Monday, January 31, 2011

Power of the Human Touch for Depression Treatment

Human Touch Secrets

The skin is the largest organ in the body and touch is human's natural way of reacting to pain and stress and conveying love and compassion. When something painful happens to you like when you accidentally bump your head on the wall, your natural reaction would be to rub the affected area to ease the pain. Kisses, hugs, and holding hands, meanwhile, are people's way of expressing emotions toward another person.

The warmth of a hand held, the sensation of a soft cheek against ours, arms wrapped around shoulders in embrace... they can all go a long way toward expressing our affection for someone. But touch can actually give more than a momentary tingle or a second of solace; touch can comfort and heal.

The effect of a touch depends, of course, upon the situation. A touch from someone can be relaxing or reassuring, off-putting or gentle, soothing or stimulating. Touch can also bond us together in ways that transcend words or in situations in which words may not help.

The latest researches have shown that the people who are touch deprived are prone to diseases and emotional dysfunction. In nursing homes, tactile stimulation and caring touch are utilized to give patients a sense of security. In infants, those who are caressed by their parents often develop more properly than those who are not nurtured by their mothers. In one study it was found that fathers who gave their infants daily bedtime massages displayed more enjoyment and warmth with their child. In another, babies given a blood test were either swaddled in blankets or held, skin-to-skin, by their mothers. The babies being hugged had lower heart rates and cried 82% less than those left wrapped and lying in their cribs.

Some researchers also suggest that people who are deprived of touch early in life may have a tendency toward violent or aggressive behavior later, and research in rats has found that rats with a strong mothering instinct (measured by licking and grooming their babies) were more likely have babies that showed a strong mothering instinct.

Touch's comfort can extend to older kids, too. After receiving massage sessions, adolescents with ADHD expressed feelings of happiness, and their teachers noted a decrease in the adolescents' fidgeting and off-task activities. Even self-massage has benefits, as proven by a study of people trying to deal with the cravings and anxiety associated with quitting smoking. When they felt the urge to smoke, test subjects were advised to rub their hands together or stroke their ear lobes. Rubbed away with the tension was the urge to light up.

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Human Touch Therapies

Having a massage is one of the best ways to enjoy the wonderful benefits of physical touch. This therapy, which is known primarily for being able to relax both the mind and body, can bring a host of physiological and psychological effects in your health such as improvement of circulation, strengthening of the immune system, relaxation of tense muscles, reduction of spasms and pain, and improvement of range of motion, among many others.

Human-touch therapy includes modern, traditional and alternative methods known by a variety of names. The University of Maryland Medical Center states there are more than 100 different human-touch therapies. Physical therapy and chiropractic are examples of modern methods. Massage and acupuncture are traditional methods that have existed for centuries. Alternative methods, such as Rolfing and Touch for Health, combine modern and traditional therapies. These categories are flexible as evidenced by insurance companies using different labels for the same method. No matter the category or name, human-touch therapy can help with a variety of health and well being issues.

Touch therapy can help reduce negative influences of stress--physical and emotional. Pain, lowered mood and anxiety are all symptoms of stress. The University of Maryland Medical Center found that human touch therapies reduce certain stress-inducing hormones, such as cortisol, and release natural substances called endorphins in the body to reduce pain and elevate mood. Further, the touch therapies of spinal manipulation, acupuncture, and massage can and do ease pain and reduce depression--sometimes alone, sometimes in conjunction with other therapies.

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Not only Massage

However, it is important to note that massage is not the only way to experience the power of human touch. Even a simple kiss, hug, or a handshake can have positive psychological effects that can enhance overall health and facilitate healing and recovery.

On the physical level, human touch has the ability to lower blood pressure and reduce stress and tension. This is because a soothing touch can trigger the increase of oxytocin levels in the body, which gives a calming effect. When there is pain, a comforting human touch can alleviate the feeling and act as a numbing agent.

When it comes to emotional benefits, human touch like a comforting hand squeeze, a gentle tap on the back, or a reassuring hug can help intensely in stress management by calming and easing a person's nerves. It is no wonder people feel good about themselves when they give or receive a hug. It is a sign that someone cares for them. Some studies have shown that people who receive sufficient physical affection (especially the non-sexual type) are less prone to depression and unhealthy habits such as drinking and smoking.

Aside from the two mentioned above, nourishment and comfort are also primary benefits of the human touch. Babies have instinctive craving for this. When a mother comforts a baby, rocks him or touches him lovingly, she may not be aware but this can greatly affect the growth and behavior of the child. Those who are held more often grow up to be more confident and less clingy children to those who are not.

For centuries, the human touch has been known to have positive healing effects on people. Even before medical technologies and medications were invented, people made use of the therapeutic effect of the human touch to improve a wide variety of health problems. Today, many still rely on the power of human touch.

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Human hand

The human hand possesses a particularly refined sense of touch. Researchers discovered that our hands can detect a dot just three microns high - a micron being a unit of linear measurement equal to 1 millionth of a meter (10 to the minus 6m) or 1/125000th of an inch (a human hair has a diameter of 50 to 100 microns).
However, by "using a texture rather than a dot, the researchers found the hand can detect roughness just 75 nanometers high" - a nanometer being one thousandth of a micron! This quite remarkable sensitivity is attributed to about 2,000 touch receptors in each individual fingertip!

In addition to such sensitivity, scientist have also discovered that we as humans are endowed with a special nervous system that senses love and tenderness - our senses of pleasure being evoked by a second nerve network in the skin, consisting of slow-conducting fibers called tactile C fibers.

Surprisingly, this network responds only to a gentle touch and activates those areas of the brain dealing with emotions.

A "Touch Phobic" Society

In today's world, technology has reduced the amount of physical contact that people have with each other on a daily basis. With automatic bank machines, online shopping, internet, email and voice mail people can make appointments, dates or decisions without ever actually talking to or seeing another person. Those subtle contacts with others, once common on a daily basis are gone.

In addition, it is more common to hear about situations where touch has been used negatively or inappropriately. The news reports on child abuse cases, sexual harassment suits and rapes. Parents are teaching children to be wary of strangers, and to be selective in how and what to touch. Though this is beneficial to keep children safe, it has created a society that has become "touch phobic" where the simplest and most innocent touch can be easily misconstrued as sexual, or inappropriate.

