Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Government and Local Grants for Retired People

Several government agencies provide grants to retired people to help pay for housing, food and employment training programs. Government grant programs for the retired are for people aged 55 and over. Seniors also must meet the low-income limit level requirement to qualify for help. You can contact the local area agency on aging office to find nonprofit organizations that may offer additional programs.

Based on your individual situation (how old you are, location, financial worth, and so on), you may have use of several various kinds of assistance. Listed here are only a couple of kinds of aid that you simply or a family member may be eligible for a:
- Food and diet
- Housing
- Housing repairs
- Earnings security
- Social services
- Transportation
- Health

Note that in the past, these grants were focused primarily on sustenance issues; in the present day, especially with the increasing number of those in the baby boomer generation joining the senior citizen demographic, the funds issued to senior citizens by these grants are destined towards a wider spectrum of activities.

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The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development provides a rental subsidy to low-income seniors who need help to pay for housing. Senior Public Housing programs allow seniors aged 62 or older to pay 30 percent of their income toward rent. The senior's income cannot exceed 80 percent of the area's median income to qualify for a senior affordable-housing unit. Seniors with incomes at or below 30 percent of the area's median income are given a priority during the admission process. They are admitted into the affordable housing program before seniors in a higher income bracket. You can contact the local housing authority to find out which senior complexes in your area offer a rental subsidy.

Home Energy Assistance

This grant for senior citizens is essential to protect the health and safety of our senior population. Most of the income eligible people are living on fixed incomes and are vulnerable to the impact of rising energy costs.

Food Assistance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture provides funding for the Emergency Food Assistance Program. Seniors with incomes between 100 and 155 percent of the federal poverty level can benefit from the food from a local nonprofit agency that administers the program. Seniors can get canned and dried fruits, meat, poultry, fish, peanut butter, rice, beans and cereal. Food goods are distributed through local food banks, food or church pantries, and other local charities.

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Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage

If you are 65 years of age or older, and you meet income guidelines, the EPIC Program may save you money on your prescription needs. This cost-sharing program applies to low-to-moderate income seniors. The program is funded by a state grant.

Transportation Assistance

Department of Transportation provides financial assistance in meeting the transportation needs of elderly persons and persons with disabilities where public transportation services are unavailable, insufficient or inappropriate.

Community Services Program

The U.S. Employment and Training Administration's Senior Community Service Employment Program provides grants for training and employment for seniors aged 55 and older. Seniors who participate in the program work an average of 20 hours a week. Seniors are placed at daycare centers, seniors centers, schools and hospitals for their training assignments. The senior must be unemployed and his total household income cannot exceed 125 percent of the federal poverty level to qualify for the program. Seniors earn the highest of federal, state or local minimum wage.

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Foster Grandparent Program

The Foster Grandparent Program is designed to promote volunteer service by persons 60 or older who have limited incomes. Funds are available to support volunteer programs which provide personalized service to children with exceptional or special needs.

Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind

The Department of Education provides funding for the Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind program. Seniors aged 55 and older with a severe visual impairment are eligible for independent living services. Services such as case management, transportation, therapy and money management help seniors live on their own. State vocational rehabilitation agencies administer this program to the community. States are required to match every $9 in federal grant money, with $1 from their own resources.

Ways to Find the Senior Grant You Need

Senior grants fall into several different categories, such as housing assistance, debt assistance, educational, and money to help start a business to name only a few of the senior grants available. The first step for you to take for finding the perfect grant for you is to take some time and look into the CFDA - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

This is a list of all the grant offers made by specialized agencies and companies in the USA. You can access the catalog online and download its readable PDF version (available on the web page of the government), or order it by mail.

The Requirements You Have to Meet For a Senior Grant

From the very beginning you should know that not all seniors applying for such a grant get it; however, most of them do. You will be surprised to find out that many senior grants remain unused and all the money involved is turned back into the general fund after the offering period is over.

A very important thing you should remember about government grants, senior grants included is that this is money you can get from the US government without ever having to pay it back. If you get the grant money, you can use it for the purpose you have specified you will.

In this case, you eligibility greatly depends on which grant you apply for, because the requirements are different for every grant offered by the government. Thus, some of them take your income into account (you can get a grant if your income is low), while others don't.

The only requirement all government grants have in common is your nationality; you have to be a US citizen (either by birth or by naturalization) and actually live in the US.

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Local Senior Citizen Grants

Federal Government Grants are not the only sources of grant money for seniors. There are many state and local grants as well as money available from local organizations.

Here are some tips for finding local Senior Citizen Grants:
  1. Call your local Office of the Aging. Identify yourself and try to set up an appointment with someone who could tell you what sorts of grant money might be available in your region. The person on the phone may want to know what you want the money for and it could be that they will know right off hand that there is a program available and how to apply to it. BUT even if they say, "There are not grants for that" do try to get a face to face appointment with someone. Explain that you know that they know more about organizations that serve senior citizens and that you would like to talk to someone face-to-face to see if they might have ANY suggestions as to how you might proceed. State that you only want a short consult. Do your best to see someone since actually meeting a person face-to-face often elicits leads or suggestions that would seldom be mentioned in a phone conversation.
  2. If you are disabled, contact your local office for the disabled. If you do not know where it is, contact your local representative in the State Assembly or Senate. Someone in that office ought to be able to give you a phone number and a contact name. (If they do not offer a name, ask if they could suggest who to ask for. Remember have the name of a specific person and being able to say that Representative or Senator's X office gave you their name, is a much stronger opening than just a 'phone call out of the blue'.
  3. Another local resource are the religious organization in your area. Leaders of churches, synagogues, mosques, temples have wide contacts and might be able to put you in touch with someone willing to fund or assist with your project. Again, it is worth getting a face to face meeting. Calling and identifying yourself by name and asking for a short appointment with [NAME} should do it.  If the secretary asks the nature of your business, just say, "It is personal". Most will respect that. Again, it is the face to face meeting that you want. It is far more likely to get you a lead. At the appointment identify yourself by name. State that you are a senior citizen and you are looking for a grant or some sort of funding for [and summarize your project in no more than 2 sentences] Explain that you know that religious leaders often have knowledge of who in the community might be willing to help with such things and that you are hoping that he/she will be able to suggest some lead. If they say, "I do not know of any individual or group", then ask if they might have any suggestions as to who you could approach that might possible know such things. Again, keep the meeting short. On leaving ask that if they hear of anything, they would give you a call....and of course, leave your contact information.
  4. This same approach can be used on local civic and charitable organizations. If all else fails, do consider a short letter to the editor of a local paper. Eg. Does anyone know where I senior citizen can get a grant to insulate her home? or to install a ramp? or to take a course in XXXXX? or Does anyone know where a senior citizen can get help starting up a home business?

Sources and Additional Information:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

3 Free chat widgets for Blogger Blog

If you are interesting in adding high level of interactivityto your Blogger Blog, you may consider embedding one of the free chat widgetsto your web pages. That will give your visitors an opportunity to discuss inreal time the blog content, share ideas, and provide instant comments.

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While there are multiple services offering their products tothe blog publishers, we will review just few selected.

  1. Chatroll (
Chatroll allows addingchat room to your blogger blog with great ease, in matter of minutes. First, goto Chatroll, enter your community's name in the "Name Your Live Community…" boxand click "Create". Choose a name that fits your blog, and this name will serveas a title for your chat box. It is recommended to invest some time in writing anattractive and detailed description for your chat room purposes, so that peoplecan easily find your new Chatroll community. Detailed instructions on how toembed your new chat room into your Blogger blog are provided here.

Free plan allows chatting in your chat room for up to 10users simultaneously. Any time, you can upgrade your plan to the payable morefeatures-rich plans, and even utilize the income sharing moneymaking opportunities,offered by the service developers.

  1. Shoutmix (
Shoutmix is oneof the most popular on the market services, adding live chat capabilities toyour blog. You will be able to get instant feedback and great user interactionwith this shoutbox chat widget. As with most of the chat room widgets, you willhave to register your shoutbox widget first. Detailed instructions on how toembed your new chat room into your Blogger blog are provided here.

Basic free account gives you comprehensive set of featuresand capabilities to start with, like supporting up to 100 users and storing 150posts in your shoutbox. You can always upgrade to the Premium account, whichwill cost you $2/month for more capabilities.

  1. Freeshoutbox (
If you prefer service which is totally free with no free andpaid plans, as in most other offerings, you may take a look at Integration is fastand simple, and you have multiple (more than 200) templates to choose from inorder to match the shoutbox design to your blog structure. Detailedinstructions on how to embed your new chat room into your Blogger blog areprovided here.

Service is free, with unlimited bandwidth and auto-refreshrate 6/minute, but you will get unobtrusive advertising at the bottom of thewidget.

Monday, August 29, 2011

How to cope with post-divorce grief and depression?

Marriage is one of the most significant relationships in life and divorce can be an awfully distressing incident for most of the people. Divorce, the official ending of marriage is usually accompanied by angst, misery, depression, dejection, gloominess, sense of failure, end of a way of life and insecurity. People undergoing divorce, even if they have initiated it themselves, finds them going through a dejected phase. That is a proven fact that in most cases, even if a person wants the divorce, when the reality of starting over sets in, that person can get thrown into a period of despair. And when the person doesn't want the divorce, many times their esteem is greatly affected, causing them to go into a deep depression. For some it's a sense of failure, and for others it's simply the uncertainty of what lay ahead. You may well spend some time in a state of shock, unable to comprehend what's happening. You may wonder what you did to trigger the situation and go through a period when you blame yourself for him or her leaving. You may one day beg him or her to come back, and tell you never want to see him or her again the next. You'll mourn the end of your marriage, and wonder about your future.

Research shows that divorce is the second most traumatic events in the lives of people, the first being the death of a spouse and this stress is capable of expediting severe spell of depression and angst to the brain's emotional center. Regardless of the situation, when a marriage ends, it can almost be compared to a death because in reality it is the loss of a loved one. And when something dies, there is a period of mourning. The person you were married to has been part of your life for quite a while and now it's over. It's certainly understandable that you would feel sad and scared, since many of your dreams were tied up in the marriage. You might even be thinking that you'll never love again or that no one will ever love you. Maybe you're thinking that it was your entire fault. Whatever thoughts and feelings you have, they are natural feelings.

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Losing an important correlation in your life is tantamount to death. It is the demise of an 'Us' that was once full of dreams, trust & security. Divorce means loss of spouse, loss of family life, loss of common home, loss of friends and loss of social status. For kids too, it means losing that perfect family and one parent forever. With such huge losses, it is natural to grieve. Mothers may also feel financial burden if they have to take care of her kids solely. Facing financial problems after divorce could be one of the major reasons of grief.

Divorce changes our every day schedule and lifestyle. With no one around to share one's thoughts & sentiments, one certainly feels lonely and this may also lead to reduced work efficiency.

In divorce, there is usually 'a leaver' (spouse who decides to call off the relationship) and 'the left' (spouse who is not the initiator & is left out to accept the divorce). 'The left' is usually the one who grieves most and he/she may also be more frustrated & angrier. The situation becomes more complex and anger more intense, if your ex-spouse has left you for someone else. Sometimes people are unable to identify the difference between grief & anger or may be the grief remains concealed below anger. In reality, anger is just a facade, an emotional cover up. When the true feelings cloaked up in your heart are unveiled, then do you realize the true meaning of loss and divorce and start mourning your sufferings.

 There are various stages of grief which everyone person goes through while grieving. It is important to pass on all the phases of grieving to complete the healing process & to emerge a stronger person.
  1. Denial and shock - The initial reaction to any heart wrenching experience such as divorce or death is denial or non-acceptance. You may still be looking for solutions to your matrimonial crisis and try to work out with your spouse. You may also try to restore & save your marriage.
  2. Anger and frustration - You may be angry with yourself and your spouse for not being able to continue the nuptial arrangement and for separating. You may want to fight back & get even with your ex in any way even if it involves your kids.
  3. Depression - You may have overwhelming feelings of sullenness, hopelessness, numbness, self-pity, abandonment, desperation, resentment and moodiness. Lack of control over the situation may make you feel depressed & even suicidal. You may feel like crying all the time but once you pass on this stage and overcome all the fears, you'll feel liberated.
  4. Acceptance - Once you've accepted that your marriage is finally over, you'll find it easier to let go everything. You'll feel unburdened & soon realize that it's better to live alone rather be unhappy together.

Once you've gotten over the legal procedures, you may have the feeling of let go and will try to move on in life. Now is the time to start thinking and planning about your bright future.

Several tips for grieving after a breakup or divorce:
  • Don't fight your feelings � It's normal to have lots of ups and downs, and feel many conflicting emotions, including anger, resentment, sadness, relief, fear, and confusion. It's important to identify and acknowledge these feelings. While these emotions will often be painful, trying to suppress or ignore them will only prolong the grieving process.
  • Talk about how you're feeling � Even if it is difficult for you to talk about your feelings with other people, it is very important to find a way to do so when you are grieving. Knowing that others are aware of your feelings will make you feel less alone with your pain and will help you heal. Journaling can also be a helpful outlet for your feelings.
  • Remember that moving on is the end goal � Expressing your feelings will liberate you in a way, but it is important not to dwell on the negative feelings or to over-analyze the situation. Getting stuck in hurtful feelings like blame, anger and resentment will rob you of valuable energy and prevent you from healing and moving forward.
  • Remind yourself that you still have a future � When you commit to another person, you create many hopes and dreams. It's hard to let these dreams go. As you grieve the loss of the future you once envisioned, be encouraged by the fact that new hopes and dreams will eventually replace your old ones.

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Taking care of yourself

Learning to take care of yourself can be one of the most valuable lessons you learn following a divorce or breakup. As you feel the emotions of your loss and begin learning from your experience, you can resolve to take better care of yourself and make positive choices going forward.

Self-care tips:
  • Make time each day to nurture yourself. Help yourself heal by scheduling daily time for activities you find calming and soothing. Go for a walk in nature, listen to music, enjoy a hot bath, get a massage, read a favorite book, take a yoga class, or savor a warm cup of tea.
  • Pay attention to what you need in any given moment and speak up to express your needs. Honor what you believe to be right and best for you even though it may be different from what your ex or others want. Say "no" without guilt or angst as a way of honoring what is right for you.
  • Stick to a routine. A divorce or relationship breakup can disrupt almost every area of your life, amplifying feelings of stress, uncertainty, and chaos. Getting back to a regular routine can provide a comforting sense of structure and normalcy.
  • Take a time out. Try not to make any major decisions in the first few months after a separation or divorce, like starting a new job or moving to a new city. If you can, wait until you're feeling less emotional so that you can make better decisions.
  • Avoid using alcohol, drugs, or food to cope. When you're in the middle of a breakup, you may be tempted to do anything to relieve your feelings of pain and loneliness. But using alcohol, drugs, or food as an escape is unhealthy and destructive in the long run. It's essential to find healthier ways of coping with painful feelings.
  • Explore new interests. A divorce or breakup is a beginning as well as an end. Take the opportunity to explore new interests and activities. Pursuing fun, new activities gives you a chance to enjoy life in the here-and-now, rather than dwelling on the past.

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Divorce Depression Symptoms

If you're not sure about your feelings and whether you are experiencing depression, there are some particular symptoms that are good indicators as to whether you are dealing with depression. You might be finding that you are unable to sleep or perhaps in contrast sleeping more than usual. Perhaps you are feeling deep fatigue or unusual aches and pains. Some people find themselves overeating or drinking alcohol excessively to mask the pain. Still others seem very angry or irritable, or perhaps you are feeling restless, something you don't often feel. Most of these feelings are very normal for someone struggling with a divorce. It's when the feelings don't pass or if you are feeling worthless or have recurrent thoughts of dying that you should reach out for help. Sometimes, for a short while, you might want to have a professional help you through the rough patch.


Depression is most common among those who experience complications in the divorce process. The most common complication is continued attachment to the former spouse. This lack of acceptance of the ending of the relationship creates a rollercoaster of false hope followed by further disappointment, doubt and isolation. Although most people do not feel a sense of finality to the relationship when filing for separation, most have accepted the reality of the divorce after a year of separation. Those who have not accepted the ending of the relationship continue to feel a longing for their former partner and continue to have social, relational and emotional difficulties. Other complicating factors which increase the risk of depression include disagreements about parenting after the divorce, custody disputes and unresolved financial entanglements.

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Although divorce is a stressor which creates a higher risk for depression, most divorced individuals report the long-term (between two and four years) effects of a divorce to be an opportunity for personal growth. After successfully navigating the uncoupling process and dealing with difficult emotions, one can then begin to experience a sense of relief and hope for happiness. Although the project of rearranging one's life and healing can take years, most people eventually adjust well. A crucial element to healthy adjustment is support. Support provides the opportunity to prevent distorted ways of thinking about yourself or relationships. Helpful friends and family open the door to developing new social and intimate relationships. Support also aids in preventing the trap of isolation which can further complicate the influence of depression.

Getting Help

Help is available in many forms. Some people think that contacting a counselor or therapist will result in a prolonged period of intensive therapy. They have visions of lying on a couch recounting their life stories while the therapist scribbles notes and mumbles to himself.

In reality, counseling or psychotherapy is not like that, at all. A counselor or psychologist may feel it's necessary to see you only one or two times. You don't have to lie on a couch, and a counselor of psychologist does not judge your character.

If you're still uncomfortable with counseling or therapy, consider attending a support group. Many churches and synagogues offer these groups for people dealing with changes such as the loss of a spouse, parent, or child; separation or divorce; and illness. You can find support groups in your area listed online.

You can also search for mental health services available in your area. Many communities offer counseling services and other mental health resources. Some of these services may be available at little or no cost, depending on your ability to pay.

Keep the following considerations in mind if you're wrestling with the idea of looking for some help:
  • Nearly everyone experiences a period in life where they could benefit from professional help.
  • There is no shame in seeking help for an emotional problem.
  • Finding help can allow you to move past your problems and get on with your life.
  • Taking the initiative to find help is a sign of strength, not weakness. It is a step in taking control of your life.
  • Living with depression, or in a prolonged depressed state, isn't necessary. Most doctors and therapists recommend a combination of medications and counseling to treat depression, and it's usually done successfully.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aricept (Donepezil) � Number One Prescription Drug against Alzheimer's Disease

About Aricept(Donepezil)

Aricept, which is claimed to be the #1 prescription drugagainst Alzheimer's disease in the USA these days, belongs to the class ofchemical substances, called cholinesterase inhibitors. It could be thrilling tonote, that during World War II the representatives of this very group ofchemicals were mainly developed for warfare purposes: such terrifying anddeadly weapons as neuroparalytic gases sarin, soman, and VX also belong to theclass of cholinesterase inhibitors.

Happily, nowadays the properties of cholinesteraseinhibitors are used mainly for peaceful purposes; one of them is to help peopleconquer Alzheimer'sdisease - one of the most devastating mental illnesses of elderly people.

Today there are three substances of cholinesterase inhibitorsgroup, which are approved for medicinal use � donepezil, galantamine and rivastigmine.However, it is only donepezil or Aricept as the brand medication, which isapproved for the use in patients on all stages of Alzheimer's disease (othersare used only for mild to moderate conditions). Donepezil is said to be themost potent among other representatives of cholinesterase inhibitors.

Aricept was developed by Eisai Inc. and approved by the FDAin 1996. It is currently co-promoted by Eisai Inc. and Pfizer Inc.

There is a preliminary research data claiming that combinationAricept and memantine,another anti-Alzheimer's medication, may significantly increase theeffectiveness of the treatment.

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Aricept as Alzheimer'sTreatment

As was mentionedearlier, Aricept is part of a group of drugs called acetycholinesteraseinhibitors used to treat mild to moderate cognitive symptoms ofAlzheimer's. There is no clinical evidence that it can actually alter thecourse of the disease or help repair damaged brain cells.

It is believed that the chemical acetylcholine, whichtransmits messages between brain cells in the area responsible for memory andacquiring new information, is reduced in the brains of people with Alzheimer'sdisease.

Acetycholinesterase inhibitors, such as Aricept, helpprevent the breakdown of this important chemical, therefore helping to delaydeterioration. In some cases it has delayed symptoms by around 12 months.

In one study where some people received Aricept and othersreceived a placebo, those who took the drug were twice as likely to show someimprovement in thinking and understanding. For many it delayed their declinefor up to 12 months.

For some people the drug doesn't have any effect at all or,if it does, their condition stays the same when it could have been expected todeteriorate.

And it doesn't have any effect in the later stages ofAlzheimer's because there are so few acetylcholine-producing cells left.

The drug is only available in prescription form and it's upto a doctor to decide whether it's suitable for the individual Alzheimer'ssufferer.

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Aricept is available in tablet form or an orallydisintegrating tablet form, and is commonly started at 5 mg a day. If it's welltolerated after 4 to 6 weeks, the dosage may be increased to 10 mg a day.

Aricept has beenapproved by the FDA in dosages of 5 to 10 milligrams for patients with mild tomoderate cases of Alzheimer's and in a dose of 10 to 23 milligrams for moresevere cases. There are ongoing efforts requesting FDA to ban the 23-mg versionof the drug and to warn patients and physicians against taking two 10-mg. pillsper day if the higher dosage is removed from the market.

Clinical trialsof Aricept submitted to the FDA for approval show no significant benefit fromthe 23-mg version compared to the 10-mg version. But the increased adverseeffects from the higher dosage include a slowed pulse rate, nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, urinary incontinence, fatigue, dizziness, agitation, confusion andanorexia. Vomiting, which occurred more than 3 1/2 times more frequently inthose taking the high dosage, is a particularly dangerous side effect forAlzheimer's patients, because it can lead to pneumonia, massivegastrointestinal bleeding, esophageal rupture and even death.

"With noevidence of an added advantage in benefit to patients, the clear increase inrisk should have been more than adequate grounds for denying approval,"said Dr. Sidney Wolfe, director of Public Citizen's Health Research Group."It is inexcusable that FDA approved this higher dose. Its prompt removalwould belatedly fulfill the agency's mission to allow only drugs whose benefitsoutweigh their risks to be marketed."

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Side Effects

While applied to the normal doses of the drug, side effectsof the drug are generally well-tolerated. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss ofappetite/weight loss, dizziness, drowsiness, weakness, trouble sleeping,shakiness (tremor), or muscle cramps may occur as your body adjusts to thedrug. These effects usually last 1-3 weeks and then lessen. If any of theseeffects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly. Rememberthat your doctor has prescribed this medication because he or she has judgedthat the benefit to you is greater than the risk of side effects.

Many people using this medication do not have serious sideeffects. Tell your doctor right away if any of these serious side effectsoccur: slow/irregular heartbeat, fainting, trouble urinating, severe stomach/abdominalpain, black stools, vomit that looks like coffee grounds, seizures. A very seriousallergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, get medical help right away ifyou notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction, including: rash, itching/swelling(especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, trouble breathing.

This is not a complete list of possible side effects. If younotice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

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Potential Interactions

Drugs withanti-cholinergic properties that can cross into the brain, such as atropine,benztropine (Cogentin), and trihexyphenidyl (Artane) counteract the effects ofdonepezil and should be avoided during therapy with donepezil.

Donepezil ismetabolized (eliminated) by enzymes in the liver. The rate of metabolism ofdonepezil may be increased by medications that increase the amounts of theseenzymes, such as carbamazepine (Tegretol), dexamethasone (Decadron),phenobarbital, phenytoin (Dilantin), and rifampin (Rifadin). By increasingelimination, these drugs may reduce the effects of donepezil.

Ketoconazole(Nizoral) has been shown to block the enzymes in the liver that metabolizedonepezil. Therefore, concurrent use of ketoconazole and donepezil may resultin increased concentrations of donepezil in the body and possibly lead todonepezil side effects. Quinidine (Quinidex, Quinaglute) also has been shown toinhibit the enzymes that metabolize donepezil and may cause donepezil sideeffects.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such asaspirin or ibuprofen, also should be used with caution while taking Aricept,due to the increased risk of stomach ulcers.

Sources and AdditionalInformation:

Friday, August 26, 2011

Portable Universal Virus Sniffer

Universal Virus Sniffer is a powerful antivirus removal tool designed to ease the process of detecting and eliminating unknown viruses, rootkits, and bootkits. It is especially recommended for experienced users.�

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Main Features

* The three basic modes: work with active, inactive and remote systems through the network without installing additional software.
* The fourth mode of operation: work simulation on the virtual system, based on its image.
* Working with the registry in three modes: remove links to viruses, troubleshooting after treatment of antivirus.
* A unique set of filters and a built-in analyzer for the rapid detection of unknown malware.
* Maintaining user base of viruses, automatic extraction of signatures from executable files (including protected).
* Automatic detection of active file viruses and removing their signatures.
* Rapid detection and easy removal of any file rootkits [file matching + provrka figures. signatures on a clean system]
* Ability to use catalog external digital signatures (CatRoot) inactive system (including in the WinPE 2.x-3.x).
* Ability to discover hidden DLL in the address space of the process.
* Starting in the mode of pure desktop (elimination of Winlock).
* Special immunization module cleaning system before starting uVS.
* Detection of latent infection MBR, Boot sector and downloaders Windows.
* Convenient restoration of damaged / missing files from distribution Windows (only for Win2k/XP/2k3).
* Backup Registry with its defragmentation and recovery.
* Registry Editor including in x64 and WinPE.
*Registry visualization.


* UVS is not a substitute for a real-time antivirus utility on your computer. It should be used for the emergency cases, when your antivirus program fails to treat the virus-related issues.
* Currently, the following antivirus programs as Avast, AVG, Gdata and Sophos may flag this utility as infected. Note, that is normal for virus scanner, and the shown threat is a false positive.

Author: Dmitriy Kuznetzoff
License: Freeware
Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7

Thursday, August 25, 2011

How to prevent Repetitive Stress Injury while working on computer long hours?

Last year, I posted an article on this blog How to keep your eyes healthy while working on computer long hours?, which drew much attention from the blog readers. Per one of the visitors' request, I am would like to continue investigation the topic of the proper ergonomic arrangement, while working on the computer. Impact on your eyes is just one of the negative factors, you are experiencing, while working on your PC for long hours. How to minimize it and make your work environment as safe as it can be?


Average computer user performs 50,000 to 200,000 keystrokes a day. Making so many repetitive movements can contribute to the related health issues, and even lead to the significant health impairment in some cases. Uncomfortable seating and awkward wrist movements can also add to overuse injuries. These injuries take time to develop, and extensive computer use can hasten them. Symptoms may include numbness, soreness, pain, fatigue, discomfort and eyestrain.

What is Repetitive Stress Injury?

Repetitive Stress Injury is a kind of catch all phrase for many conditions. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tenosynovitis / DeQuervain's Syndrome, Tendonitis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Trigger Finger, Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Chronic Sprain / Strain are some of the actual diagnosis that be diagnosed among computer users.

All of these conditions are serious and in many cases can cause great pain, permanent disability and sometimes loss of employment.

Repetitive Stress Injuries (RSI) occur from repetitive movements involving a specific set of muscles and joints. RSI injuries are the result of an accumulation of stress and strain that causes irritation, inflammation, and eventually pain or other disability. Initially, RSI affects the soft tissues of the involved joint(s). Soft tissues include muscles, nerves, ligaments and tendons. However, if left untreated for long periods of time, the involved joint can become arthritic and form bone spurs resulting in permanent damage to the joint.

The constant demand of keyboarding and mousing combined with the postural stress of confinement in an office chair with one's neck and back held in prolonged fixed positions has resulted in an epidemic of injuries that includes hand pain, wrist pain, arm pain, neck pain, back pain and shoulder pain.

Common Symptoms

The brief list of the common symptoms, associated with RSI, caused from computer use:
  • Tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness or burning in the hands, wrists, fingers, forearms, or elbows
  • Tingling, coldness, night pain or numbness in the hands, especially around the base of the thumb
  • Clumsiness or loss of strength in the hands
  • Pain in the neck, shoulders, wrists, hands or back that is associated with using the computer

Computer Ergonomics

The work place is often seen as the place with the lowest risk of injury; as opposed to injuries from outdoor activities like basketball, tennis, skydiving etc. This could not be further from the truth. Musculoskeletal disorders that cause great discomfort can develop if the proper ergonomic guidelines are not taken into consideration.

Desktop Ergonomics

If you use a desktop, these are the computer ergonomics factors to consider such as visibility, chair, monitor, desk, keyboard, mouse, for maximum ergonomic benefit.

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1. Incandescent light is preferred over fluorescent lighting (less strain on the eyes)
2. Glare on the screen and the rest of the environment is not recommended
3. Task lighting is not recommended for computer use.


The most suitable chair is the one that allows the user to adjust to his/her ergonomic sweet spot. Ensure the following,
1. Backrest or ergonomic back supports provides support for your lower back (lumbar area).
2. Seat width and depth accommodate the specific user (seat pan not too big/small).
3. Seat front does not press against the back of your knees and lower legs (seat pan not too long).
4. Seat has cushioning and is rounded with a "waterfall" front (no sharp edge).
5. Ergonomic-Arm-rests, if used, support both forearms while you perform computer tasks and they do not interfere with movement.
6. Thighs have sufficient clearance space between the top of the thighs and your computer table/keyboard platform (thighs are not trapped).
7. Legs and feet have sufficient clearance space under the work surface so you are able to get close enough to the keyboard/input device.
8. A Footstool is used if your feet are not touching the floor, when your knees at a somewhat right angle

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1. Top of the screen is at or below eye level so you can read it without bending your head or neck down/back. Place the center of the screen at a 15 degree down angle from your eyes
2. User with bifocals/trifocals can read the screen without bending the head or neck backward.
3. Monitor distance as far away as possible but still allows you to read the screen without leaning your head, neck or trunk forward/backward.
4. Monitor position is directly in front of you so you don't have to twist your head or neck.
5. Glare (for example, from windows, lights) is not reflected on your screen which can cause you to assume an awkward posture to clearly see information on your screen. Position the monitor to minimize glare by placing it at a right angle to light sources or windows.
6. Set the refresh rate at a minimum of 70 Hz to limit flicker.


Sufficient space is allowed to easily read hardcopy material close to you while working with the computer.


1. Keyboard/input device platform(s) is stable and large enough to hold a keyboard and an input device.
2. Wrists and hands do not rest on sharp or hard edges.
3. The keyboard should be positioned at or below the elbow to keep the wrist aligned with the forearm or at a slightly negative angle. Keyboard tray is recommended for such purposes.
4. Keep your fingers relaxed while typing. Use a soft touch on the keyboard instead of pounding keys with unnecessary force. Relax your fingers and hands between bursts of typing.
5. Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts for applications you regularly use (to avoid overusing the mouse).


1. Input device (mouse or trackball) is located right next to your keyboard so it can be operated without reaching and at the same level as the keyboard.
2. Input device is easy to activate and the shape/size fits your hand (not too big/small).
3. Wrists and hands do not rest on sharp or hard edges.

When the mouse is being operated at a distance that makes the operator reach, the shoulder extends forward and the shoulder blade abducts (rotates forward). This position stretches the muscle groups that connect the medial portion of your shoulder blade to your spine and the superior portion of your shoulder blade to your neck. In the short term, this stretch aggravates the affected muscle groups causing spasm, fatigue, headaches and stiffness in the neck and shoulder. In the long term, this position creates a condition called a "stretch weakness" resulting in muscular imbalance, trigger points and chronic variations of the conditions listed in the prior sentence.

Placing the mouse too far away, too low, or too much on one side can cause shoulder, wrist, elbow, and forearm discomfort. When the operator is forced to reach for the mouse, his / her body weight shifts forward and ultimately results in weight bearing stress on the extended arm. Spending prolonged periods of time leaning on an extended arm is an unnatural and destructive posture that will eventually lead to the development of a repetitive stress syndrome; likely resulting disorders would include tendonitis of the wrist, elbow or shoulder.

Computer Posture

Get a suitable, height adjustable, chair.
  1. Sit far back in with your back touching the back support.
  2. Adjust the height of your chair by its function such that when you 'type' your elbows are at a right angle.
  3. Check your feet. Make a right angle with your knees. Are your feet touching the ground? If not, get a foot stool to adjust your foot rest until your knees make a right angle like your elbows.
  4. Look straight and your computer monitor screen should be at eye level or slightly under eye level to prevent neck strain.
  5. Adjust your monitor's height.
  6. Practice good posture; do not slump in your seat.

Frequent Rest Breaks

The body is not designed to sit still, even in correct position, for long periods of time. Some individuals find that using a computer extensively can cause discomfort, so regular pauses are not a waste of time. Change your seated position occasionally, stand up or stretch whenever you start to feel tired. Depending upon your work and environment, you may want to take breaks. It is generally recommended regular breaks from working at your computer for a few minutes at least once an hour.

Basic stretching exercises can help keep limber the joints and muscles you use when you sit at a computer. Some examples:
  • General: Stand up and stretch your arms over your head.
  • Neck: Tilt your head to one side (ear to shoulder); hold; relax; repeat on other side.
  • Shoulders: Slowly bring shoulders up to the ears and hold briefly.
  • Wrist: Hold arm straight out in front of you; pull hand backwards with other hand, then pull downward; hold; relax; repeat with other hand.

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Steve Jobs Fight with Pancreatic Cancer

It is understandable that the top Google search inquiriestoday are linked to the Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, decision to step down. Apple's Board of Directors today announcedthat Steve Jobs has resigned as Chief Executive Officer, and the Board hasnamed Tim Cook, previously Apple's Chief Operating Officer, as the company'snew CEO. Jobs has been elected Chairman of the Board and Cook will join theBoard, effective immediately.

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Here's Steve'sletter to the board and community:

I have always said if there ever came a day when Icould no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple's CEO, I would be thefirst to let you know. Unfortunately, that day has come. I hereby resign as CEOof Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of theBoard, director and Apple employee. As far as my successor goes, I stronglyrecommend that we execute our succession plan and name Tim Cook as CEO ofApple. I believe Apple's brightest and most innovative days are ahead of it.And I look forward to watching and contributing to its success in a new role. Ihave made some of the best friends of my life at Apple, and I thank you all forthe many years of being able to work alongside you.

While there are multiple potential aspects for further discussion andspeculations, I would like review the main reason for this, unexpected formany, decision. And the reason is � Pancreatic Cancer � one of the most deadlyillnesses today.

Steve Jobs has battled a rare form of pancreatic cancer foryears, undergoing a series of aggressive treatments, including a livertransplant, and surviving longer than many others with the disease.

Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer,called a neuroendocrine tumor, in 2003, but his illness was not disclosed untilthe following year, after he'd tried a special diet treatment and had surgery.

In June 2008, he appeared at a trade event looking thin andfrail. Apple said he was suffering from a "bug," but reports latersurfaced that he had surgery and lost weight as a result. In January 2009, Jobssaid a hormone imbalance had caused his weight loss. Two weeks later he gave updaily oversight of Apple for six months, saying his health problems were moreserious. That June, a Memphis hospital confirmed that Jobs had had a livertransplant.

His latest announcement could be a sign that his pancreaticcancer has returned, says Richard Goldberg, a professor at the University ofNorth Carolina-Chapel Hill's Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Goldberg has no knowledge of Jobs' case but says the mostlikely reason for a setback is that the tumor has spread into the transplantedliver. It's also possible Jobs' body is rejecting the transplant, although thatis more likely soon after a transplant, he says.

All pancreatic cancers are serious, but Jobs' type of tumorwas much less lethal than most pancreatic cancers, from which patients oftensuccumb in months. Some people who have what Jobs had survive for many years,Goldberg says.

Jobs has not said why he had a liver transplant, but neuroendocrinetumors often spread to the liver. It's possible that his original liver wasdamaged by treatment for the tumor, Goldberg says.

About PancreaticCancer

Cancer of thepancreas barely makes the top 10 most common cancers in the U.S. However,pancreatic cancer's tendency to spread silently before diagnosis makes it thefourth deadliest cancer diagnosis. Yes, the biggest problem with this type ofthe disease is a fact that tumor or cancer in the pancreas mayoften grow without any substantial symptoms at first, or even with no symptomsat all.

Therefore, pancreatic cancer often has a poor prognosis,even when diagnosed early. It typically spreads rapidly and is seldom detectedin its early stages, which is a major reason why it's a leading cause of cancerdeath. Signs and symptoms may not appear until pancreatic cancer is quiteadvanced and surgical removal isn't possible. Still, if pancreatic cancer iscaught early, the tumor may be removed by surgery and the disease may becontrolled.

Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of the pancreas � anorgan in the abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of thestomach. The pancreas is a gland that serves two basic functions � exocrine and endocrine:
  • The exocrine function makes chemicals that break down protein, and it delivers these chemicals right into the digestive tract. Most of the pancreas is devoted to this function, and tumors are more likely located here.
  • A smaller part of the pancreas is devoted to the endocrine function, which makes insulin and glucagon. The pancreas puts insulin and glucagon directly into your bloodstream to help your body burn or store sugar. Cancers in this area are very rare.

Steve Jobs is diagnosed with the second, much less frequent,and not so deadly, type of the disease. His tumor reportedly is one of fivetypes that begin in hormone-producing cells. "People can co-exist withthis disease for years," says Richard Goldberg, an expert inneuroendocrine tumors at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, who hasnot treated Jobs. If the liver begins to fail, however, "people can godownhill pretty quickly. When you hit the wall, you hit the wall."

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Only about 10% of people with metastatic disease � cancerthat has spread around the body � survive this type of tumor, Goldberg says.

Hopefully, Steve Jobs will be among those 10%, who will manageto survive. Wish him full recovery, as far as that is possible for the cancer survivors.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

ExecPlan Express � Personal Financial Planning and Retirement Planning Software

ExecPlan Express is an easy to use fully integrated financial planning software system designed to create powerful and effective financial and tax planning solutions. It enables you to create comprehensive financial plans and analyze an individual's personal finance over the entire life expectancy in any level of detail you desire. Within minutes you will be able to print a variety of professionally formatted reports supported with customized charts, graphs and schedules. Its intuitive design allows both a financial novice or a financial service professional the ability to appreciate its usefulness for quickly and efficiently analyzing alternative retirement planning scenarios, evaluating life insurance needs , assessing estate tax liabilities, reviewing investment planning strategies, incorporating asset allocation strategies, or managing income taxes before deciding on a personal financial planning strategy. Whether using it for a comprehensive retirement planning strategy, implementing an income tax planning objective, or building a simple cash flow analysis, the combination of its design, analytical capabilities, automated tax computations and powerful presentations will make it one of your most widely used software tools.

Main Features

  • Comprehensive analytical financial & estate planning capabilities
  • Seamlessly integrated data that flows through all components of the plan
  • Exceptionally detailed retirement planning capabilities with spans up to 99 years
  • Interactive investment, cash flow, income tax and estate analysis
  • Integrated analysis for children's education funding and investment planning
  • Federal & State income tax analysis including AMT
  • Year by year reporting with detailed Balance Sheet, Income & Cash Flow Statements
  • Provides Capital Needs Analysis in easy to understand text and graphic formats
  • Automatically generates death and disability scenarios for each spouse
  • Prepares Estate related reports and flow charts for any year of your planning horizon
  • Simple and intuitive design that is easy to understand and use
  • Accommodates data entry in any magnitude of detail you desire
  • A personal financial profile report that can be created from a variety of text, graphs & charts
  • Versatile tool that provides a quick what-if scenario analyzer
  • All data, assumptions and details can be customized based on specifics of a plan

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Easy To Use Application

  • Retirement Planning Software made easy, with a fully integrated intuitive design
  • Easy step by step data entry through a simple tab structure
  • Automatic projection and consolidation of all data entered at any time
  • Automated calculations for Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) for qualified plans
  • Automated cash management simulation option with purchases and/or liquidations overrides
  • Input data verification and validation to ensure no errors in creating a retirement strategy
  • Data entry help screens for assets, liabilities, income, expenses, insurance
  • Automated modification of data for Retirement, Death or Disability of either spouse
  • Extensive context sensitive help screens for data items
  • Online tutorials designed to guide the professional financial advisor in the right direction
  • Intuitive screens and easy to use tabs showing magnitude of plan being built
  • The easiest financial planning software to learn in minutes with easy to follow tutorial
  • Build a comprehensive retirement projections with up to a 99 year planning period
  • Create a financial plan by entering detailed data or a single summary amount
  • Enter only the data applicable in a case or scenario and skip the rest
  • Self formatting reports that can be customized to meet the needs of any professional advisor
  • Create a truly personal financial analysis by printing any or all the reports you want
  • Text reporting into MS Word for an easy to generate professional planning presentations
  • Reports that can be printed or saved to MS Excel for modification or for client editing
  • Easy to use and understand graphing and charting capabilities

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  • Extensive capabilities to increase your productivity and accuracy
  • Data entry needed only once to reflect an item or information
  • Versatile tool to analyze what-if scenarios for financial alternatives
  • Dynamic integration to analyze the full effects of a data change
  • Automatically generates planning options for retirement, death & disability
  • Simple one click change between scenarios
  • Estate reports reflect both scenarios when either spouse predeceases the other
  • Income tax computations and accounting rules are automatically applied
  • All States and Local taxes are built-in
  • Automatic Cash Management simulation, Retirement and Capital Needs Analysis
  • Unlimited number of entries for expenses, assets, liabilities, insurance, or income
  • Annual adjustment for valuation and premiums on Cash value life insurance policies
  • Ability to link an annual cash distributions to a Cash value life insurance policies
  • User defined rate of return for investing excess cash flow
  • Buy or sell any asset at any time to create a truly personal financial planning solution
  • Structure a Long Term Care analysis at any point during the retirement period
  • LTC policies can be modeled with varying benefits or expenses
  • Tremendous range of built-in information and computations
  • Federal taxes are built-in and regularly updated for advance tax planning objectives
  • User ability to sunset 2001/2003 tax act or to override it
  • Ability to plan for retirees with lifetime dependent children
  • Financial assessments for divorced spouses
  • Variety of reports and supporting schedules
  • Life insurance analysis for both client and spouse
  • Disability needs analysis for both client and spouse

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Powerful, Features Rich Application

  • Comprehensive design that can accommodate any budgeting scenarios
  • Totally integrated financial profiles that span full lives of the client and spouse
  • A personal finance software with integrated education planning illustrations
  • Fully integrated Income Tax Planning, Estate Tax Planning & Life Insurance Needs Analysis
  • Year by year control on data valuations for investments, sources of funds, and uses of funds.
  • Model various sources of income including self employed income, social security exempt
    wages, investment income, tax free income and Social Security income
  • Automatic reduction of benefit and taxation on Social Security income.
  • Automatic tax calculations for self employment income
  • User defined inflation for income, expenses and tax related calculations
  • Ability to model numerous types of investments and business interests
  • Model any amortized loan (personal, mortgage or investment) at any point during retirement
  • Special data formatting for rental properties, 529 Plans, Roth IRAs & other qualified plans
  • Accommodate gifting or charitable objectives or evaluate a Roth IRA conversions
  • Project the impact of a home refinancing or downsizing your primary residence
  • Evaluate the benefits of downsizing your primary residence in your retirement
  • Provide detailed budgeting reports on year by year expenses
  • Create a reverse mortgage to fund retirement needs
  • Provide detailed reporting on a diversified investment portfolio
  • Reposition assets at any time to minimize investment risk or provide investment liquidity
  • Review the suitability to fund cash value life insurance for a specific financial goal
  • Integrate corporate, municipal, or government bonds into your investment portfolio
  • Capture the appropriate tax consequences from any investment reallocation strategy
  • Compare different investment allocation for long term net worth and income tax objectives
  • Evaluate 'real' net rate of return, the rate of return less actual tax liability, for any asset
  • Assess the financial liability for buying, or selling an investment property or business interest
  • Compare different tax and investment planning strategies for different personal risk tolerances
  • Integrated Federal, State and Local income tax calculations
  • Personalized year by year Income, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statements
  • Summary report that organizes income, retirement, and life insurance needs on one report
  • Automated 401k, IRA contributions and Required Minimum Distributions on a yearly basis
  • More advance calculations for IRAs and 401k such as Catch-Up contributions
  • Detailed income tax analysis including AMT, Charitable and medical expense limitations
  • Automatic phase out calculation for qualified dividend tax rates
  • Capital Needs Analysis in easy to understand text and graphical illustration for all scenarios
  • Prepares estate related reports and flow charts for any year of your planning horizon
  • Estate projections for Simple Wills, UTC Wills, A/B Wills, and Optimized Wills
  • Retirement planning software that can integrate advanced estate planning capabilities
    including ILTs, QPRTs, CRATs, GRATs
  • User defined graphs for creating custom and personalized financial reports
  • Text Reports that are generated to Microsoft Word
  • Income Statements, Balance Sheets, Estate Reports that can be saved to Microsoft Excel
Pricing:  1-User License with 3 months of maintenance and support - $299

Free Trial: You can use the full-featured trial software version for 30 days from the day you install the package.

System requirements: Windows 98 or higher, 64 MB RAM, and 100 MB Hard drive space.

Direct Downloading Link:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Kava Kava and Clinical Depression

What is Kava Kava?

Kava Kava (Piper Methysticum), also known as Kava, Cava Cava, Cava, Cawa Cawa, Awa, Ava, Sakua, and Yaqona is an herbal plant that can be found growing in the Polynesian Islands. As a relative of the black pepper plant, it has similar heart shaped leaves and flowers as the black pepper plant as well as a similar peppery taste. Many believe that it is extremely beneficial in countering the symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress when it is in ingested.


Kava kava is native to some islands of the South Pacific, including Vanuatu and Fiji. Vanuatu is one of the world's foremost suppliers of kava kava. It has been used for centuries in Fiji and Hawaii to reduce fatigue, combat anxiety and enhance sleep.

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Kava kava must undergo preparation before it can be used to treat depression or anxiety. The plant must grow for four years before it can be harvested. The roots are then cut from the plant, peeled, washed and ground. They are then steeped in water, and the root pieces are removed by straining the liquid through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is ready to drink.

The ground root pieces can also be dried and used in supplement capsules.


Kava Root (the only part of the plant that is used) is largely employed in many cultures as a celebratory drink much in the same way that alcohol is used in the West. It helps mark momentous occasions such as weddings, public festivals, political powwows and holidays, and it is even used in ceremonies honoring the dead. Unlike alcohol, kava does not produce or stimulate aggression. It does not condemn the user to a dreaded hangover, unlike alcohol.

Kava Kava can be purchased in liquid form, powdered form, as an extract or tincture, or in tablet or capsule form. In some places, the root itself is actually chewed which provides a much more concentrated dosage than any other preparation of the herb. The most popular way to consume Kava Kava is in the form of a tea.

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Therapeutic Effects

Many people find other uses for kava, including many medicinal ones. It's interesting to note that kava has been shown to help ease anxiety, depression as well as producing a restful sleep. It is used by athletes, businessmen and diplomats to help "take the edge off" and focus concentration.  Widely prescribed throughout Oceania and Europe to treat hyperactivity in children, it has also been used to aid children who have difficulty sleeping on occasion.

People report the following positive effects on health and well-being:
� Relaxes muscles.
� Calms nerves.
� Creates a general feeling of well-being.
� Induces a feeling of peace, relaxation and contentment.
� Enhances mental alertness and concentration.
� Can be successfully used as an herbal aphrodisiac.
� Reduces inhibitions and makes people more sociable.

It is not exactly known how kava functions in the body yet, but it seems to influence a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA in the brain, making it similar to benzodiazepines such as Valium and Xanax, according to an article in the international journal "Planta Medica," which reported that kava facilitated the transmission of GABA. In a 1990 "European Journal of Pharmacology" article, researchers reported that kava was able to inhibit uptake of another neurotransmitter called norepinephrine. In an article in the October 1998 issue of the journal "Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology Biology and Psychiatry," researchers found that one of the kavalactones, D,L-kawain, has been shown to affect dopamine, resulting in an increase in this neurotransmitter. According to, there are conflicting reports about kava's effects on serotonin. Based on the current research, it is difficult to say exactly how kava affects neurotransmitters --- of which the human body has many --- but at a minimum, it affects GABA, norepinephrine and dopamine.

The kavalactones in kava are able to pass through the blood-brain barrier and act as sedatives and analgesics, as well, meaning that if you are experiencing the irregular sleep cycles often found in individuals suffering from depression, kava can help with that, as well!

Consumers' Experience

When first ingested, users will experience a numbing of their lips, tongue, and sometimes even their stomach that is caused by the blood vessels constricting. Kava Kava has an intoxicating effect which, which depending on the dosage taken, some might compare to that of drinking alcohol or using marijuana. When taken in moderation, most users experience a great sense of relaxation and well being combined with the ability to think clearly. It can also induce a restful, dreamless sleep. This can be extremely therapeutic to those that suffer from depression. In some cases, if the dosage is too high, individuals will enter a euphoric or dream like state that may be undesirable and can be avoided simply by lowering the dosage.

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Side Effects

For the most part, other than the initial numbness of the lips, tongue, and stomach, there are no reported side effects from Kava Kava as long as it is used in moderation. In fact, some have replaced alcoholic beverages with it because they get the same effect without waking up with a hangover the next morning. However, when used excessively, there are some reported side effects and/or health problems such as a hypertension, yellow, scaly rash, shortness of breath, eye irritation, and changes in red and white blood cells and platelets.

Kava Kava and Liver Damage

In the early 2000's, demand for Kava rose dramatically as it began to make its way into the mainstream. For many years, it was also being prescribed in parts of Europe to treat anxiety as well; something that the pharmaceutical companies were surely taking notice of. Shortly thereafter, reports of liver damage by a handful of people in Europe began to emerge. Unfortunately, doctors were quick to blame Kava, and soon, entire countries were banning this historically safe and effective herbal supplement. Three of those countries included the United States, Canada, and Germany. Others quickly followed suit and the legal status of kava was suddenly in serious jeopardy.

But, the health industry fought back with a vengeance. Leading that fight was the International Kava Executive Council. Even though they were outgunned by governments, pharmaceutical companies and the media, the herbal industry was able to provide more than enough evidence that the ban was unquestionably unjustified. Furthermore, the IKEC showed that the conclusions that were reached should never have been reached in the first place, as it became clear that Kava was nothing more than a convenient scapegoat for the reported liver damage. As the evidence was being submitted, ongoing research was also being conducted by a number of independent laboratories and universities behind the scenes, partly because a worldwide ban on kava kava could be devastating for several economies throughout Oceania.

Fortunately, within a small span of time, several key pieces of evidence emerged. Perhaps the most notable one came from from the University of Hawaii, as reported by the Honolulu Advertiser in early 2003. It turns out that there's a poison in the leaves and peelings (bark) of Kava called pipermethystine. And, not surprisingly, this poison could potentially lead to liver damage.

It turns out that once the demand for Kava skyrocketed, there wasn't enough Kava root to fill the demand. Suppliers then knowingly or unknowingly bought the leaves and peelings of Kava plants (the parts that are always thrown away as waste material) from unscrupulous growers. Up until that event, the only parts of the Kava plant that were traditionally used throughout its 3,000 year history were the roots; never the peelings or the leaves. On a related note: further research revealed that the handful of people who suffered liver damage also consumed alcohol on a regular basis, restoring Kava's place in the herbal medicine chest as a safe, effective, and pleasant herbal supplement.

Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. Countries started to lift their bans on Kava in 2003-onward, but kava was now synonymous with "but it causes liver damage." Nothing could be further from the truth, but the media had accomplished its task, and restoring Kava's reputation has been an uphill battle ever since.

So, where do we stand with the "kava legal status" question? Happily for many, the United States lifted its ban completely, Canada lifted its ban on Kava if it's imported by individuals for personal consumption, and even Germany, where much of the original controversy arose, lifted its ban on Kava in 2007. Except for a handful of countries such as Norway, Australia, and Sweden, Kava is indeed legal throughout the world once again! The Canadian Health Ministry even gave permission to export Kava to Canada, provided it was only to private individuals.


The most significant anti-anxiety studies show that an effective daily dose of kava is 70-210 milligrams of kavalactones. The amount of kava to take depends on your purpose for using it and your individual sensitivity to the effects of kavalactones.

Death or severe illness from exclusive use of kava has not been reported in any medical literature.

No standard dose exists for kava. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a typical dose may be between 150-300 mg, taken between one to three times daily. However, the dosage recommendations on the labels of kava supplements will vary according to the brand. Do not take kava kava for more than three months without the close supervision of your physician.

Recent Research

In the recent, 2009, study, researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia have found a traditional extract of Kava, a medicinal plant from the South Pacific, to be safe and effective in reducing anxiety. Lead researcher Jerome Sarris, a PhD candidate from UQ's School of Medicine, said the placebo-controlled study found Kava to be an effective and safe treatment option for people with chronic anxiety and varying levels of depression.

"We've been able to show that Kava offers a natural alternative for the treatment of anxiety, and unlike some pharmaceutical options, has less risk of dependency and less potential of side effects," Mr. Sarris said.

Each week participants were given a clinical assessment as well as a self-rating questionnaire to measure their anxiety and depression levels. The researchers found anxiety levels decreased dramatically for participants taking five tablets of Kava per day as opposed to the placebo group which took dummy pills.

"We also found that Kava had a positive impact on reducing depression levels, something which had not been tested before," Mr. Sarris said. In 2002 Kava was banned in Europe, UK and Canada due to concerns over liver toxicity.

While the three-week trial raised no major health concerns regarding the Kava extract used, the researchers said larger studies were required to confirm the drug's safety.

"When extracted in the appropriate way, Kava may pose less or no potential liver problems. I hope the results will encourage governments to reconsider the ban," Mr. Sarris said.

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While Kava Kava has been shown to help alleviate some of the debilitating symptoms of depression, it should never replace any prescription medication or traditional therapy without first consulting with a physician. It is important to remember that what works for one person might not necessarily work for another and what might be safe for one person might be dangerous to another. Kava Kava is an extremely potent herb for depression that can have some undesirable effects if it is misused. Work with your physician to determine if it is right for you…

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