Thursday, September 30, 2010

Free Lightweight MP3 Editor

For those who download music from Internet and create personal audio collection, the free, small, portable, easy to use, and efficient MP3 editor can be a valuable addition to the software kit. The main target of the utility is to improve general quality of your MP3 collection.

What exactly can mpTrim do for you?

* mpTrim can trim MP3s - removing silent or unwanted parts. You can set the trim positions in seconds or by frame number, or use auto-detection to trim silence from the file.
* mpTrim can adjust the volume of MP3s. Volume change can be manual or automatic (volume normalization).
* mpTrim can fade-in/out MP3s (to fix abrupt beginning/ending). You can choose from 3 pre-defined fading effects.
* mpTrim can clean-up MP3s and recover wasted disk space.
* mpTrim keeps the music quality intact, no matter how many times you process an MP3, because it works directly in the MP3 format without having to decode/re-encode. That also makes it very fast.
* mpTrim supports ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags, and can either maintain existing tags, remove them, or update them when the file is edited.

mpTrim is ultimate freeware with no evaluation period or time limit. It is available in many languages.

Operating systems:  Win98/Me/NT4/2K/XP/Vista/Windows 7.

Limitations: For large files (more than 7 minutes audio clips) the system will asks you to consider a for-pay upgrade to PRO version of the program.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

A diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease may be delayed or missed because early symptoms develop gradually and are often associated with the normal aging process. In addition, symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can mimic symptoms of a variety of diseases, disorders or conditions. These include TIA, depression, vascular dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, brain tumor, hydrocephalus, or advanced syphilis or AIDS.

Alzheimer's Disease misdiagnosis: Because AD is so well-known, it is sometimes an over-diagnosed condition. Other causes of dementia or memory loss symptoms may be overlooked. Other possible diagnoses include normal aging (if very mild symptoms), emotional problems (such as grief), fatigue, depression, and certain physical medical conditions such as thyroid disease, brain tumors, multi-infarct disease, or Huntington's disease. In its early stages, a correct diagnosis of AD can also be overlooked itself and misdiagnosed as other conditions such as depression, dementia, simple forgetfulness, or senility.

Alternative diagnoses list for Alzheimer's Disease

For a diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease, the following list of conditions have been mentioned in sources as possible alternative diagnoses to consider during the diagnostic process for Alzheimer's Disease:
  • Aging - some level of memory and concentration lapse is normal.
  • Emotional problems
    • Fatigue
    • Grief
    • Depression - Alzheimer's may be misdiagnosed as depression in its early stages.
  • Dementia - and various underlying causes of dementia and causes of dementia symptoms
  • Brain conditions
    • Head injury
    • Subdural hematoma
    • Brain tumors
    • Brain blood vessel disease
  • Chronic hypothermia - may cause confusion or slowing down in elderly living with poor heating.
  • Pneumonia - may cause confusion in the elderly.
  • Vitamin B deficiency
  • Illness
  • Vision loss
  • Hearing loss
  • Alcoholism
  • Drug interactions (type of Adverse reaction) - adverse effects of drug combinations can cause similar symptoms.
  • Certain medications - some medications affect memory and personality.
  • Thyroid problems
  • Any other condition that may cause behavioral changes such as:
    • High fever
    • Lead poisoning
    • Mercury poisoning
    • Manganese poisoning
    • Kidney disease
    • Liver disease
    • Other causes of dementia symptoms or behavioral changes
  • Amnesic disorder
  • Other causes of memory loss
  • Other causes of dementia
  • Pick's disease
  • Lewy body disease
  • Progressive supranuclear palsy
  • Vascular dementia
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
  • Thyroid disease
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Normal pressure hydrocephalus
  • Neurosyphilis
  • Frontotemporal dementia
  • Idiopathic Parkinson's disease
  • Cortico-basal ganglionic degeneration
  • Huntington's disease
  • HIV infection with CNS involvement
  • Cryptococcal infection with CNS involvement
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Panhypopituitarism
  • High -dose glucocorticosteroid therapy
  • Vitamin B1 deficiency
  • Niacin deficiency
  • Thiamine deficiency
  • Wilson's disease
  • Metachromatic leukodystrophy
  • Adrenal leukodystrophy
  • Acute cerebral vasculitis
  • Metal toxicity (lead and mercury)
  • Aniline dyes toxicity
  • Uremia
  • Liver failure
  • Antihypertensive drug intoxication
  • Benzodiazepine intoxication
  • Atropine intoxication
  • Barbiturate intoxication
  • Opiate intoxication
  • Anticholinergic drug intoxication
  • Lithium intoxication
  • Bromide intoxication
  • Neuroleptic intoxication
  • Antipsychotic intoxication
  • Normal aging process
  • Intracranial tumor
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Chronic subdural hematoma (type of Subdural hematoma)
  • Multi-infarct dementia
  • Progressive subcortical gliosis
As you understand it is very important to make a correct diagnosis for the patient, or the treatment plan would be totally wrong, and may bring more harm that relief. Insist on performing multiple conclusive tests, seek for the second professional opinion, as wrongly diagnosed person might be in a real dangerous situation, since the original problem sources are not treated.