It's not like we can quantify the amount of loving touch that's needed as a prescription to heal touch deprivation. But, one study sheds some light on the particular lack of touch in the American culture. Sets of American, French and Puerto Rican friends were observed in a coffee shop over the course of an hour to determine how frequently physical contact occurs. U.S. friends tend to touch each other an average of only twice an hour, whereas French friends touch 110 times, and Puerto Rican friends touch 180 times. There are significant cultural differences between these nations, but the new technology and artificial "personal space" establishment caused a noticeable signs of touch deprivation among Americans.

Dr. Barnaby Barratt from Santa Barbara Consulting and Healing highlights in his article on Nurturing Touch that "affectional touch is highly beneficial so long as it is experienced as 'appropriate' to the situation, and does not impose greater intimacy than is desired, or is not part of some interpersonal 'power play.' Touching should neither be coercive nor manipulative. It should be purely giving, and never used as a means to an ends, for example, as a maneuver to get someone into unwanted sexual relations."

Due to the overload of negative touch, society has become very guarded. When people are touched in any form it is often perceived as bad or inappropriate. Unfortunately, this change in perspective has denied people the simple opportunities to enhance their development and one of the key elements needed to thrive and grow.

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Healthy Touch Tips

In general, hugs, handshakes, a hand on the shoulder or a comforting rub on the back are examples of appropriate touch.

~ Make sure the person you desire to touch consents before you proceed.

~ You may verbally ask to touch and receive a verbal consent.

~ You may extend your arms to hug a loved one and they may extend their arms to receive.

~ You may extend a hand to offer a hand shake and the person reciprocates.

~ You may move toward a person who appears in need of a comforting hand on the shoulder -  Look in their eyes and watch their body language for consent.

~ If your touch is rejected, don't take it personally!

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Sources and Additional Information:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

When to make stop driving decision for Alzheimer's Patient?

If your loved one has Alzheimer's, he or she may not be safe on the road. You need to help to assess the risk of continuing driving for him or her, and for other people around as well. Explain the potential risks, and if the risks are too big, provide alternative ways to get around.

Driving is a powerful symbol of competence and independence, besides being a routine part of adult life. But the focused concentration and quick reaction time needed for safe driving tend to decline with age. Alzheimer's disease accelerates this process dramatically. If you're caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer's, you may need to limit your loved one's driving � or stop his or her driving completely.

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More than memory problems

Dimmed short-term memory makes it easy for a driver who has Alzheimer's to get lost, even in familiar territory. Perhaps more dangerous, however, is a decline in the ability to judge distances and predict upcoming traffic problems. A driver who has Alzheimer's may also have trouble prioritizing visual cues. An irrelevant sight, such as a dog jumping behind a fence, may distract the driver from important cues � such as brake lights or traffic signs.

Statistics Risks of Driving with Alzheimer's

There are a number of research studies that illustrate the dangers of driving and Alzheimer's Disease. For example, a Swedish study by Johansson and others found between 47-53 per cent of drivers over 65 years who died in accidents showed either early signs or actually had Alzheimer's disease. In another example, Carr showed that people with Alzheimer's were at a significant higher risk of having motor vehicle accidents. It is known that people with Alzheimer's disease drive, on average, 2.5 years following diagnosis but that certainly does not mean that everyone with Alzheimer's should as it affects people in different ways and some more quickly than others. People with early stage, very mild Alzheimer's disease, can and do drive safely, however when the disease progresses to the moderate or severe stages, then driving must stop.

About 600,000 elderly adults stop driving for some health reason every year, according to the National Institute on Aging. But there's little clear guidance for the roughly 2 million people estimated to be in Alzheimer's early stages, and the disease is poised to skyrocket in two decades as the population grays.

States have varying laws on when aging drivers must pass a road test for a license renewal, but they seldom address specific diseases; California requires reporting of Alzheimer's diagnoses so driving can be assessed. The Alzheimer's Association tells families warning signs of unsafe driving.

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Rates of deterioration

To better determine the rate at which driving skills deteriorate in people with early Alzheimer's, researchers at Brown University conducted a longitudinal study of 128 drivers, consisting of 84 patients with early Alzheimer's and 44 healthy older drivers who served as controls. The average age was 75. Patients with a clinical dementia rating (CDR) of 0.5 were diagnosed with very mild Alzheimer's, while those with a CDR of 1 were diagnosed with mild Alzheimer's. The researchers excluded patients with moderate or severe dementia, as well as those with mild cognitive impairment (which raises the risk of Alzheimer's).

All healthy controls passed an initial on-road driving test, compared with 88% of patients with very mild Alzheimer's, and 78% of those with mild Alzheimer's. At a subsequent road test 18 months later, driving skills in all participants � even healthy controls � had deteriorated, and many patients had stopped driving for safety reasons. However, patients with mild Alzheimer's became unsafe drivers about twice as fast as those with very mild Alzheimer's, based on tests conducted every six months. Patients with mild Alzheimer's failed the driving test after roughly 11 months, while those with very mild Alzheimer's failed the test after roughly 20 months.

This suggests that patients with mild Alzheimer's may be able to continue driving safely for a time. But it's important for clinicians, family members, and drivers themselves to remain vigilant for signs of deterioration and to reassess skills regularly.

General Safe Driving Tips

  • Drive shorter distances.
  • Stick to familiar routes.
  • Use GPS navigation for any unfamiliar destinations.
  • Don't drive at night.
  • Don't drive in bad weather.
  • Don't travel on busy roads.
  • Avoid driving on weekdays or in peak traffic flow.
  • Always try use the same vehicle.

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When to stop driving

Opinions vary on whether driving should be allowed at all after an Alzheimer's diagnosis. For some people, it may be easier to give up the wheel early on, when they can still grasp the potential hazards. On the other hand, people in the early stages of the disease may be able to safely limit their driving to short daytime trips in familiar surroundings.

If your loved one continues to drive, pay attention to warning signs of unsafe driving, such as:
  • Difficulty navigating to familiar places, changing lanes or making turns.
  • Confusing the brake and gas pedals.
  • Failing to observe traffic signals.
  • Making slow or poor decisions.
  • Hitting the curb while driving.
  • Driving at an inappropriate speed.
  • Becoming angry or confused while driving.
If you're not sure whether it's safe for your loved one to drive, ask yourself whether you feel safe riding in a vehicle driven by the person who has Alzheimer's � or if you'd feel safe having your loved one drive your children or others. If the answer is no, then you know it's time for him or her to retire from driving.

How to ease the transition

When your loved one stops driving, arrange for alternative transportation. Perhaps family members and friends can run errands with your loved one, or you can arrange transportation through a senior van route. You may be able to establish a payment account with a taxi service so that your loved one can go places but won't have to handle money.

Also consider ways to limit your loved one's need to drive. Many items � such as groceries, meals and prescriptions � can be delivered to your loved one's home. Some barbers and hairdressers make house calls as well.

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Remain firm as the disease progresses

If your loved one wants to continue driving despite the hazards � or begin driving again after a period off the road � consider these strategies to keep him or her out of the driver's seat:
  • Get a note from the doctor. Sometimes it helps if an authority figure � physician, lawyer, or insurance agent � tells your loved one to stop driving. Having something in writing can be a useful reminder.
  • Involve law enforcement. Encourage law enforcement to issue a citation.
  • Keep keys out of sight. Park the vehicle around the corner or in a closed garage, and don't keep keys in plain sight. If your loved one insists on carrying a set of keys, offer old keys that won't start the vehicle.
  • Disable the vehicle. Remove a battery cable to prevent the car from starting, or ask a mechanic to install a "kill switch" that must be engaged before the car will start.
  • Sell the vehicle. If you can make do without your loved one's vehicle, consider selling it.
  • Have the alternative solution handy. Assure the person that a ride will be available if he or she needs to go somewhere. Have a list of contacts who can provide transportation, such as family members, friends, taxis or community transportation services.

Whether your loved one stops driving all at once or in stages, he or she will probably grieve the loss of independence. Be as patient as you can, but remember to stand firm. The consequences of unsafe driving can be devastating.

Sources and Additional Information:

Online security scanner from Trend Micro

Trend Micro's HouseCall, maybe, is not the best free online security scanner on the market. It is slower than some competitors; it may be less effective than others. However, it is the only one out of the top online scanners, offering not just detecting the virus contamination or security threat, but also cleaning or deleting of infected files from wide range of threats including viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware. In addition, Trend Micro HouseCall seeks out firewall problems and other vulnerabilities, and makes suggestions for correcting them.

Please note that HouseCall requires a small download before it can scan your computer.

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 Getting Started with HouseCall

  1. Click Download HouseCall to begin. The file to download differs in relation to your Operating System, soc choose the option (32-bit or 64-bit), which suites you.
  2. You can choose to save a copy of the launcher (HousecallLauncher.exe) and use it to quickly starts scan. Remember to visit this page occasionally to get the latest copy of the launcher.
  3. It is recommended that first-time users select the Quick Scan option, which is available in addition to the Full Scan or Folder Scan options.
  4. Enabling the Smart Feedback setting helps increase the strength of the Smart Protection Network by sharing malware and threat data as part of our global neighborhood watch program. No personally identifiable information is gathered as part of participation.
System Reqiurements


  • At least 300MHz IntelTM PentiumTM processor or equivalent
  • At least 256MB memory
  • At least 200MB available disk space
Operating System

  • Windows™ XP (32-bit) Home or Professional with SP2 or SP3
  • Windows Vista™ (32-bit, 64-bit) Ultimate, Business, Home Premium, or Home Basic with SP1 or SP2
  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)

  • At least high-color (16-bit) and a minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
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Review of HouseCall (32-bit version) by PCWorld

Trend Micro--one of the most respected companies in security software--offers HouseCall, a free Web-based utility that scans for and cleans your computer of all currently documented viruses, Trojans and other malware. In addition, HouseCall seeks out firewall problems and other vulnerabilities, and makes suggestions for correcting them. We do not recommend using HouseCall in lieu of an installed security program. But it has saved our computers numerous times, when all else failed. Its new version is not only compatible with Windows 7, but you can download either a 32-bit or 64-bit version of its launcher.

Setting up HouseCall is a breeze. You can choose to do a Quick Scan, Full Scan or Custom Scan (choosing which drives and folders-- including connected network drives--will be analyzed). If you're in a hurry, you may also want to check the option to have HouseCall fix all found problems. If you prefer to look at each problem found, and select which ones to fix, leave that option unchecked.

Then, click on Scan Now, and sit back and wait. Depending on the size and density of your drives, the type scan you choose, the speed of your computer, and the speed of your internet connection, it can take fifteen minutes (for a Quick Scan of critical system files) to several hours (for Complete or comprehensive Custom Scans). Our Custom Scan of all folders and files on two local and four network drives took five hours and four minutes.

Unlike previous versions of HouseCall, which ran completely online, this newest iteration uses a downloadable launcher. That means you no longer have to worry about browser compatibilities or having the latest Java installed. During the scan, the launcher first verifies that you have the latest version of the program, and automatically downloads any updates you might need, before actually launching. We feel that is an extra step that shouldn't be necessary, when you've just downloaded the launcher; shouldn't it be the newest version already? Once launched, HouseCall Then, it checks file patterns on your computer against Trend Micro's latest database of malicious files, via your Internet connection. A progress bar and timer tell you how much time has lapsed and the percentage of the job that is complete, so you can walk away and know approximately when to return.

When the scan is complete, HouseCall generates a report of all threats found and actions taken to fix the problems. It also provides information for any that were found but not repaired, so that you can investigate further. This time around, it found nothing on our test system--happily. Other times that we've used it, HouseCall has located and neutralized considerable threats to our systems.

Trend Micro is known for its aggressive and frequent updates of malware definitions, which means that HouseCall will catch the vast majority of active malicious files that might lurk in your system. But, because of its thoroughness, HouseCall can be time-consuming. It's best to run it at a time when you aren't planning to use your computer, such as overnight.

HouseCall is a great resource for anyone who suspects that their computer woes may be related to malicious files--or for those who just want to double-check that their installed security program is doing its job.

Review of HouseCall (32-bit version) by BrightHub

Ease of Use

To use the Trend Micro HouseCall free scan, users will need to download a small launcher program (Housecalllauncher.exe), which is available in 23-bit and 64-bit versions to support older and new operating systems such as Windows 7. Once the launcher is downloaded, the user is required to run the program, which will download all the required components and ready itself to scan the computer. The scanning options include a full, custom (including folder specific scans) as well as a quick scan.

Users have the option of allowing the program to share threat data with "a global intelligence network to quickly discover new threats" according to the Trend Micro HouseCall website. Unlike some other online scanners, HouseCall not only detects threats but it can remove them as well. In fact, the program can be set to auto clean, which is a feature that tries to remove threats automatically, or users can choose to perform the removal tasks manually if malware is detected.

One major advantage that HouseCall has over traditional virus scanning solutions is that it is always up-to-date. The service doesn't rely on periodic software definition downloads to be able to detect viruses. Users are assured that the latest virus definition files are being used for each scan because the launcher always fetches the newest definitions prior to starting a scan. In a search for the best online virus scanners, you will be hard pressed to find a better alternative to HouseCall.

The Performance

Trend Micro HouseCall and its free virus scan, like many other online scanners, is generally available to everyone who has Internet service. However, its reliance on the Internet in order to perform a scan, is its Achilles heel. There are certain malware that will impair the computer's ability to access the Internet, making it nearly impossible or at least technically challenging to remove malware using online scanners.

However, once the scanner downloads the required components, it does a good job of scanning the computer for viruses without hogging system resources. It's not surprising that the program is not a system hog, however. Bear in mind that it doesn't run all the resident shields and active protection components of a full fledge virus scanner.

Developers' Website:

Online security scanner from Trend Micro

Trend Micro's HouseCall, maybe, is not the best free online security scanner on the market. It is slower than some competitors; it may be less effective than others. However, it is the only one out of the top online scanners, offering not just detecting the virus contamination or security threat, but also cleaning or deleting of infected files from wide range of threats including viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware. In addition, Trend Micro HouseCall seeks out firewall problems and other vulnerabilities, and makes suggestions for correcting them.

Please note that HouseCall requires a small download before it can scan your computer.

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 Getting Started with HouseCall

  1. Click Download HouseCall to begin. The file to download differs in relation to your Operating System, soc choose the option (32-bit or 64-bit), which suites you.
  2. You can choose to save a copy of the launcher (HousecallLauncher.exe) and use it to quickly starts scan. Remember to visit this page occasionally to get the latest copy of the launcher.
  3. It is recommended that first-time users select the Quick Scan option, which is available in addition to the Full Scan or Folder Scan options.
  4. Enabling the Smart Feedback setting helps increase the strength of the Smart Protection Network by sharing malware and threat data as part of our global neighborhood watch program. No personally identifiable information is gathered as part of participation.
System Reqiurements


  • At least 300MHz IntelTM PentiumTM processor or equivalent
  • At least 256MB memory
  • At least 200MB available disk space
Operating System

  • Windows™ XP (32-bit) Home or Professional with SP2 or SP3
  • Windows Vista™ (32-bit, 64-bit) Ultimate, Business, Home Premium, or Home Basic with SP1 or SP2
  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)

  • At least high-color (16-bit) and a minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
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Review of HouseCall (32-bit version) by PCWorld

Trend Micro--one of the most respected companies in security software--offers HouseCall, a free Web-based utility that scans for and cleans your computer of all currently documented viruses, Trojans and other malware. In addition, HouseCall seeks out firewall problems and other vulnerabilities, and makes suggestions for correcting them. We do not recommend using HouseCall in lieu of an installed security program. But it has saved our computers numerous times, when all else failed. Its new version is not only compatible with Windows 7, but you can download either a 32-bit or 64-bit version of its launcher.

Setting up HouseCall is a breeze. You can choose to do a Quick Scan, Full Scan or Custom Scan (choosing which drives and folders-- including connected network drives--will be analyzed). If you're in a hurry, you may also want to check the option to have HouseCall fix all found problems. If you prefer to look at each problem found, and select which ones to fix, leave that option unchecked.

Then, click on Scan Now, and sit back and wait. Depending on the size and density of your drives, the type scan you choose, the speed of your computer, and the speed of your internet connection, it can take fifteen minutes (for a Quick Scan of critical system files) to several hours (for Complete or comprehensive Custom Scans). Our Custom Scan of all folders and files on two local and four network drives took five hours and four minutes.

Unlike previous versions of HouseCall, which ran completely online, this newest iteration uses a downloadable launcher. That means you no longer have to worry about browser compatibilities or having the latest Java installed. During the scan, the launcher first verifies that you have the latest version of the program, and automatically downloads any updates you might need, before actually launching. We feel that is an extra step that shouldn't be necessary, when you've just downloaded the launcher; shouldn't it be the newest version already? Once launched, HouseCall Then, it checks file patterns on your computer against Trend Micro's latest database of malicious files, via your Internet connection. A progress bar and timer tell you how much time has lapsed and the percentage of the job that is complete, so you can walk away and know approximately when to return.

When the scan is complete, HouseCall generates a report of all threats found and actions taken to fix the problems. It also provides information for any that were found but not repaired, so that you can investigate further. This time around, it found nothing on our test system--happily. Other times that we've used it, HouseCall has located and neutralized considerable threats to our systems.

Trend Micro is known for its aggressive and frequent updates of malware definitions, which means that HouseCall will catch the vast majority of active malicious files that might lurk in your system. But, because of its thoroughness, HouseCall can be time-consuming. It's best to run it at a time when you aren't planning to use your computer, such as overnight.

HouseCall is a great resource for anyone who suspects that their computer woes may be related to malicious files--or for those who just want to double-check that their installed security program is doing its job.

Review of HouseCall (32-bit version) by BrightHub

Ease of Use

To use the Trend Micro HouseCall free scan, users will need to download a small launcher program (Housecalllauncher.exe), which is available in 23-bit and 64-bit versions to support older and new operating systems such as Windows 7. Once the launcher is downloaded, the user is required to run the program, which will download all the required components and ready itself to scan the computer. The scanning options include a full, custom (including folder specific scans) as well as a quick scan.

Users have the option of allowing the program to share threat data with "a global intelligence network to quickly discover new threats" according to the Trend Micro HouseCall website. Unlike some other online scanners, HouseCall not only detects threats but it can remove them as well. In fact, the program can be set to auto clean, which is a feature that tries to remove threats automatically, or users can choose to perform the removal tasks manually if malware is detected.

One major advantage that HouseCall has over traditional virus scanning solutions is that it is always up-to-date. The service doesn't rely on periodic software definition downloads to be able to detect viruses. Users are assured that the latest virus definition files are being used for each scan because the launcher always fetches the newest definitions prior to starting a scan. In a search for the best online virus scanners, you will be hard pressed to find a better alternative to HouseCall.

The Performance

Trend Micro HouseCall and its free virus scan, like many other online scanners, is generally available to everyone who has Internet service. However, its reliance on the Internet in order to perform a scan, is its Achilles heel. There are certain malware that will impair the computer's ability to access the Internet, making it nearly impossible or at least technically challenging to remove malware using online scanners.

However, once the scanner downloads the required components, it does a good job of scanning the computer for viruses without hogging system resources. It's not surprising that the program is not a system hog, however. Bear in mind that it doesn't run all the resident shields and active protection components of a full fledge virus scanner.

Developers' Website:

Online security scanner from Trend Micro

Trend Micro's HouseCall, maybe, is not the best free online security scanner on the market. It is slower than some competitors; it may be less effective than others. However, it is the only one out of the top online scanners, offering not just detecting the virus contamination or security threat, but also cleaning or deleting of infected files from wide range of threats including viruses, worms, Trojans, and spyware. In addition, Trend Micro HouseCall seeks out firewall problems and other vulnerabilities, and makes suggestions for correcting them.

Please note that HouseCall requires a small download before it can scan your computer.

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 Getting Started with HouseCall

  1. Click Download HouseCall to begin. The file to download differs in relation to your Operating System, soc choose the option (32-bit or 64-bit), which suites you.
  2. You can choose to save a copy of the launcher (HousecallLauncher.exe) and use it to quickly starts scan. Remember to visit this page occasionally to get the latest copy of the launcher.
  3. It is recommended that first-time users select the Quick Scan option, which is available in addition to the Full Scan or Folder Scan options.
  4. Enabling the Smart Feedback setting helps increase the strength of the Smart Protection Network by sharing malware and threat data as part of our global neighborhood watch program. No personally identifiable information is gathered as part of participation.
System Reqiurements


  • At least 300MHz IntelTM PentiumTM processor or equivalent
  • At least 256MB memory
  • At least 200MB available disk space
Operating System

  • Windows™ XP (32-bit) Home or Professional with SP2 or SP3
  • Windows Vista™ (32-bit, 64-bit) Ultimate, Business, Home Premium, or Home Basic with SP1 or SP2
  • Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-bit)

  • At least high-color (16-bit) and a minimum resolution of 1024x768 pixels
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Review of HouseCall (32-bit version) by PCWorld

Trend Micro--one of the most respected companies in security software--offers HouseCall, a free Web-based utility that scans for and cleans your computer of all currently documented viruses, Trojans and other malware. In addition, HouseCall seeks out firewall problems and other vulnerabilities, and makes suggestions for correcting them. We do not recommend using HouseCall in lieu of an installed security program. But it has saved our computers numerous times, when all else failed. Its new version is not only compatible with Windows 7, but you can download either a 32-bit or 64-bit version of its launcher.

Setting up HouseCall is a breeze. You can choose to do a Quick Scan, Full Scan or Custom Scan (choosing which drives and folders-- including connected network drives--will be analyzed). If you're in a hurry, you may also want to check the option to have HouseCall fix all found problems. If you prefer to look at each problem found, and select which ones to fix, leave that option unchecked.

Then, click on Scan Now, and sit back and wait. Depending on the size and density of your drives, the type scan you choose, the speed of your computer, and the speed of your internet connection, it can take fifteen minutes (for a Quick Scan of critical system files) to several hours (for Complete or comprehensive Custom Scans). Our Custom Scan of all folders and files on two local and four network drives took five hours and four minutes.

Unlike previous versions of HouseCall, which ran completely online, this newest iteration uses a downloadable launcher. That means you no longer have to worry about browser compatibilities or having the latest Java installed. During the scan, the launcher first verifies that you have the latest version of the program, and automatically downloads any updates you might need, before actually launching. We feel that is an extra step that shouldn't be necessary, when you've just downloaded the launcher; shouldn't it be the newest version already? Once launched, HouseCall Then, it checks file patterns on your computer against Trend Micro's latest database of malicious files, via your Internet connection. A progress bar and timer tell you how much time has lapsed and the percentage of the job that is complete, so you can walk away and know approximately when to return.

When the scan is complete, HouseCall generates a report of all threats found and actions taken to fix the problems. It also provides information for any that were found but not repaired, so that you can investigate further. This time around, it found nothing on our test system--happily. Other times that we've used it, HouseCall has located and neutralized considerable threats to our systems.

Trend Micro is known for its aggressive and frequent updates of malware definitions, which means that HouseCall will catch the vast majority of active malicious files that might lurk in your system. But, because of its thoroughness, HouseCall can be time-consuming. It's best to run it at a time when you aren't planning to use your computer, such as overnight.

HouseCall is a great resource for anyone who suspects that their computer woes may be related to malicious files--or for those who just want to double-check that their installed security program is doing its job.

Review of HouseCall (32-bit version) by BrightHub

Ease of Use

To use the Trend Micro HouseCall free scan, users will need to download a small launcher program (Housecalllauncher.exe), which is available in 23-bit and 64-bit versions to support older and new operating systems such as Windows 7. Once the launcher is downloaded, the user is required to run the program, which will download all the required components and ready itself to scan the computer. The scanning options include a full, custom (including folder specific scans) as well as a quick scan.

Users have the option of allowing the program to share threat data with "a global intelligence network to quickly discover new threats" according to the Trend Micro HouseCall website. Unlike some other online scanners, HouseCall not only detects threats but it can remove them as well. In fact, the program can be set to auto clean, which is a feature that tries to remove threats automatically, or users can choose to perform the removal tasks manually if malware is detected.

One major advantage that HouseCall has over traditional virus scanning solutions is that it is always up-to-date. The service doesn't rely on periodic software definition downloads to be able to detect viruses. Users are assured that the latest virus definition files are being used for each scan because the launcher always fetches the newest definitions prior to starting a scan. In a search for the best online virus scanners, you will be hard pressed to find a better alternative to HouseCall.

The Performance

Trend Micro HouseCall and its free virus scan, like many other online scanners, is generally available to everyone who has Internet service. However, its reliance on the Internet in order to perform a scan, is its Achilles heel. There are certain malware that will impair the computer's ability to access the Internet, making it nearly impossible or at least technically challenging to remove malware using online scanners.

However, once the scanner downloads the required components, it does a good job of scanning the computer for viruses without hogging system resources. It's not surprising that the program is not a system hog, however. Bear in mind that it doesn't run all the resident shields and active protection components of a full fledge virus scanner.

Developers' Website:

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Free Online Microsoft Office Files Compressor

Microsoft office applications are widely used for commercial and personal purposes, and in many cases, you need to share the related files with your friends, coworkers, or customers. If the output file is large, its distribution might be a problem, if you plan to enclose it to the email message as attachment. You can definitely archive the file or compress it to a different format, like PDF, but it might not be a best option. Free online services from PocoDoc allow shrinking the Office files, while retaining the original file formats. In some cases, the service claims that a compression of up to 95% can be achieved.


The following formats are supported:
  • PowerPoint: PPT and PPTx
  • Word: DOC and DOCx
  • Excel: XLS and XLSx
  • PDF: Portable Document Format

How it works?

  1. Upload your file to the PocoDoc web site. Besides navigating to the file you are planning to shrink, you also need to provide your email address and point out on the level of compression you would like to achieve.  You can choose from 20 different compression levels, taking in an account that more compression means certain quality lost.
  2. Your shrunken file gets returned to you by email, so you need to ensure that the compressed file is small enough to be attached to the email and to be accepted by your email provider.

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Note that the service initially only accepted original files of 20 MB or smaller for this operation. This limitation might be already removed since the disclaimer on the maximum files size of 20 MB disappeared recently from the website.

The idea is interesting, and the offered solution might be quite useful. I am going to give it a try…

Free Online Microsoft Office Files Compressor

Microsoft office applications are widely used for commercial and personal purposes, and in many cases, you need to share the related files with your friends, coworkers, or customers. If the output file is large, its distribution might be a problem, if you plan to enclose it to the email message as attachment. You can definitely archive the file or compress it to a different format, like PDF, but it might not be a best option. Free online services from PocoDoc allow shrinking the Office files, while retaining the original file formats. In some cases, the service claims that a compression of up to 95% can be achieved.


The following formats are supported:
  • PowerPoint: PPT and PPTx
  • Word: DOC and DOCx
  • Excel: XLS and XLSx
  • PDF: Portable Document Format

How it works?

  1. Upload your file to the PocoDoc web site. Besides navigating to the file you are planning to shrink, you also need to provide your email address and point out on the level of compression you would like to achieve.  You can choose from 20 different compression levels, taking in an account that more compression means certain quality lost.
  2. Your shrunken file gets returned to you by email, so you need to ensure that the compressed file is small enough to be attached to the email and to be accepted by your email provider.

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Note that the service initially only accepted original files of 20 MB or smaller for this operation. This limitation might be already removed since the disclaimer on the maximum files size of 20 MB disappeared recently from the website.

The idea is interesting, and the offered solution might be quite useful. I am going to give it a try…

Free Online Microsoft Office Files Compressor

Microsoft office applications are widely used for commercial and personal purposes, and in many cases, you need to share the related files with your friends, coworkers, or customers. If the output file is large, its distribution might be a problem, if you plan to enclose it to the email message as attachment. You can definitely archive the file or compress it to a different format, like PDF, but it might not be a best option. Free online services from PocoDoc allow shrinking the Office files, while retaining the original file formats. In some cases, the service claims that a compression of up to 95% can be achieved.


The following formats are supported:
  • PowerPoint: PPT and PPTx
  • Word: DOC and DOCx
  • Excel: XLS and XLSx
  • PDF: Portable Document Format

How it works?

  1. Upload your file to the PocoDoc web site. Besides navigating to the file you are planning to shrink, you also need to provide your email address and point out on the level of compression you would like to achieve.  You can choose from 20 different compression levels, taking in an account that more compression means certain quality lost.
  2. Your shrunken file gets returned to you by email, so you need to ensure that the compressed file is small enough to be attached to the email and to be accepted by your email provider.

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Note that the service initially only accepted original files of 20 MB or smaller for this operation. This limitation might be already removed since the disclaimer on the maximum files size of 20 MB disappeared recently from the website.

The idea is interesting, and the offered solution might be quite useful. I am going to give it a try…

Friday, January 28, 2011

Linkwithin Related Post Widget Review

As any other blogger, I have explored several ways to install random or relevant articles widgets on this blog, trying to attract the readers not just with the information, they came for through the search engine, but also offering them a chance to stumble on some of my older posts. Until recently, I could not find one, which really made impact on my stats…

Before I installed LinkWithin widget… I tried it on one of the blogs, then on other… The results of the investigation were quite positive. From a technical standpoint, the widgets are working flawlessly on all of blogs, I have embedded them to.  And now I would definitely recommend them for anyone who has been blogging long enough to build a decent collection of articles.

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LinkWithin is blog widget that creates 3-5 links to your related older posts from your blog, looking for appropriate titles, keywords, and text, which matches more or less your recent publication. It puts a thumbnail picture under your posts or just plain text links, if the adequate posts with images could not be located on your blog. So by putting LinkWithin in your blog, you encourage your reader to see some of your blog posts, they would most likely miss without this hint. This is the known SEO (Search Engine Optimization) approach of interlinking your posts.

The main features of the LinkWithin widget:

  1. It's Free.
  2. No Sign-up required.
  3. No Advertisement Included.
  4. Fast to install (less than 5 minutes)
  5. Good SEO tactic.
  6. Simple and Elegant Design.
  7. Works fine, with no glitches.

The plugin is available for Wordpress, Typepad, and Blogger platforms. The instructions for installing the widget on Blogger were nice and clear. There are also instructions which tailor it to different types of platforms. Note that you are provided clear instructions only when you provide email address and blog web address. You have also options to mark if you have a dark text on light background, or light text on dark background, so that will help to match widget appearance to your blog theme.
Actually, you can see the possible output at the bottom of this and any other posts on this page.

Highly Recommended!

Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder

Recently, I was diagnosed with A.A.A.D.D. - Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. This is how it manifests:

I decide to water my garden. As I turn on the hose in the driveway, look over at my car and decide it needs washing. As I start toward the garage, I notice mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier.

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I decide to go through the mail before I washed the car. I lay my car keys on the table, put the junk mail in the garbage can under the table, and notice that the can is full. So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the garbage first. But then I think, since I'm going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.

I take my check book off the table, and see that there is only 1 check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke I'd been drinking. I'm going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don't accidentally knock it over. The Coke is getting warm and I decide to put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.

As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye--they need water. I put the Coke on the counter and discover my reading glasses that I've been searching for all morning. I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I'm going to water the flowers.

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I set the glasses back down on the counter, fill a container with water and suddenly spot the TV remote. Someone left it on the kitchen table. I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I'll be looking for the remote, but I won't remember that it's on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back in the den where it belongs, but first I'll water the flowers.

I pour some water in the flowers, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill. Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.

At the end of the day:
  • the car isn't washed
  • the bills aren't paid
  • there is a warm can of Coke sitting on the counter
  • the flowers don't have enough water
  • there is still only 1 check in my check book
  • I can't find the remote
  • I can't find my glasses
  • and I don't remember what I did with the car keys.
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Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today, I'm really baffled because I know I was busy all damn day, and I'm really tired.

I realize this is a serious problem, and I'll try to get some help for it, but first I'll check my e-mail. Do me a favor. Forward this message to everyone you know, because I don't remember who the hell I've sent it to.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taco Bell Beef in Court

Taco Bell Beef story is not on the top of the Google searches list, but it reached the first position in popularity at Yahoo. So, what is the story?

According to the suit filed by the Alabama law firm Beasley, Allen, Crow, Methvin, Portis & Miles, Taco Bell is using a meat mixture that contains binders and extenders, and does not meet the minimum requirements set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be labeled as "beef." Attorney Dee Miles said the meat mixture contained just 35 percent beef, with the remaining 65 percent containing water, wheat oats, soy lecithin, maltodrextrin, anti-dusting agent and modified corn starch.

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Here's the actual ingredient list on the side of the shipping containers labeled "Taco Meat Filling".
Beef, water, isolated oat product, salt, chili pepper, onion powder, tomato powder, oats (wheat), soy lecithin, sugar, spices, maltodextrin (a polysaccharide that is absorbed as glucose), soybean oil (anti-dusting agent), garlic powder, autolyzed yeast extract, citric acid, caramel color, cocoa powder, silicon dioxide (anti-caking agent), natural flavors, yeast, modified corn starch, natural smoke flavor, salt, sodium phosphate, less than 2% of beef broth, potassium phosphate, and potassium lactate.
And here is the list of Seasoned Ground Beef ingredients from Taco Bell website:
Beef, Water, Seasoning [Isolated Oat Product, Salt, Chili Pepper, Onion Powder, Tomato Powder, Oats (Wheat), Soy Lecithin, Sugar, Spices, Maltodextrin, Soybean Oil (Anti-dusting Agent), Garlic Powder, Autolyzed Yeast Extract, Citric Acid, Caramel Color, Cocoa Powder (Processed With Alkali), Silicon Dioxide, Natural Flavors, Yeast, Modified Corn Starch, Natural Smoke Flavor], Salt, Sodium Phosphates. CONTAINS SOYBEAN, WHEAT
Based on the lawsuit, in accordance with the USDA regulations, Taco Bell can't call this mixture "beef" at all. Beef is officially defined as "flesh of cattle", and ground beef is defined as:
Chopped fresh and/or frozen beef with or without seasoning and without the addition of beef fat as such, shall not contain more than 30 percent fat, and shall not contain added water, phosphates, binders, or extenders.
That is certainly nothing like the mix that Taco Bell is using in their products. Therefore, the law firm argues that the mixture labeled as "taco meat filling" in the industrial packaging should be labeled in exactly the same way in all advertising and packaging, as the USDA mandates.

Following USDA guidelines "by book", any food labeled as "meat taco filling" should at least have 40% fresh meat. As, Taco Bell stuff only has 36% meat, that makes this claim well grounded from all perspectives.

The suit was filed on behalf of Taco Bell customer and California resident Amanda Obney, who is not seeking monetary damages, but instead wants a court to order Taco Bell to be honest in its advertising. "We are asking that they stop saying that they are selling beef," Miles said.

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Irvine, Calif.-based Taco Bell spokesman Rob Poetsch said the company denies that its advertising is misleading and said the company would "vigorously defend the suit."

Sources and Additional Information:

Easy PDF to Text Converter

Easy PDF to TEXT converter is a must have freeware tool for document authors creating a lot of editable text based on existing PDF documents and citing other writings presented as PDF documents. It does not require Adobe Acrobat software, or any other PDF editor to be installed on your computer.

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Features of Easy PDF to Text Converter
  • Supports PDF to Text file conversion.
  • Convert batches of PDF files to Text files at one time.
  • Processes the conversion with very high speed.
  • Keeps original page layout when convert PDF to text.
  • Support drag and drop files.
  • Support PDF1.5 protocol (formerly only supported by Acrobat6.0).
  • Works well on Win98/ME/NT/2000/XP platforms.
  • User friendly interface and easy to use!
  • Multiple languages supported: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Czech, Russian, Slovenian, Swedish, Danish, and Greek.
Developer's website:

Direct Download:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hakomi Therapy for Depression

Body Centered Therapies

Body centered psychotherapy is psychotherapeutic work that uses the body as a resource. The body is intimately connected with the mind, spirit, and emotions of a person and it acts as a vehicle to resolve relevant issues.

Body centered psychotherapists believe that the patient is a whole person and much of what is helpful to them can be accessed in other areas beyond the conscious mind. The body holds emotional information and this information can be accessed and processed through the body.

They believe that trauma and negative events create blocks in our experience of our "full self" by binding energy in our bodies. The therapy helps us release negative emotions, which results in satisfaction, joy, and even character changes in the patient.

What is Hakomi Therapy?

Hakomi Therapy is one of the newly developed mindfulness-based, body-centered forms of psychotherapy, which became popular around the World. The Hakomi Method of Experiential Psychotherapy was first created in the late 1970's by the internationally renowned therapist and author, Ron Kurtz. In 1981, to fully develop the method and promote the teaching of Hakomi, Ron and a core group of therapists and educators founded the Hakomi Institute. Today, Hakomi Trainings and workshops are presented throughout the world, in North America, Europe, Japan, Latin America, Australia and New Zealand.   

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Integrating scientific, psychological, and spiritual sources, Hakomi has evolved into a complex and elegant form of psychotherapy that is highly effective with a wide range of populations. The method draws from general systems theory and modern body-centered therapies including Gestalt, Psychomotor, Feldenkrais, Focusing, Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neurolinguistic Programming, and the work of Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen. Core concepts of gentleness, nonviolence, compassion, and mindfulness evolved from Buddhism and Taoism.

Basic Principles

These are five basic principles Hakomi Therapy is based on:
1. Unity
- We are all interconnected within the universe.
2. Body/mind/spirit holism
- The mind, body, and spirit are interconnected and influence each other.
3. Organicity
- What contributes to our breakdowns in healing is the limiting beliefs that block us from our full authentic selves.
4. Mindfulness
- It is a state of consciousness where the patient's awareness is directed inward on their experience in the present moment. When we focus mindfully on our experience, we can deepen our understanding of our inner relationships, which gives us an alternative to acting habitually to our limiting beliefs.
5. Nonviolence
- The therapeutic process unfolds without force and with the cooperation of the unconscious.
6. Loving kindness
- This is based on studies that indicate that a therapist's attitude is more healing than the method they use.

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Hakomi therapists believe that a person's behavior, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and relationships are determined by unconscious core beliefs. These beliefs organize the person's experience of the world and are set early (usually) in life by early relationships and experiences. Hakomi therapists work with limiting, problematic beliefs. They allow the patient to release negative emotions and beliefs and reorganize into a healthier self.

Body centered psychotherapy incorporates the whole self (mental, physical, and spiritual) into a system of healing that traditional psychotherapies often overlook. They more quickly access deeper levels of unconscious material, which can facilitate more significant changes in core beliefs and attitudes.
BCPs are mainly applied to growth and human potential, not treating specific disorders. However, they can be very useful in treating common mental disorders like depression, anxiety, and ADHD. It can also help to deal with trauma.

The Method

Hakomi helps people change "core material."  Core material is composed of memories, images, beliefs, neural patterns and deeply held emotional dispositions. It shapes the styles, habits, behaviors, perceptions and attitudes that define us as individuals. Typically, it exerts its influence unconsciously, by organizing our responses to the major themes of life: safety, belonging, support, power, freedom, control, responsibility, love, appreciation, sexuality, spirituality, etc. Some of this material supports our being who we wish to be, while some of it, learned in response to acute and chronic stress, continues to limit us. Hakomi allows the client to distinguish between the two, and to willingly change material that restricts his or her wholeness.

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Hakomi is an experiential psychotherapy: Present, felt experience is used as an access route to core material; this unconscious material is elicited and surfaces experientially; and changes are integrated into the client's immediate experience. 

Hakomi is a body-centered, somatic psychotherapy: the body serves as a resource that reflects and stores formative memories and the core beliefs they have generated, and also provides significant access routes to core material.

The Hakomi Method follows a general outline: First, we establish an ever-present, attitude of gentle acceptance and care known as loving presence. This maximizes safety, respect and the cooperation of the unconscious. With a good working relationship established, we then help the client focus on and learn how core material shapes his or her experience. To permit this study, we establish and use a distinct state of consciousness called Mindfulness.  Mindfulness is characterized by relaxed volition, a gentle and sustained inward focus of attention, heightened sensitivity, and the ability to notice and name the contents of consciousness. Its roots derive from Eastern meditation practice. Hakomi has pioneered the use of active, or dynamic mindfulness in psychotherapy: instead of using mindfulness meditation as simply an adjunct to therapy, virtually the entire Hakomi process in conducted in mindfulness. This facilitates Hakomi techniques in accessing unconscious material quite rapidly, but safely.

The heart of the Method works with the client's present, felt experience, as it is presented spontaneously, or deliberately and gently evoked by having them experiment with habitual tension or movement patterns known as "indicators." These emotional/cognitive patterns automatically keep deeper experience out of present awareness. The results are processed through different state-specific methods, including:
  • We work with strong emotions and bound energy, safely releasing them, and finding nourishment in that release
  • We work with the inner child and other specific self-states, often in the context of vividly re-experienced memories, frequently providing the "missing experience" for the child.
  • We process core beliefs in mindfulness, not as intellectual problem-solving, but as direct dialogue with the unconscious.

The basic method, then, is this: 
  • To establish a relationship in which it is safe for the client to become self-aware
  • To use the Hakomi methodology to evoke experiences that lead to the discovery of organizing core material
  • To seek healing changes in the core material. 

All is in support of this primary process. Once discovered in this experiential manner, core material can be examined, processed, and transformed. Transformation begins when awareness is turned mindfully toward felt, present experience; unconscious material unfolds into consciousness; barriers are attended to; and new experiences are integrated that allow for the reorganization of core beliefs. These, in turn, allow for a greater range of mental, physical, and emotional coherence and behavior.

Finally, we help the client to integrate these new beliefs, modes and choices into everyday life.  It is here - in the ability to transform new possibilities discovered in the office into on-going actualities of daily living - that real change happens.

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Hakomi is effective and appropriate in many therapeutic situations, with individuals, couples, families, and groups. It integrates well with a variety of psychotherapeutic, counseling and healing modalities, and is successfully used by counselors, psychotherapists, social workers, pastoral counselors, expressive therapists, bodyworkers, group therapists, crisis counselors, and many other practitioners. It is effective for both brief and long-term therapy.

How it Works

In mindfulness, one can notice things that normally go unnoticed. So we can do simple collaborative experiments to find these unconscious reactions. Here is one example: Therapist might say a nourishing statement to you (one he senses you need to hear, like "You are safe.") and have you sense the changes that come over you as you hear it. You may be conditioned to disregard it, i.e.: a voice in your head says: "No, I'm not!" or you may tighten up your shoulders or stomach when you hear this statement. What good information to have! Next, we can explore what may be needed for you to drop these old adaptations that are no longer needed, and begin really taking in the good that the world has to offer you.

Sources and Additional Information: