Friday, September 24, 2010

File Manager for Android Smart Phone

The ASTRO File Manager helps you get the most out of your Android smart phone. The Android operating system is designed to be very open and flexible, giving its users the chance to do more things on their phone than ever before. ASTRO helps your phone reach its full potential by giving you the tools to manage your phone.

As one user put it:
ASTRO turned my phone from a toy into a tool.
Some of the things you can do with the ASTRO File Manager
* Manage all files on your SD card (copy, move, rename)
* Manage multiple files and directories at once
* Backup applications
* Manage running applications
* Send files as attachments
* View thumbnails and images
* Browse and create compressed files like Zip and Tar
* And … much more

Manage Files

ASTRO will help you copy, move, delete and rename files. You can work with single files or multiple files. ASTRO does this in an intelligent manner working with your phone. These actions will be completed correctly even if you receive a phone call during the transaction. (try that test with other file managers and see what happens to your data.)

Backup Applications

ASTRO makes it easy to backup and restore public applications and also to install and un-install them. This means you can backup and un-install less frequently used applications, then quickly re-install them when needed. Since Android does not allow applications to be run from the SD card, this offers you the next best solution for freeing up the limit internal memory.

Manage running applications

The Process Manager will show you all running Applications, Services, and Processes. It displays running statistics for each one including the amount of memory and CPU each one is using. Applications can be stopped (killed), opened, detailed or ignored. This allows you to see if any applications use too many resources and keep you phone running smoothly.

Send files as attachments

ASTRO will let you send files as attachments to your email. You can also send images to other applications like Messaging or Picasa, or any other application that has registered to receive files.

View thumbnails and images

You can set the directory options to view thumbnails of any image in the directory (not just images in your picture gallery). ASTRO also has includes an image viewer that shows a thumbnail gallery of all the images in your current directory and supports gestures to rotate and change images.

Browse and create compressed files

ASTRO has built in support for reading and extracting compressed files like Zip and Tar files. You can browse the file just like it is another directory. You can extract individual files using copy and paste just like any other file. For Zip files you can also move, delete and rename files without having to extract the whole file.

Developers website:

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