Failure to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease

Failure to diagnose Alzheimer's Disease may be associated with the following:
  • Currently, diagnosis of Alzheimer's is difficult due to the lack of conclusive tests. A diagnosis of true Alzheimer's usually can only be confirmed on autopsy
  • Alzheimer's is often undiagnosed in the early stages due to inadequate testing methods. Early diagnosis allows timely treatment which can improve the prognosis
Notes on Hidden Causes of Alzheimer's Disease

The following may be hidden causes of Alzheimer's Disease:
  • A family history of Alzheimer's disease and/or Downs syndrome increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's
  • Risk factors for Alzheimer's are age, family history of Alzheimer's and a genetic predisposition
  • Other risk factors for Alzheimer's are: serious head injury, heart and blood vessel damage due to conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol and stroke
  • Studies also indicate that people who generally maintain a healthy lifestyle into old age are less likely to develop dementia. A healthy lifestyle involves mental and physical exercise, healthy social relationships, avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Other possible risk factors includes chronic inflammatory conditions and a history of clinical depression
  • A rare genetic mutation is linked directly to the development of Familial Alzheimer's disease rather than simply being a risk factor
  • Down syndrome patients often develop Alzheimer's disease in old age
Notes on Wrong Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Wrong diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease may be associated with the following:
  • Diagnosis may be difficult when other neurodegenerative disorder co-exist such as Alzheimer's
  • Dementia can occur in the later stages of Parkinson's disease in up to a quarter of patients. This makes the condition almost indistinguishable from Alzheimer's and hence a wrong diagnosis can result
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is most commonly misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease due to the similarity of symptoms. The misdiagnosis may not be discovered until autopsy. This is a serious concern as the number of people with CJD being diagnosed with Alzheimer's is unknown but may be larger than expected. Common symptoms includes memory loss, behavioral changes and uncoordinated movements
  • Experts increasingly believe that a significant number of people suffering from advanced normal pressure hydrocephalus are being misdiagnosed as having Alzheimer's disease. Symptoms such as memory loss and movement problems are common to both disorders. This misdiagnosis is important in the fact that normal pressure hydrocephalus is usually completely treatable. Lack of treatment leads to continuing deterioration
  • Because of the difficulty in accurately diagnosing Alzheimer's disease it is important for patients to be continually monitored even after they have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease as the progression of symptoms may point to a misdiagnosis or may further confirm and an Alzheimer's diagnosis
  • Alzheimer's is frequently misdiagnosed as its main symptom, dementia, is common to a number of disorders, some of which are completely treatable
  • Frontotemporal dementia is another dementia disorder which has clinical symptoms so similar to Alzheimer's that even dementia experts may have difficulty distinguishing the two conditions. Alzheimer's drugs can make frontotemporal dementia symptoms worse
  • Multi-infarct dementia also has similar symptoms to Alzheimer's and may be misdiagnosed. These symptoms include confusion, memory loss, incontinence and behavioral changes. Often only a brain biopsy is able to distinguish between the two. Diagnosis may be further complicated in patients who have both conditions
  • A degenerative brain disease called Huntington's disease may be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's but a genetic test can conclusively diagnose or eliminate Huntington's disease. Symptoms that may be common to both includes involuntary movements, personality changes, depression, memory loss and reduced ability to make decisions
  • Pick's disease may be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease due to the similarity of symptoms - personality changes, confusion, memory loss, and language and movement problems. A diagnosis can only be confirmed by an autopsy.
  • Lewy Body Dementia may also be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's with common symptoms being confusion, language problems, memory loss and eventually movement problems
  • Nutritional deficiencies which result in dementia symptoms may be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease. This is particularly disconcerting as nutritional deficiencies are readily treatable. For example thiamine deficiency (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome), vitamin B12 and B1 deficiency (due to alcohol abuse, chemotherapy or eating disorders) may cause symptoms such as confusion and memory problems which may be mistaken for Alzheimer's
  • Thyroid problems, certain infection and certain drugs may cause dementia symptoms which can lead to a wrong diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Again, this is particularly worrisome as these conditions are readily treatable
  • Brain tumors may also produce dementia symptoms which may be wrongly diagnosed as Alzheimer's. A CT or MRI scan can differentiate between the conditions
Complications of Misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

The following may be complications of misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease:
  • Mental impairment that occurs in the elderly is often overlooked as a symptom of Alzheimer's and is simply attributed to the normal processes of aging. This view is often held by health professionals as well as patients. They tend to ignore or dismiss the early symptoms of Alzheimer's
  • Depression in older people may be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's disease due to common symptoms such as memory and thinking problems, personality changes and reduced attentiveness. The risk of misdiagnosis is increased by the fact that often Alzheimer's patients also have depression
Other Notes on Misdiagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
  • An accurate diagnosis of true Alzheimer's is vital as symptoms in Alzheimer patients due to other causes may be reversible
  • Due to the range and variation in the possible causes of Alzheimer's-like symptoms, it is important that a full medical history is done on patients in order to avoid a wrong diagnosis

Color Therapy for Depression

Over the last few years, I have found that color therapy has really helped me. I had my colors done and found out that citrus orange, lemon and lime suit me best. Then I started buying clothes in these brighter colors and it transformed how I felt about myself and how other people reacted to me in a very positive way. Orange is a good color to wear to combat depression. I can definitely vouch for that. Make or buy some brightly colored posters for your walls and some cushions. Hot pink is a good color to snap you out of the blues. All of this will help take your mind off the unhappy aspects of your life and show you how much the world has to offer you in terms of beauty and joy (From Online Forum). 

Effects of Colors

Chromotherapy (light therapy) is a therapeutic science which has been used by many races for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians used specially built solarium rooms with different colored glasses. The sun would shine through the colored glass onto the patient to achieve specific therapeutic benefits. Others used different colored silk clothes to filter varying shades of light onto their bodies. There is also evidence of others using colored waters and colored gels to achieve the same results.

Recent research showed substantial proof that a blindfolded person will experience physiological reactions under different colored rays. In other words, the skin sees in Technicolor. Noted neuropsychologist Kurt Goldstein confirmed this information in his modern classic The Organism, where he notes that stimulation of the skin by different colors creates different effects.

Different colors are said to have different effects on people. When color therapy was being developed, the Russian scientist S.V. Krakov found that exposure to pure red light had a stimulating effect, while exposure to pure blue light has a sedative effect. Red light tends to speed up heart rate and respiration while increasing blood pressure, and blue light tends to slow heart rate and respiration and lower blood pressure.

The different colors you might be exposed to in color therapy are red, which promotes energy; orange, which promotes pleasure and enthusiasm; yellow, which promotes mental clarity; green, which promotes balance and calm; blue, which promotes good communication and knowledge; indigo, which is a sedative; and violet, which promotes enlightenment or spiritual awakening.


