST tell them that it is perfectly fine to feel as they do, and then work with them to get through the moment. Again, this is best done with reassuring words and gestures.
  • Try a bit of logic � if the patient has a relatively calm demeanor about a situation, you can actually ask them to think a bit about a situation to see if that helps resolve the issue. Try and stay calm, while also providing reassurance and support at all times. It is important the person understand you are not upset and you are there to help.
  • Safety - check the entire house and remove any object that your patient might use as a weapon. Stand out of range and, if you feel that your loved one may injure you, leave the room. Experts do not agree about physically restraining a person during a violent outburst. If you are strong enough to restrain your patient, you might try doing so. The danger is that you might frighten or further anger him or her, making the situation worse. If your patient struggles, there is the chance that one or both of you could be hurt.
  • Nothing is working? � the most common cures for the moments when a patient refuses to calm down include, ignoring them if they cannot do harm, trying to find a bit of humor in the moment, putting on a bit of soothing music, and making notes about the situation in order to help determine a better outcome for the next time that it occurs. If aggressive incidents are frequent or worrying, discuss them with a professional, such as a psychiatrist specializing in older people or a community psychiatric nurse. They may be able to offer support and suggest other ways of handling the situation.

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Sources and Additional Information:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Convert video files to DVD with DVD Flick

DVD Flick aims to be a simple but at the same time powerful DVD Authoring tool. It can take a number of video files stored on your computer and turn them into a DVD that will play back on your DVD player, Media Center or Home Cinema Set. You can add additional custom audio tracks, subtitles as well as a menu for easier navigation.

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Main Features
  • Burn near any video file to DVD
  • Support for over 45 file formats
  • Support for over 60 video codecs
  • Support for over 40 audio codecs
  • Easily add a menu
  • Add your own subtitles
  • Easy to use interface
  • Burn your project to disc after encoding
  • Completely free without any adware, spyware or limitations.

The respectable freeware review site Freeware Genius has rated the utility 5 out of 5. Here is excerpt from their review:

This program will let you (a) combine a single file or multiple files into a playable DVD, (b) add subtitles, and (c) add secondary audio tracks. It has a number of definite strengths, as follows:
  • Simple, straightforward interface design. It is remarkable how simple and intuitive this UI is, especially for a DVD authoring tool. This alone is reason enough for me to switch to this program.
  • Will convert almost any video file, which means that you are extremely likely to be able to put any video that you may have on your hard drive on DVD. This is not to be taken for granted, as I recently tried to convert a video file to DVD using another favorite program of mine, AVI2DVD, only to find that it was not able to handle the audio.
  • A partial list of supported formats are as follows: AVI, MPG, MOV, WMV, ASF, FLV, Matroska and MP4. Supported codecs are amongst others, MPEG-124 (Xvid, DivX, etc.), Windows Media AudioVideo. MP3, OGG Vorbis, H264, and On2 VP56.
  • You can convert to ISO image on hard disk if you do need want to burn to DVD or there's not one handy.

One thing that this program does not have is the option to create a title menu with custom backgrounds and/or music. My guess (from looking at the program's feedback page) is that this will be coming in a future version. In any case if you must have this use AVI2DVD.

System requirements:
  • Processor: A Pentium MMX or compatible AMD processor, or better. A Pentium IV or later is recommended, the faster the better. Multithreading is supported.
  • Memory: At least 256 MB of free physical RAM, 512 MB or more is recommended. When using Windows Vista, at least 512 MB is required.
  • Operating system: Windows 2000 Professional, or any edition of Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7.

Developers Website:

Direct Download Link (ver.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

USB Guard - Extra Protection from Malware

Just think, how most of the unwanted malicious utilities (viruses, Trojans, malware, keyloggers, etc.) get to your computer. There are the two primary sources: Internet and network contaminants, and portable data storage devices. Since most of the portable data storage devices are USB-based, would not that be nice if we can safeguard the computer from any danger, coming with the attached portable devices, like external or thumb drives?

Free USB Guard is an ultimate freeware utility, helping to protect USB drives from viruses, malware, spyware, Trojans and scripts. It is lightweight, not demanding any significant resources and can be used with your real-time antivirus software at the same time. It is not a valid replacement for the antivirus utility you have, but it provides reliable additional protection to prevent your USB and computer from dangerous infection.

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Main Features:
  • It assures 100% protection on offline computers and almost 100% on online computers with regular antivirus installed.
  • Lightweight, doesn't slow system performance.
  • Doesn't conflict with other antivirus programs.
  • Absolutely Free, and doesn't require any formal registration. No strings attached or trial gimmicks.  
  • No Updates needed, it can detect latest viruses without their proper definitions, just by detecting the dangerous code traces.
  • The software is in the early stages of development, and more useful features will be implemented in the further releases, like USB Lock.

Friday, September 23, 2011

21st Edition: Free the Internet Blog Carnival

Welcome to the 21-th, September 23, 2011, edition of the "Free the Internet" Blog Carnival. Some statistics: submitted articles - 224, published articles - 19. I want to thank all the authors contributing to the issue. Some articles were excluded from the review, since their topic of discussion did not match the main target of the carnival. I am sorry, that not all submissions were accepted, as some of the excluded articles carried a significant value. As one of the submitted articles carried a link to the potentially dangerous site, I want to ensure all the readers that all articles were tested and evaluated, and all the posted links are safe to visit.

Kate Croston presents 10 Ways to Use the Internet to Be Even Lazier posted at Internet Service.

Pamela Ashley presents Top 10 Computer Repair Forums and Message Boards posted at Computer Technician.

Victoria Kennedy presents Top 50 Up and Coming IT Blogs posted at PhD in IT, saying, "As technology advances, so does the IT field. Whether you're a beginner or hold a PhD in IT, there is always more to learn about this growing field. These top 50 blogs offer information about different areas of technology, the latest news, and offer places to find others who share your interest."

Christine Kane presents What Age Should Parents Allow Their Kids to Join FaceBook and Why? posted at Internet Service Providers.

Christine Kane presents 10 Things That Are Frustrating About Search Engines posted at Internet Service Providers.

Josephine Chadwick presents Secrets of ISP?s: 7 Ways They Charge You Extra posted at Cheap Internet Deals Blog.

Gloria Nilson presents 10 Reasons to Immediately Leave a Website posted at Dial Up.

Stella Anokam presents The Best Legally Free Premium WordPress Themes � Download Direct From These Theme Developers posted at Free Internet Marketing Tips Simplified |Start Your Own Online Business.

Coleen Torres presents 10 Traditional Newspapers that Successfully Moved Online posted at

Jonathan presents 10 Best iPad Apps for Bloggers posted at Blogging Your Passion.

Mr. Cheap Stuff presents Top 10 Free Stuff Online posted at Mr. Cheap Stuff.

Ankita baby presents 33 Must-Read e-Books for Law Students posted at Online Law Degrees.

Edward presents Nostradamus Predictions for 2012 posted at Morten St. George Blog.

Mary Casey presents How to Update Your Facebook Account Settings | Hudson Horizons Blogs posted at Hudson Horizons Blogs.

Ian Richardson presents Spy On Who Is Sending You An Email In Gmail posted at Ask Ian Richardson

Jonny presents 42 Internet terms you should know posted at Smart blog.

Christine Kane presents 8 Reasons Why Pirating Hurts Everyone posted at Internet Service Providers

Sabrina Jackson presents 7 Public Online Databases & Techniques to Make Sure Your Blind Date Isn?t A Creep posted at Best Free Dating Sites.

Melanie Slaugh presents 10 Ways to Use the Internet to Shop for a New Car posted at Internet Service Providers.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of free the internet using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
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Retirement to Australia: Not for Everyone

As the baby boomers start to consider retirement, they are looking to destinations at home and abroad.  No longer are they content to stay in the same state where they lived working and raising children.  With more disposable income than generations before, many soon-to-be retirees are seeking a warm climate and a lower cost-of-living, mixed with a little adventure.  For many, Australia fits the bill, with its excellent bargains, top-notch health care and breathtaking scenery. 

It may seem far away, but with the internet today, a computer and a modem connects you to the rest of the world.  All of Australia's major cities are within an hour or two by plane. The infrastructure is sound, and the government is stable.  There are plenty of bank and loan services in Australia so you will never be lost in that department.  There is shopping, cable TV and plentiful recreation. You'll also find an abundance of space, lots of social clubs to join if you choose and "livability" not found in other places. The Australian people are warm and generous, and a nice perk is that they adore North Americans!  The Gold Coast in particular, located on the southeast coast of Queensland, attracts thousands of retirees as it offers warm temperatures and plenty to do and see.

