Friday, August 26, 2011

Portable Universal Virus Sniffer

Universal Virus Sniffer is a powerful antivirus removal tool designed to ease the process of detecting and eliminating unknown viruses, rootkits, and bootkits. It is especially recommended for experienced users.�

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Main Features

* The three basic modes: work with active, inactive and remote systems through the network without installing additional software.
* The fourth mode of operation: work simulation on the virtual system, based on its image.
* Working with the registry in three modes: remove links to viruses, troubleshooting after treatment of antivirus.
* A unique set of filters and a built-in analyzer for the rapid detection of unknown malware.
* Maintaining user base of viruses, automatic extraction of signatures from executable files (including protected).
* Automatic detection of active file viruses and removing their signatures.
* Rapid detection and easy removal of any file rootkits [file matching + provrka figures. signatures on a clean system]
* Ability to use catalog external digital signatures (CatRoot) inactive system (including in the WinPE 2.x-3.x).
* Ability to discover hidden DLL in the address space of the process.
* Starting in the mode of pure desktop (elimination of Winlock).
* Special immunization module cleaning system before starting uVS.
* Detection of latent infection MBR, Boot sector and downloaders Windows.
* Convenient restoration of damaged / missing files from distribution Windows (only for Win2k/XP/2k3).
* Backup Registry with its defragmentation and recovery.
* Registry Editor including in x64 and WinPE.
*Registry visualization.


* UVS is not a substitute for a real-time antivirus utility on your computer. It should be used for the emergency cases, when your antivirus program fails to treat the virus-related issues.
* Currently, the following antivirus programs as Avast, AVG, Gdata and Sophos may flag this utility as infected. Note, that is normal for virus scanner, and the shown threat is a false positive.

Author: Dmitriy Kuznetzoff
License: Freeware
Requires: Win 2000/03/08/XP/Vista/7

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