Color is Visible Light

Scientifically, it makes sense. Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. Let's break it down. What exactly is light? It is the visible reflection off the particles in the atmosphere. Color makes up a band of these light wave frequencies from red at 1/33,000th's of an inch wavelength to violet at 1/67,000 of an inch wavelength. Below red lie infrared and radio waves. Above it: the invisible ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays. We all understand the impact of ultraviolet and x-rays, do we not? Why then wouldn't the light we can see "as color" not have as big an impact?

How Does Color Therapy Heal?

Color therapists make use of a person's sensitivity to color to balance the flow of energy throughout the body. They believe that colors affect the vibrational energy that flows throughout every organ and system of the body. Accordingly, color therapy can be used to calm and soothe or stimulate and enhance mental, physical and spiritual energies. Wellness is achieved as energies throughout the body are balanced through color therapy.

Scientists explain the effects of color on our moods, thoughts and behavior in terms of physiological processes. Colors are light energies of certain wavelengths, and studies have confirmed that exposure to colors has a direct effect on the pituitary and pineal glands.

Stimulation of these glands affects hormonal production and their release, and this affects the systems of the body in a variety of ways. As an example, scientific studies conducted in 1942 demonstrated that the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated by exposure to red light, and the parasympathetic nervous system is stimulated by exposure to white and blue light.

Although color is visible light energy, scientists believe it is not necessary to see color in order for it to affect the body. The body can sense and react to color through energy vibrations, so even the blind are affected by color.

Color therapists and scientists may not agree on precisely how color can help improve physical and mental health, but they do agree that the effects colors have on people are significant. Color has real physiological effects on people, and it can be used to help treat a variety of conditions as well as to promote general health.

Applying Color Therapy

Color therapy, also known as Chromatherapy, is a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) technique. A trained color therapist is able to use color and light to balance energy wherever our bodies are lacking � whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Chromotherapists state that colors bring about emotional reactions in people. A standard method of diagnosis is the use of Luscher's color test, developed in the early 1900s by Dr. Max Luscher. The Luscher-Color-Diagnostic® measures a person's psychophysical state, and their ability to withstand stress, to perform, and to communicate. The diagnostic is used to uncover the cause of psychological stress, which can lead to physical symptoms.

Findings suggest that color and light have been utilized by healers since the beginning of recorded time. Color therapy possibly has roots in Ayurveda, an ancient form of Indian medicine practiced for thousands of years. Other historic roots are linked to ancient Egyptian culture and Chinese healing. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), for example, each organ is associated with a specific color. Ancient Egyptians built solariums (sun rooms) that could be fitted with colored panes of glass. The sun would shine through and flood the patient with color.

When administering color therapy, color and light is applied to specific areas of the body. Because colors are associated with both positive and negative effects in color therapy, specific colors and accurate amounts of the color are deemed to be essential in the healing process. Just as the proper color in the correct area can promote healing, too much color or colors applied erroneously in the wrong places may facilitate adverse health effects.

Common tools used in Chromotherapy include candles, wands, prisms, colored fabric, gemstones, bath treatments, colored glass or lenses, and colored lights. Therapeutic color can be administered in several ways, but it is often done in combination with aromatherapy and/or hydrotherapy in an attempt to heighten the effects of treatment.

Alternative medicine practitioners who use chromotherapy often relate the seven colors of the color spectrum to specific body areas known as chakras. As with yoga, the chakras are specific spiritual energy centers at different spots on the human body. The therapeutic actions of the colors correspond to the chakra they represent.

A Brief Overview of Colors and Chakras


Red � First Chakra: base of spine
Red is the color of life, the glowing sun and fire. It is believed to increase the pulse, raise blood pressure and increase the rate of breathing. It is also the color of passion and desire. Red would be applied to support circulatory functions and has been used for asthma, anemia, throat/larynx diseases and chronic cough. An excessive amount of red in someone could represent domination, cruelty, anger and vulgarity.

Orange � Second Chakra: pelvic area
Orange is a mixture of red and yellow, and stands for kind- and warm-heartedness. It symbolizes the rising sun, and improves mood and alertness. Chromotherapy using orange has achieved astounding results when treating mental illness, depression and pessimism. It can be used for anorexia, digestive disorders, loss of appetite, anemia, and arteriosclerosis. An excess of orange could signal fatigue, confusion and pessimism.

Yellow � Third Chakra: solar plexus (just above belly button)
The sun and horizon are symbolized by yellow, the brightest color used in chromotherapy. Yellow has been used to strengthen the nervous system, treat glandular diseases, hepatitis and lymphatic disorders and assist metabolism. Someone with an excess of yellow may experience malice or lack of concentration.

Green � Fourth Chakra: heart
In the middle of the color spectrum lies green, a color associated with harmony. Green will not make one quiet, rather provide a neutral, positive calming effect. It is the color of possession and the will to possess, but is also considered the color of concentration. Green has been used in the treatment of whooping cough, joint inflammation, bronchial infections, swelling, and detoxification. An excess of green may result in insecurity, jealousy or lethargy. Pink is also associated with the Fourth Chakra, as a secondary color to green.

Blue � Fifth Chakra: throat
The color of infinity and peace, blue promotes relaxation and calm. Blue is used to put our bodies and minds in a state of softness, repose and peace. Blue exhibits tranquilizing qualities often used to relieve headaches and migraines, colds, stress, nervous tension, rheumatism, stomach pains, muscle cramps and liver disorders. Blue is thought to have a positive effect on all kinds of pain. In excess, blue creates doubt, apathy, distrust and melancholy.

Indigo � Sixth Chakra: lower part of forehead
Indigo is a cooling color good for intuition and perception. In chromotherapy, it is used to treat mental problems, and conditions involving the eyes, ears and nose, as well as in treating addiction. Indigo has a calming, sedative effect. Some practitioners use the color to help control bleeding and abscesses. Violet may also be associated with this chakra, depending on the chromotherapist.