Clean, fresh, green, not crowded and reminiscent of a time when things cost less, the pace of life was slower, and people seemed friendlier to one another. And for American English speakers it will much easier to learn speaking Australian English than any other foreign language!

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Australia is roughly the size of the continental United States and has a variety of climates, but it has no snow!  It is a coastal country, thanks to the dryness of much of its interior, with most of its population living within 20km of the coast between southern Queensland and Adelaide.  This vast continent boasts a sunny climate and its people have a healthy love of the outdoors.

In South Australia, Adelaide enjoys a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and cool winters.  In Mebourne, located in the state of Victoria, the climate is cool but without snow.  Temperatures range from 40 degrees to 55 degrees in the winter and from 70 degrees to 90 degrees in the summer.  In Sydney, located on the southeast end of the continent, the weather is humid but with a temperate climate.

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Cost of Living

In general, the cost-of-living in Australia is half of what it is in the U.S.  The American dollar today buys twice as much as it does in the States, and there are terrific opportunities for buying real estate and investing in the Australian stock market.  And even from Australia, trading on the New York Stock Exchange is made possible by the internet.

Housing to fit all budgets can be found here.  As with most countries, housing in the major cities is generally expensive (Sydney is the priciest city for real estate), but once you are outside the large urban areas, accommodations can be had at reasonable prices.  The cities which frequently appear as offering a low cost of living comparative to the quality of life on offer are Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne.

Most new homes are made of brick and built to the same standards as U.S. homes.  Currently, mortgage rates are about 5%.  And if you sell your home here, you will not pay any capital gains tax!

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Life expectancy in Australia is high and the health and social care facilities on offer are of a very good quality. However, retirees should always bear in mind the fact that they will not be entitled to any government or medical benefits during their retirement in Australia and will need to secure their own fully-comprehensive insurance policy from an Australian company.


Australia has a highly developed and sophisticated infrastructure and the standard of communications, transportation and public services on offer here is on par to that available in other developed nations.

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Investor Retirement Visas to Australia

While the Cost of Living in Australia is reasonable for the retirees, getting there might not be so affordable for some baby boomers, who dreams about relocating to Australia for retirement.

The Investor Retirement Visa Program enables people over 55 years of age who are able to support themselves financially to spend some retirement years in Australia. The Investor Retirement visa provides you with the opportunity to work part-time and enjoy a relaxed and rewarding lifestyle in Australia.

To be eligible for an Investor Retirement visa, you must be over 55 years of age, be sponsored by an Australian State or Territory and have no dependent family members (other than your spouse). You must have sufficient assets to enable you to be financially self-sufficient in Australia, without relying on the public healthcare system or social security benefits. In fact, you must agree to take out comprehensive health insurance with an Australian company to cover any medical costs.

Who is eligible?

The Investor Retirement visa gives temporary residence in Australia. It requires sponsorship from a State or Territory government in Australia, in addition to an investment to be made in that sponsoring State or Territory government Treasury bond.
  • The primary applicant must be at least 55 years of age and there must be no other dependants except a spouse;
  • There must be sufficient assets to ensure self support in Australia;
  • Maintenance of private health insurance as acceptable to the Minister for the duration of their visa;
  • Limited work rights of no more than 20 hours a week; and
  • Initial and further stay period of 4 years.

Financial requirements

To ensure that people who apply for an Investor Retirement visa are fully self-supporting, the financial requirements are:
  • for the initial and all subsequent visa applications, payment of a second visa application charge of $8,700 per person per visa application to offset the possible cost of some applicants accessing aged care/nursing home services at a future time (not refundable, regardless of whether care is utilized during the life of the visa);
  • for the initial and all subsequent visa applications main applicant to be sponsored by a State/Territory Government with sponsorship being maintained for the entire period of the applicant's stay in Australia;
  • for the initial and all subsequent visa applications, main applicant to make a minimum designated investment (DI) (depending on whether they nominate a regional/low growth area or a non-regional/non-low growth area)in a State or Territory Treasury bond of:
    1. A$750,000 for the initial visa, if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they are going to live in a non-regional or non-low growth area; or
    2. A$500,000 for the initial visa, if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they are going to live in a regional or low growth area; or
    3. A$500,000 for a second or further visa, if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they are going to live in a non-regional or non-low growth area; or
    4. A$250,000 for a second or further visa, if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they are going to live in a regional or low growth area;

In addition to the DI, and for grant of the initial visa only, main applicant to provide evidence of assets that can be used to establish a lifestyle in Australia, with those assets allowed to be combined with those of the spouse, of a minimum of:
  • A$750,000 if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they are going to live in a non-regional or non-low growth area; or
  • A$500,000 if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they are going to live in a regional or low growth area;

For the initial and all subsequent visa applications:
The main applicant to provide evidence of an annual income stream, with that income stream allowed to be combined with income stream of their spouse, of a minimum of;
  • $65,000 if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they will live in a non-regional or non-low growth area; or
  • $50,000 if the main applicant has indicated to the State or Territory Government sponsor that they will live in a regional or low growth area.

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Sources and Additional Information:

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Editorial Calendar Plugin for WordPress from StressLimit

If you are serious professional blogger, using WordPress as a bloggingplatform, you may want to look on the free feature offered by StressLimit.Planning ahead will bring your blogging to the next level of professionalismand improve your rating among the readers. Eventually, that will help toimprove your blog visibility in search engines, bring more visitors, andimprove your profitability.

Why Use anEditorial Calendar?

An editorialcalendar is the foundation of strategic blogging; it lets you do the planningthat it takes to get the most audience reach from your blog content.
  • An editorial calendar lets you plan ahead;
  • An editorial calendar adds structure to your creativity;
  • You can take a great concept further by serializing content;
  • You can be proactive and capitalize on search trends.
Main Features

  • See all of your posts and when they'll be posted.
  • Drag and drop to change your post dates.
  • Quickedit post titles, contents, and times.
  • Publish posts or manage drafts.
  • Easily see the status of your posts.
  • Manage posts from multiple authors.

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Developers' Website:

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bach Flower Remedies and Depression

"Every single person has a life to live, a work to do, 
a glorious personality, a wonderful individuality." 

Dr. Edward Bach

What are the Bach Flower Remedies?

Back Flower Remedies were created by Dr. Edward Bach a British physician and well-known bacteriologist and researcher, in the 1930s. Bach believed that illness is the effect of disharmony between body and mind and that symptoms of an illness are the external expression of negative emotional states. Disillusioned by modern medicine, he assumed that every physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual symptom offered clues as to what we need to restore balance.  Over time, Bach discovered various recipes of the flower remedies to address the emotional distress.

He identified 38 basic negative states of mind, divided into 7 traditional groups, and created a plant or flower based remedy for each one, based on what emotional difficulties are handled. The emotional issues addressed by healing flower essences are isolation, despair, anxiety, hesitation, and insufficient interest in current conditions, oversensitivity to influences and ideas and over-care for the welfare of others.

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From a total of 38 different Bach Flower Essences, 37 made from specific flowers and one made from the water of a spring believed to have healing properties. Each essence is used to treat a specific emotion or state of mind such as fear, anger, apathy, etc. These are all emotions that most people can readily identify in themselves and in other people. These emotional states and their corresponding essence are all described in The Twelve Healers and Other Remedies by Edward Bach. Dr. Bach's goal was to create a system of medicine that was simple enough that people who become familiar with the essences through his publications could identify their negative emotional state, select the corresponding essence and thus treat themselves.

The Bach Flower Essences are all natural, very dilute solutions made from spring water, an alcohol preservative, and the parts of specific flowers. They are used to help balance the emotions and bring about a state of equilibrium in living organisms, and have been successfully used with people, animals, and even plants. Bach Flower Essences are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), have been issued with National Drug Code (NDC) numbers by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are sold as over-the-counter homeopathic products in the United States.

Although the Bach Flower Essences are listed in the HPUS and are prepared at a 5X homeopathic dilution (0.00001 gram of active substance per milliliter of tincture) they are not considered homeopathic medicine. While they are prepared from plant material, they do not fall in the same category as herbal medicine. The fact that we refer to them as "essences" suggests to some that they are aromatherapy�the use of essential oils and other aromatic compounds from plants to affect someone's mood or health�which they are not. Flower essences fill their own unique niche in the arsenal of complementary medicine.

The Bach Flower Remedies are now well known as alternative therapy that helps to manage the emotional demands of everyday life. Each remedy brings balance to a specific emotion. They are completely safe and natural. The remedies can be used by everyone and do not have any side effects. They are even used to help plants and animals because they act in such a gentle way.

Depression Treatment

Clinical depression is a serious illness, requiring balanced professional treatment. In many cases, you feel gloomy and down for a prolonged period of time, and you are just not able to get excited by anything or feel any reason to see hope for the future. People with depression often suffer from a feeling of monotony, lack of concentration and therefore become forgetful, worry about problems more than dealing with problems, low self esteem and in worse cases feelings of suicide.

Back Flower Remedies will not be able to replace medications and therapy in the severe cases, but they might help with light to moderate depressive episodes, giving a safe and side-effects free assistance to the person to regulate better the general mood and emotions on a daily file.

Following are some of Bach's flower remedies for depression.  Select the remedy or remedies that best match how you are feeling.  You can take one or more remedies.  Simply add four drops of the remedy to a glass of water and sip throughout the day.  Alternatively, take two drops under the tongue four times a day or as necessary.

  • Elm: When you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or depressed because you are overworked or have too many responsibilities, Elm is the remedy of choice.
  • Gentian: When you feel pessimistic, discouraged, or have lost faith.  It is used for depression when a person knows the reason for his or her sadness.
  • Gorse: When you feel hopeless, that there is nothing that can be done for you, or resigned to your less-than-ideal fate, gorse may be helpful.
  • Mustard: Mustard is used for sadness or depression that has no apparent cause.  It feels like a dark cloud has blocked out happiness and joy.
  • Sweet Chestnut: Selected for feelings of hopelessness, Sweet Chestnut reflects a long, courageous battle that feels lost.  It is particularly suited when it feels like an inner transformation is occurring and a "dying off" of a person's old self is taking place.
  • Willow: Willow is best suited for negativity and a tendency to blame others for the problems in life.  Alternatively, if your sadness is linked to a grudge that you're holding onto but would like to let go of, Willow is a good choice.
  • Olive: Olive helps when you feel exhausted and tired most of the time.
  • Wild Rose: Wild Rose is recommended when you feel you are losing interest in life, when you stop enjoying even the activities you used to like, when you experience resignation and apathy most of the time.

The best known flower remedy is the Rescue Remedy combination, which contains an equal amount each of Rock Rose, Impatiens, Clematis, Star of Bethlehem and Cherry Plum remedies. The product is aimed at treating stress, anxiety, and panic attacks, especially in emergencies.

Reference Chart is provided below:

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Use and Dosage

Bach's Flower Remedy might be taken straight from the bottle, four drops at a time, as required in any stressful life event or episode of depression. Nonetheless, it's ideal to put four drops in a glass of clear, natural water, and to sip as needed.  Regardless of what remedies are chosen, the technique for preparing the remedies will be exactly the same. When the remedy is meant to be utilized now and again, place two drops of each solution in a glass of clear, non-gasified natural water. However if you're making use of the Rescue Remedy, you really should place four drops. The essence ought to be taken up to four times per day, as needed. When it's going to be utilized for chronic conditions then place two drops of each remedy or four drops just in case you're making use of Rescue Remedy into a dark glass 30ml bottle with non-gasified natural water. This solution ought to be taken 4 times on a daily basis right until you have obtained relief from emotional stress. This could take a couple of weeks relying on the seriousness of the situation.

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Bach Flower Therapy can be used as a self-help tool by anyone to help soothe daily irritability, depression, moodiness and stress of all kinds. However, when problems are deeper, repetitive, or chronic, psychological counseling and anti-depressants may be more appropriate. Often, Flower Remedies can be used during the counseling process as a form of support between sessions or as a way of facilitating the psychological work itself.

Bach flower remedies, and other systems of botanical treatments derived from Bach's work, have been recommended for many psychological and emotional conditions. There are numerous anecdotes about successful treatment with Bach flower remedies, although effectiveness has not been thoroughly investigated by adequate scientific research.

Sources and Additional Information: