What are ions?
In the later part of the 19th century, Elster and Geitel in Germany and J.J. Thompson of England discovered ions in the air. The term "ion" comes from the Greek word for "traveler". Ions simply are molecules or atoms that have lost or gained an electron. These charged particles in the air are formed when enough energy acts on a molecule causing an electron to "jump" from one molecule to another. Once the equilibrium has been upset, the original molecule has one more positive charge than negative charge. This is called a positively charged ion.
Negatively charged ions are formed when the displaced electron attaches itself to a nearby molecule, giving it an extra negative charge. This formation process is continuous and is called Ionization. It is important to note only small, negatively charged ions that can be inhaled will provide healthy biological effects on your body.
Typical normal fair-weather ion concentrations average 3000 positively charged ions and 4000 negatively charged ions per cubic centimeter. There are very few ions inside most homes, schools and offices, and most of the ions are positively charged. Electro-K researchers discovered some homes have a few as 30 negatively charged ions per cubic centimeter. The reason for this is twofold. First, negatively charged ions do not last as long as positively charged ones. Second, there are many contributors to the production of positively charged ions indoors, such as pollution and static discharges from video displays and other electrical appliances. Almost all static discharges contain high imbalances of positive energy. Researchers believe it is important to do all we can to help balance the ionization in our homes, offices and schools.
What are typical air ion concentrations?
A persons sensation of well being after a thunderstorm, near a waterfall and in forests is the result of a greater abundance of negatively charged ions. Usually there is a natural balance of positively charged and negatively charged ions, with a slight edge towards positively charged ions. Approximately 10 meters from falling water, we will encounter about 2800 negatively charged ions and 1700 positively charged ions per cubic centimeter. Scientists state it is in this setting that human beings respond more favorably by feeling good about ones self, less sensitive and more responsive or innervated energized.
The following are typical air ion counts:
* Inside a typical office: Negatively Charged Ions - 50 per cc; Positively Charged - 500 per cc.
* Inside a typical room: Negatively Charged Ions - 1,500 per cc; Positively Charged - 2,200 per cc.
* Roads: Negatively Charged Ions - 1,800 per cc; Positively Charged - 2,700 per cc.
* Industrial areas: Negatively Charged Ions - 500 per cc; Positively Charged - 2,000 per cc.
* Car: Negatively Charged Ions - 50 per cc; Positively Charged - 150 per cc.
* Wooden house: Negatively Charged Ions - 2,200 per cc; Positively Charged - 1,400 per cc.
* Mountains: Negatively Charged Ions - 2,000 per cc; Positively Charged - 2,500 per cc.
* By a waterfall: Negatively Charged Ions - 50,000 per cc.
* Trees: Negatively Charged Ions - 6,000 per cc; Positively Charged - 5,000 per cc.
* Heavy rain
** Before: Negatively Charged Ions - 750 per cc; Positively Charged - 5,000 per cc.
** Before: Negatively Charged Ions - 750 per cc; Positively Charged - 5,000 per cc.
** During: Negatively Charged Ions - 2,000 to 3,000 per cc; Positively Charged - 500 per cc.
** After: Negatively Charged Ions Too many to count.
Scientists claim that the most desirable air ion concentration is 400 to 1000 more negatively charged ions per cubic centimeter than positively charged.
Are negatively charged ions good for us?
There are numerous benefits to negative charged ions, such as an improvement in productivity, task performance, relief for asthma, wound healing, plus improvement of reaction time and endurance. Numerous scientists from many countries provide the following evidence:
- Surrey University conducted research at the Norwich Union Insurance Groups Headquarters. Negative ion generators were fitted in the computer and data preparation section. RESULTS Incidence of headaches in computer room were reduced by 78 percent. Task performance improved 28 percent.
- Russian Scientists studied groups of athletes under laboratory conditions for one month. One group trained with negative ions and the other trained under normal conditions.
The negative ion group
- Reaction time shortened by 22 milliseconds
- Balance increased 370% - 393%
- Increased their endurance 240%
The unaided control group
- Reaction time shortened by 11 milliseconds
- Balance increased by 53% - 132%
- Increased their endurance 7% - 24%
LH Hawkins 1976 asserts that "the evidence that ions do have biological effects is overwhelming." The main action seems to be through entry through the respiratory system.
Dr. Albert P Krueger and Dr. Richard R Smith at the University of California discovered that cigarette smoke slows down the cilia in ones nose, impairing their ability to clear foreign and possibly carcinogenic substances from the lungs. While positive ions worsened this condition, negative ions were found to reverse the effects of the smoke.
Dr. Norman Shealy observed in 1976, postoperative bleeding is most severe at the time of a full moon. At this time there is always more positive ions in the atmosphere, because the moon, pulled nearer the earth by the suns gravitational force, causes the ionosphere, the underside of which is positively charged, to be somewhat squeezed toward the earth.
Negatively charged ions can convert the excess serotonin into a harmless chemical called 5HA.
Northeastern University, Dr. Robert McGowan and Dr. Kornlueh discovered negative ions tranquilized patients in severe pain with burns. "Negative ions make burns dry out faster and heal faster with less scarring."
The multiple researchers proved that the electrical charges in the air can largely boost the thinking abilities and improve level of alertness, transform to the better learning abilities in the students.
How to improve negative ions concentration at home?
You can choose one of the devices characterized by four basic ionic Air Purifier Technologies:
1 Electrostatic precipitators and charged media filters: mainly passive technologies; most of the ionization occurs inside the air purifier. As air enters the purifier, an electronic charge is added to the particles. This charge is generally negative. The charged particles then pass into or over or through a metallic plate or special filter. The plate or filter has an opposite charge. This charge is generally positive. The particles "stick" and can be cleaned by rinsing them off during cleaning or changing a filter. This is a decent way to clean air.
2 Single charge ionizers + or -: an active technology generally emitting just negative ions. This technology has some possible benefits as well as a host of possible negatives. Benefits: does remove particles and some research has shown the health benefits of a surplus of negative ions. Negatives: particles tend to stick to other particles, walls, tables, everywhere ... and too many negative ions could upset the optimum balance desired between positive and negative ions in the air. Many indoor environments have a surplus of positive ions ... this may be why some have reported great results with the added negative ions. Common sense points to an unbalance developing when you keep adding the negative ions either in the short or long run. You may have also heard of "black wall syndrome". This is where many particles are negatively - charged by ions and then are attracted and "cemented" to a positively + charged wall. This is interesting interior decorating for sure. This is not the best way to clean the air with ionization, but generally the most common and least expensive.
3 Double charge ionizers both + and -: an active technology that emits both positive and negative ions. This technology is very effective and minimizes on the "black wall syndrome". It also maintains a better balance of negative and positive ions. Oppositely charge particles are attracted to each other and by clinging to each other, form larger particles too heavy for the air. They drop out of the air. They are eventually vacuumed or dusted up or picked up by a furnace filter. This is an excellent way to remove particles. This technology is available from only a handful of companies.
4 RCI radiant catalytic ionization: an active technology that is currently available from only a few companies. RCI or an equivalent is a combination of technologies wrapped in one. These technologies generally include UV, double charge ionization + and -, as well as a few other proprietary types distinct to each company. The documented results are impressive. This technology is available from only a handful of companies.
If you do not plan investing any significant funds in changing your environment, use effectively the already available tools:
1. Increase amount of live plants in your study area.
2. Get fresh outside air in your environment.
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