Violet � Seventh Chakra: top of the head
Violet is considered the color of emotions, and is used to calm the nervous system, soothe organs and relax muscles. Violet has meditative qualities and is often used to treat conditions of the lymphatic system and spleen, as well as urinary disorders and psychosis. Excessive violet may result in expressions of domination or fanaticism. White or magenta is sometimes also associated with the Seventh Chakra, depending on the practitioner.

Chromotherapy has been practiced throughout the world for centuries, and remains one of the most popular CAM therapies available.


Depression and Color

If you begin color therapy for depression, you will probably primarily be exposed to blue light. According to Vanderbilt University's Health Psychology page, the success of blue light in treating depression was first acknowledged by the scientific community in 1990 at the annual conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Sources and Additional Information:

Monday, September 27, 2010

How to create a Free Professional Blog with BlinkWeb?

Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the blogging platforms for the new bloggers, we often restrain our reviews by the big players in this marketing niche only (like Blogger, for example). However, there are many small players, who may offer quite impressive set of features and capabilities.

Today, we are going to present of the sites, which can easily compete with big boys � BlinkWeb.  It's one of those websites that surprisingly offers you their services for free without any loopholes and hassles. The site was founded in June 2008 by Brad and Matthew Callen, the company is based in Indiana, USA.

BlinkWeb offers you to create professionally looking website or blog with simplicity and speed of the drag and drop functionality. You can easily create all the major website types such as a blogs, a content style websites, or a sales letter style websites. The blogging platform was developed with novice users in mind. However, those with moderate experience, basically anyone who doesn't know the least bit about html and other coding stuff, can still very easily make use of this platform. Blinkweb comes equipped with many high quality website templates that users can select from, making the new blog unique in the blogosphere.


To get started with the service is pretty simple: you just need to sign up for a new account on BlinkWeb. It is easy as well. Simply enter your chosen username, password and your email address on the homepage of the site in the signup box. It's free to sign up and use BlinkWeb, depending on where you want to host your site you may have to pay a fee.

The Blinkweb page builder is completely free. After the user creates their website, they are presented with 3 main options which include; get a subdomain for your website, get a domain name for your website, or download your website in .zip format. Users will be able to get a subdomain completely free, which is then hosted by our servers. Users can also choose to get a domain from Blinkweb. Domain names are completely free as well. Should the user choose to get a domain name, Blinkweb will host their website for $1.00 the first month and then $14.95 for each month thereafter. Users can have unlimited domains with Blinkweb. Each additional domain is only an extra $1.30/month. Finally, if users prefer to host their websites with their current webhost, rather than through Blinkweb, they can choose the 3rd option, which is to download their website in .zip format. Doing so costs only a very small fee. Blinkweb also offers an extensive line of training tools and guides to earning money strictly from an online business. These tools come in the form of videos, workbooks, and audio CDs.

It incorporates the following features:
  • It has a very user friendly interface, even a novice can get a hang of it in no time.
  • You can download website to your own computer
  • It very conveniently lets you build websites by simply dragging and dropping components
  • You can also add few add-on and plug-in like AdSense, contact forms, guestbooks and maps according to your requirement.
  • The basic services comes for free but if you are looking for trying out and applying more advanced features then you will be charged accordingly.

Access Website Homepage:

Venezuelan parliamentary election 2010

We do not want the Communist system
because it goes against our Constitution
and the rights that strengthen the lives of people

(Archbishop of Caracas, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino,
September 22, 2010)

Today, 26 September of 2010, there is an important day in Venezuela. Today the parliamentary election took place to elect the 165 deputies to the National Assembly. 110 of these deputies are constituency representatives elected on a first-past-the-post system (in 87 electoral districts), 52 elected on a party list system (2 or 3 deputies per state of Venezuela, depending on population), and 3 seats are reserved for indigenous peoples, with separate rules. Additionally, 12 representatives are chosen for the Latin American Parliament.

A total of 6465 candidates have registered with the National Electoral Council by the June deadline. Around 17.5m of the country's 28.5m population are eligible to vote. The ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), with around 7 million members, is by far the largest party in the country by membership.

While the election results outcomes are not clear yet, it is not a surprise that World observers are closely watching the process of election as the results might significantly change the political realities of the South America and the whole World in a way.


Current political realities

Pro-government parties are expected to face a strong opposition in the 167-unicameral National Assembly election. Opposition parties boycotted the vote in 2005. This time they see votes in Venezuelans' discontent with the gloomy economy, electricity rationing and revelations of graft. Leftist President Hugo Chavez' control of the legislature isn't under threat, but significant gains for the opposition could see him having to work harder to have his way. Political observers see the chance of instability ahead of the vote.

Government supporters and critics have taken to the streets in rival demonstrations that promise to continue up to and well past the election, regardless of the outcome.

Opposition parties have their own problems, and might not be able to translate the popular discontent into votes for their candidates. They are beset with divisions in their ranks and could have trouble finding candidates less tainted by corruption that the pro-government candidates. And the opposition accuses Chavez' National Electoral Council of gerrymandering seven of the country's 23 states, including the major cities of Caracas and Maracaibo, for the benefit of pro-government parties.

A recession combined with 25 per cent inflation, the highest in America, adds to the hardship for Venezuelans. The economy shrank 2.9 per cent in 2009 and is expected to continue to contract. Several banks have failed. Oil prices are volatile, a potential problem because Venezuelans are accustomed to cheap gas. The graft revelations are also undermining the popularity of the governing coalition.

Chavez, first elected in 1998, was re-elected in December 2006 with 61 percent of the vote. Since then, the president, who has a military background, has markedly intensified political reforms. On Feb. 15, 2009, Venezuelans voted in favor of a constitutional amendment to remove term limits on all elected offices.



Only a few days ago, Chávez stated unequivocally that "it is not true that Venezuela is one of the most dangerous countries in the world, nor is it true that today there is more violence here than there was 11 years ago." Facts, however, are stubborn things. Since 1999, when Chávez took office, no Latin American country has seen a more acute deterioration in personal safety than Venezuela. The country's homicide rate has gone from 20 per 100,000 people in 1998 to 49 per 100,000 in 2009 -- nine times as high as in the United States. This places Venezuela solidly among the world's most violent countries, alongside chronically bad cases such as Jamaica and Guatemala. In the capital city, Caracas, the rate is 122 per 100,000, a figure comparable only to that of Ciudad Juárez, the Mexican border town where drug traffickers are literally waging a war against the state and one other. Car theft rates, a good barometer of property crime (unlike other crimes, stolen cars are usually reported to the authorities), have also exploded from 69 per 100,000 people in 1998 to 155 in 2009.

No wonder, then, that crime -- according to nearly every opinion poll carried out in the run-up to the election -- tops voters' concerns by a large margin. In August, the Venezuelan Institute for Data Analysis (IVAD) reported that 84 percent of voters mentioned insecurity as a major concern, while less than half that percentage mentioned unemployment, the second most important issue to voters. So, the opposition is running neck and neck with Chávez's party and has a fighting chance of capturing a significant majority of the popular vote, though not of the heavily gerrymandered seats.

The government's anxiety is palpable. Since 2004, it has refused to release official crime figures, leaving the task of compiling them to NGOs. In August, the government-controlled judiciary cautioned El Nacional, an opposition newspaper, against publishing images related to "blood, weapons and terror messages." The warning followed the newspaper's controversial decision to publish a large cover photo of wounded corpses in Caracas's main morgue. True to form, Chávez has oscillated between blaming the remnants of capitalism for the mess and claiming that "the United States has infiltrated Venezuela … to kill, to kidnap people and then to say that Chávez can't [govern effectively]" -- that is, when he's not denying that crime is a problem altogether.


Hugo Chavez Appeal

The Venezuelan president used his Twitter account to make a comment about the parliament election held on Sunday. He urged people to consolidate the victory of his government project. He also told his supporters that he looks forward to meet with them at the Palace of Miraflores

President Hugo Chávez urged his supporters to "prepare to receive and accept the results," via his Twitter account @chavezcandanga. The President sent a message to his supporters.

"We are waiting (for the results). I ask everyone to prepare to receive and accept the results. It was another great day," Chávez said in his Twitter account.


Results are still unknown, but several polls predict the pro-Chavez forces to win a majority (and possibly two-thirds of all seats), in spite of the economic, political, and social situation. If that happens, Chavez would be once again given a mandate to deepen the revolution processes and to continue moving towards communist standards.

History does not teach! Communist ideology, while offering nice and attractive theories and slogans, in practice, is leading to the worst dictatorship and people oppression possible. I was born in the Communist country, I know that…


Sources and Additional Information:

Sunday, September 26, 2010

SmartMoney 2010 Discount Brokers Rating

For the 18th annual ranking of brokers�itself top-ranked by the Web site ConsumerSearch�Smart Money scrutinized a wide range of factors, from trading commissions and account fees to the cost of certain banking services and margin rates. In addition to parsing survey responses from the brokerages, we consulted with research firms and put brokers through our usual litany of customer-service tests.

General Ranking of discount brokers

The top ten (of seventeen) are (list) with fees per trade:
  1. Fidelity � $7.95
  2. E*Trade � $9.99
  3. TD Ameritrade � $9.99
  4. Charles Schwab � $8.95
  5. TradeKing � $4.95
  6. Scottrade � $7.00
  7. WallStreet-E � $7.99
  8. Firstrade- $6.95
  9. Just2Trade � $2.50
  10. Muriel Siebert � $14.95
The top five winners this year are the same top five last year (2009 Smart Money Broker rankings) with a few shifts. E*Trade lost the top spot to Fidelity while TD Ameritrade shot ahead two spots to take third. It's interesting to note that in the top five, only TradeKing charges less than $5 a trade.

Individual Awards

Commissions and Fees
Best: Just2Trade
Worst: Banc of America

If you trade online, you might be spending less this year on commissions. A wave of price-cutting by the firms sliced the average commission for a 100-share trade to $8.47, down 8 percent from last year. But while brokers are quick to highlight that online prices keep falling, some of their under-the-radar fees aren't changing. Getting help from a live broker to trade a stock can more than triple the cost of a trade. Some brokerages charge fees of up to $100 a year if customers don't trade frequently enough. Even closing account costs money at some firms.

The winner in this category is Just2Trade.  The company's stock trades costs $2.50. Commissions for options trading is also among the lowest, although like majority of the competitors, Just2Trade charges additional fee for paper statement.

At the bottom of the rankings is Banc of America, the discount-brokerage arm of Bank of America. Unless you keep a hefty $25,000 at the bank, online stock trades can cost $14 a pop, with broker-assisted trades costing as much as $54. Marc Wood, director of the Banc of America online brokerage, says some bank customers with less than $25,000 and certain types of checking accounts can qualify for cheaper trades.

Customer Service
Best: TradeKing
Worst: ShareBuilder

Steve Brorby was stuck. The retiree was reviewing his Fidelity online account but had trouble including an account from another brokerage. He says he sent an e-mail to Fidelity and made three separate phone calls, but still couldn't resolve the issue. Finally, he contacted Fidelity's branch manager near his home in Pasadena, Calif., and found the solution: switch to a different Web browser. "She stepped up to bat," says Brorby. Discount brokers are finding that good customer service matters more than ever at a time when many investors are nervous about their future. That helps explain why six of the firms in the survey added branches in the past year and why laggards are trying to catch up. Last year Wallstreet-e didn't respond to one of the e-mails. The company says it has staffed up its e-mail and phone centers. The result: a speedy response to the queries helped the firm improve on its dead-last ranking from a year ago.

The category winner, TradeKing, had swift and courteous answers to all e-mails and phone calls. But ShareBuilder took three and a half minutes, on average, to answer the calls during the testing period, a performance the company blames on an upgrade to its phone system under way at the time.

Trading Tools
Best: Fidelity
Worst: WellsTrade

New arms race has broken out among discount brokers. The must-have tool: applications for the iPhone, Blackberry and other smartphones. Matthew Poepsel, vice president of performance strategies at Gomez, a Web site�monitoring company, says the new smartphone applications are much more useful than the older mobile versions of sites. "Ten years ago you were just glad when your broker had a Web site," says Poepsel. The top-ranked brokers also have a full suite of trading tools, from stock screeners to streaming quotes. Fidelity has before-hours and after-hours trading and a free app for the iPhone and iPod touch. Online investors also want speed, and the differences can be a lot more than clients realize. In tests conducted by Gomez, Fidelity clocked in at an average of four seconds to sign in and place a trade, while Wellstrade's Web site took more than four times as long. Wellstrade says part of the delay is due to stringent security measures, but that it's looking at ways to speed up the process.

Mutual Funds and Investment Products
Best: Charles Schwab
Worst: SogoTrade

We look for discount brokers that offer a wide array of investment products. But when do they risk information overload? TD Ameritrade, which offers more than 15,000 mutual funds, says a recent survey of its customers found that nearly half who invest in these products think there are too many.

Sandy Motusesky, TD Ameritrade's director of mutual funds and ETFs, says that to help investors narrow the choices, the firm recently updated its list of recommended funds, focusing it on specific investment strategies, such as generating income or hedging against inflation.TD Ameritrade is among a trio of five-star brokers in the investment-products category, which also includes Charles Schwab and Fidelity. This year Schwab edged out last year's winner, Fidelity, in a photo finish. Schwab has all the investment products we were looking for, including a Coverdell account�an education-savings account similar to a 529 plan�something that Fidelity does not offer. (Fidelity says its customers are more interested in 529 plans than in Coverdell accounts.) Like Ameritrade, both firms sell about 15,000 mutual funds. But about half the funds on Fidelity's site come with a sales charge, while fewer than 4 percent of the funds on Schwab's site are load funds. A Fidelity spokesperson says the company wants to give investors a wide range of choices.

Of course, some brokers don't want to be all things to all people. Dave Whitmore, Sogotrade's president, says he has no intention of offering CDs, bonds or mutual funds anytime soon. "Our strategy is to remain price competitive for the active trader," he says.

Banking Services
Best: E-Trade and Fidelity
Worst: OptionsXpress

More investors are looking for one-stop shopping in financial services, and many discount brokers are happy to help�especially if they can profit from the trend. "As prices continually drive down, firms have to find other ways to make money," says David Lo, director of investment services at J.D. Power and associates. Sure, lots of brokers will pay you interest on any cash in a brokerage account; they just won't pay you much. The highest amount any of the 17 brokers in our survey pay is a paltry 0.80 percent, and some pay zero. Nevertheless, the highest-ranked brokers�Fidelity and e-trade�offered a variety of bank-like options, including online bill payment, debit cards and even a storage service for precious metals.

Not all firms want to be one-stop financial shops, however. "We've decided not to compete with the banks," says OptionsXpress CEO David Fisher.

Best: Charles Schwab
Worst: Wallstreet-E

When it comes to research, self-directed investors are getting harder to please. More than ever, they want a robust suite of news, data and education to help them make investing decisions. The survey found that 16 percent of investors say having access to research is the most valuable part of being a customer at an online brokerage, up from 4 percent in our previous survey. Many discount brokers are happy to oblige: Investors who use the research, planning tools or educational seminars on brokerage Web sites are much more satisfied customers, says Lo, of J.D. Power. The biggest area of growth is social media, as more adults jump into an arena once thought the province of the young. Most of our firms are on both Facebook and Twitter. Of course, social media can work both ways. E-Trade, for example, has more than 40,000 "fans" on Facebook, but not all seem happy. "The platform has been real buggy lately," one wrote recently.

Schwab wins in our research category again this year. It was also among the fastest Web sites to navigate and provides research reports from many outside firms, including Argus research, Ned Davis research and standard & Poor's. Zecco, which tied with Wallstreet-E for last place a year ago, earns a second star in this category after adding real-time quotes, detailed sector- and industry-performance analysis, and technical charting.

Wallstreet-e gets the lowest marks for research. The site was also among the slowest to navigate, and our Web testers never found the commission price list. (The company says the list is on its publicly available site and that it will add it to the customer site.) Also in the works at Wallstreet-E: a new mutual fund screener and a social-media presence. "We always have plans," says CEO Francisco Otalvaro.

Published May 20, 2010 Sources and Additional Information:

Master of Business Administration at Post University

Post University offers a completely Online MBA Degree Program designed for working professionals.


Benefits of online MBA degree program

  • Quality, convenient, and flexible MBA delivered completely online.
  • Accelerated Degree Program is available. Complete the 45 credit program in 14-20 months.
  • Study and network with other business professionals.
  • Learn from experienced faculty who combine knowledge of theory and practice. You won't be learning from static text on a page, rather you will be learning from and with real instructors and fellow students.
  • Forward-thinking curriculum that focuses on new value creation through innovation and creativity.
  • Great return on investment (ROI), earning a valuable credential at an affordable price.
  • Immediately apply what you learn to develop solutions in your company.
  • Transfer up to 9 credits from another accredited institution.
  • Technical help by phone, chat and email 24/7 365 days a year.
  • At Post, you learn the practical techniques for developing and delivering new and innovative products and services that you and your company need for future growth. In addition to a focus on innovation, this program provides the fundamental and theoretical knowledge expected of all MBA graduates. You will interact with faculty and your fellow students completely online from the comfort of your home or office.

About Online MBA program at Post University

  • �         The Post University Online MBA Program is fully accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges and licensed and accredited by the State of Connecticut.
  • �         You are not required to complete the GMAT test to enter the program. We look for students with work experience, a good undergraduate background, and an ambition to learn and develop their business knowledge and leadership skills.
  • �         Courses are offered every eight weeks, six times a year, so, you can start immediately.
  • �         75% of the full-time MBA faculty has terminal degrees in their field and 100% of the faculty has at least 20 years of corporate leadership or consulting experience.
  • �         All students are assigned academic advisors who support and guide them through their entire degree program.
About Post University

  • Post University was founded in 1890 as a business school and has a long tradition of developing business leaders in a variety of fields.
  • Traditional day campus located in the scenic hills of Waterbury, CT.
  • Post University began offering online degree programs in 1997 and is the largest provider of online degree programs in Connecticut.
  • Ranked one of the 20 Best Online Universities by the OEDB.
  •  PU is relatively affordable compared to other universities, and their criteria for acceptance isn't nearly as strict as most colleges.



Post University is licensed by the State of Connecticut through the Department of Higher Education (DHE). The purpose of licensure by the State of Connecticut is to ensure that any new institutions, and its academic programs (traditional classroom and online), comply with the quality standards required to begin operations in the state. The regulations and standards used by DHE can be found at:

In addition to licensure, the State of Connecticut also ensures through its accreditation process that Post University continues to meet the quality standards established by the state. Post University's accreditation by the State of Connecticut carries with it authorization to award specified degrees.


Post University offers the following Online MBA programs:
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Corporate Innovation Track
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Entrepreneurship Track
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Finance Track
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Leadership Track
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - Marketing Track
How long is the program?

Post University Online offers eight-week accelerated modules six times per year. Typically, students take two courses per module. Depending on the number of credits being transferred, and on how many courses taken per module, a bachelor's degree can be completed in two to three years. Our graduate programs can typically be completed in a year to 18 months. For associate's degrees and professional certificates, and depending on the number credits being transferred, these programs can be completed in a year to 18 months. 

Application Deadlines

Admission decisions are conducted on a rolling basis throughout the calendar year. Students can begin taking courses in any of our six modules (September, November, January, March, May, and July). Applicants are provided admission decisions within ten (10) days of receipt of all application materials by the Graduate Admissions Office.

Applicants can take up to three graduate level courses before their application is completed.

Admission Criteria

Post University treats each student's application on an individual basis using a combination of several criteria. No one criterion carries more weight than any other. All applications will be considered.
The following outlines the criteria and conditions for standard admissions to the Post MBA program:
  • An applicant must hold a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
  • An applicant must have had prior work experience.
  • Typically the University looks for a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale however significant work experience may overcome a lower GPA.
  • Two positive letters of recommendation from academics or professionals.
Applicants may want to discuss with their admissions representative the admissions process and requirements.

Financial Aid and Tuition

The 2010-2011 Tuition Rate, which takes effect at the start of MOD6 (June 28,2010), is $595 per credit hour. Currently, all Post University Online graduate courses are three credit hours. Tuition is due for payment prior to the first day of classes.

All students must arrange with a Post University tuition planner about how payments for courses will be made. An Admissions advisor assigns a tuition planner to each student, and the planner makes contact about payment plans.

There are several alternative payment options you can use:
  • Federal financial aid is available to those who meet the Basic Eligibility Requirements as outlined by the US Department of Education.
  • Individual payments can be made at the time of registration by credit card, check, or money order.
  • Employer reimbursement is accepted and requires a letter on company stationery from the applicant's employer documenting this commitment of direct payment to the school.  Students who receive employer tuition reimbursement directly must make acceptable payment arrangements with the University. 
In order to register for courses, you must have a credit card or debit card on file. Cards will not be charged unless one of the following has occurred: you select credit card billing, or if you fail to pay any tuition due.

Contact Information

Post University Online
Office of Admissions
800 Country Club Road
P.O. Box 2540
Waterbury, CT 06723
Telephone: 1.800.345.2562 or 203.596.4520
Fax: 203.756.5810

Sources and Additional Information:

Free the Internet - Blog Carnival at Collection of Web Freebies - 16th Ed.

Welcome to the 16-th, September 24, 2010, edition of the "Free the Internet" Blog Carnival. Some statistics: submitted articles � 72, published articles - 32. I want to thank all the authors contributing to the issue. Some articles were excluded from the review, since their topic of discussion did not match the main target of the carnival. I am sorry, that not all submissions were accepted, as some of the excluded articles carried a significant value. As one of the submitted articles carried a link to the potentially dangerous site, I want to ensure all the readers that all articles were tested and evaluated, and all the posted links are safe to visit.

mick presents "I can't believe I ate the whole thing!" posted at Data In Motion, saying, "article about file transfers technology"

mick presents What's that guy wearing? posted at Data In Motion, saying, "what SSL and SSH are"

Mike Fitterer presents Security Risks of Copy Machines - DocuSign Blog posted at DocuSign Blog, saying, "free demo link at the bottom"

John Laugherton presents 25 iPad Apps Every Engineer Needs posted at Masters in Engineering, saying, "The following 25 iPad apps that every engineer needs includes a broad range of generic tools, productivity apps and references that can provide engineers from all fields with support with a single tap of a finger."

Carrie Oakley presents 50 Awesome Blog Posts for the Kindle Addict posted at Online Colleges, saying, "The listed blog posts in the article cover a wide spectrum of information regarding Amazon's revolutionary e-reader, with everything from hacks to charitable causes represented."

Mr. Audio Books presents 10 Places to Download Free Audio Books posted at Audio Book Downloads.

Bailey Digger presents 50 Best Illustration Blogs on the Web posted at Web Design Degree, saying, "Illustrators are finding inspiration and tips on how to improve their technique on the web. From cartoonists to those exploring digital art, illustrators can learn a lot from each other."

Rowena Hebert presents 50 Best Blogs for Beating Food Addiction posted at

Jennifer Saksa presents Software to put the "Free" back in Freelancer posted at NCH Software Blog.

Graham Alice presents 30 Best Blogs to Learn More About Acupuncture posted at

Madeleine Begun Kane presents Facebook Straits posted at Mad Kane's Humor Blog.

Ferrari Dude presents Top 25 Google Android Apps for Public Health Professionals posted at MPH Degree, saying, "The following top 25 Google Android apps for public health professionals include health apps, communication apps and apps that could make any public health professional's work and social life more convenient."

Domain presents How to be an Internet Ninja : The Chronicles of Domain Name Ninja: Social Bookmarking and how it contributes to search engine rankings posted at The Ninja Blog, saying, "Beginners guide to social bookmarking"

sharons719 presents Top 25 BlackBerry Apps for Public Health Professionals posted at Masters of Public Health, saying, "Public health professionals have many different responsibilities. Advances in technologies can help take away some of the pressure of these responsibilities."

Edward Phillips presents 52 Weight Loss Tips That Celebrities Swear By posted at Massage Therapy Schools.

Hudson Horizons presents Twitter's Newest Enhancement Makes Sharing Easier | Hudson Horizons Blogs posted at RSS Feed, saying, "Hudson Horizons Social Media Marketing, Website Development, SEO and Web 2.0 Blog provides important information on Social Media Marketing, Website Design, Website Development, Web 2.0 Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and will help you to increase your business online."

JohnQ Stakes presents Top 20 Health and Fitness Mobile Apps: iPhone vs. Android posted at Nurse Practitioner Degree, saying, "Mobile applications for both the iPhone and the Android have a variety of uses. One of the most common and popular uses is for health and fitness."

Tila Swank presents 10 Ways to Tell You're Addicted to Facebook posted at Internet Marketing Degree.

Bailey Digger presents Top 10 Signs the Web is Making You Stupid posted at Web Design Degree, saying, "The Internet is wonderful and, in fact, on many days, it may seem like you can't remember what you ever did without it. Heck, most people don't even buy stamps any more thanks to the Web-based bill pay services."

Alex Carson presents 100 Ways Google Can Make You a Better Educator | OEDb posted at OEDb: Online Education Database.

Matt O'Brien presents 15 Amazing Online Websites That Will Have Your Desk Decluttered posted at Online Masters, saying, "The article has gathered 15 amazing online websites that will have your desk decluttered. Now with just a few clicks, organizing papers, books, notes, and even your internet surfing is as easy as moving a mouse. Throwing out the junk you don't need any more is harder."

Hoven Keith presents Top 25 Little-Known Web Startups Revolutionizing the Way We Communicate posted at Masters in Communication, saying, "The information age has changed the way we all communicate. This is a list of 25 little-known startups leading the charge."

Cathy Thomas presents 10 Celebs Who Are Total Technophobes posted at Computer Technician, saying, "Just because a celebrity can afford Apple's newest iProduct does not mean he or she necessarily rushes out to stay on top of the trend. Some have enough money to unplug from the world and connect with the technologies of earlier eras."

Liz Nutt presents 10 Unrealistic Uses of the Internet in Movies posted at Information Technology Schools.

dixon.marino presents Top 10 Casual Web & Facebook Games That Will Make You Smarter posted at top 10 online universities, saying, "Recent research has suggested that there are games that can help improve brain power. This list of 10 games could actually make you smarter."

Benjamin Kubelsky presents Top 20 iPad Apps to Keep You Healthy and Fit posted at Health Sherpa, saying, "Apple's iPad is quite popular, and it provides numerous tools that can help you maintain a healthier lifestyle."

Tila Swank presents 15 Facebook Friends You Regret Accepting posted at Internet Marketing Degree.
y presents Free Windows Security Options posted at The Security File, saying, "A few softwares concerning computer security that are available for free. Thanks!"

Adam Park presents 10 Futurama Inventions that Should be Real posted at Computer Science Schools.

Israel Baline presents Top 20 iPad Apps for Teachers posted at Masters in Special Education, saying, "Technology has transformed the classroom, teaching, and learning in general. One of the newest gadgets, the iPad, can be of great use to teachers."

Cindy Cullen presents 50 Best Cheese Blogs on the Web posted at Culinary Arts College, saying, "These blogs and websites are devoted to teaching you more about cheese than just what it tastes like. From cheese & wine blogs to sites that tell you how to melt individual types of cheeses, you'll surely be hankering for a cheesy snack by the time you get to our 50th entry."

JohnQ Stakes presents Top 20 Helpful iPad Apps from the Government posted at Masters in Public Policy, saying, "The U.S. federal government, as well as states and local governments, offer a number of iPad apps that can help you stay up with government happenings."

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of free the internet using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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Friday, September 24, 2010

File Manager for Android Smart Phone

The ASTRO File Manager helps you get the most out of your Android smart phone. The Android operating system is designed to be very open and flexible, giving its users the chance to do more things on their phone than ever before. ASTRO helps your phone reach its full potential by giving you the tools to manage your phone.

As one user put it:
ASTRO turned my phone from a toy into a tool.
Some of the things you can do with the ASTRO File Manager
* Manage all files on your SD card (copy, move, rename)
* Manage multiple files and directories at once
* Backup applications
* Manage running applications
* Send files as attachments
* View thumbnails and images
* Browse and create compressed files like Zip and Tar
* And … much more

Manage Files

ASTRO will help you copy, move, delete and rename files. You can work with single files or multiple files. ASTRO does this in an intelligent manner working with your phone. These actions will be completed correctly even if you receive a phone call during the transaction. (try that test with other file managers and see what happens to your data.)

Backup Applications

ASTRO makes it easy to backup and restore public applications and also to install and un-install them. This means you can backup and un-install less frequently used applications, then quickly re-install them when needed. Since Android does not allow applications to be run from the SD card, this offers you the next best solution for freeing up the limit internal memory.

Manage running applications

The Process Manager will show you all running Applications, Services, and Processes. It displays running statistics for each one including the amount of memory and CPU each one is using. Applications can be stopped (killed), opened, detailed or ignored. This allows you to see if any applications use too many resources and keep you phone running smoothly.

Send files as attachments

ASTRO will let you send files as attachments to your email. You can also send images to other applications like Messaging or Picasa, or any other application that has registered to receive files.

View thumbnails and images

You can set the directory options to view thumbnails of any image in the directory (not just images in your picture gallery). ASTRO also has includes an image viewer that shows a thumbnail gallery of all the images in your current directory and supports gestures to rotate and change images.

Browse and create compressed files

ASTRO has built in support for reading and extracting compressed files like Zip and Tar files. You can browse the file just like it is another directory. You can extract individual files using copy and paste just like any other file. For Zip files you can also move, delete and rename files without having to extract the whole file.

Developers website: